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Everything posted by BananaHammock

  1. May I suggest you turn your "Effects" volume down and increase "VON" (In game voice). That way you'll be able to hear other far better! For my personal settings, I have "Effects" down to about 10-20%.
  2. I actually almost vomited when I saw it...
  3. A public forum post is not how to get unbanned/unblacklisted, frankly it's the way to get moderated on the forums. I suggest you place a Ban Appeal @ https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ and you can argue your case there.
  4. The two episodes of The Grand Tour this week were very good!

    10/10, would recommend.

  5. YIKES!


    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      -TI- Skrood set off their suicide vest

    2. BananaHammock


      6 minutes ago, communistjosh said:

      -TI- Skrood set off their suicide vest

      LOL I got sooo much money for that!

  6. @Fusah @Ignis @ikiled

    Help pls... Underglow no work...


    1. Pledge


      In this lesson: How not to make a bug report

    2. Fusah


      Hi! Am aware of this issue, it affects hunters too. Should be hotfixed soon!

    3. BananaHammock


      @Fusah Thanks!

      @Pledge iN tHiS lEsSoNl; hOw NoT tO mAkE a BuG rPoRt..    (jk, luv you)

  7. When the APD tires to orchestrate anything...


  8. Are you aware people who think they are a different gender, would join the military, use government funded (aka, tax payer dollars) health benefits to get operations to change their bodies physically to match their mental image of themselves?
  9. @Bubbaloo Burrito Couple suggestions; If you have spare hardware (that is compatible) it wouldn't be a bad idea to do some part swaps, to narrow down the issue. I've located your motherboard's manual, in the video, the MB produced 3 codes; "00", "9A", and "95" According to the manual (found here), the "00" is "Not Used"(so a placeholder), "9A" is "USB initialization is started" , and "95" is "PCI Bus Request Resources". Based on the info above, I would try disconnecting all of your USB devices, and try to power on. If still no luck, I would try only one GPU at a time, then try the other.(i.e. not simultaneously (SLI)) Also, based on past experiences, with my i7-4700K, one of the cores died, I was able to boot into my BIOS and run off of 3 cores rather than all 4. (But you can't even get into your BIOS) Hope this helps, and let me know if it did or didn't!
  10. .@Genghis Khan Will shave his head on stream for $100!!!



  11. Been a proud member of the R&R since May 2016 (occasional breaks here and there), I only have 383 Hours on Medic. Also I low-balled that figure, I have 4636 revives(as of now), a medic gets $17,500 per revive, thus; 4636 x $17,500 = $81,130,000
  12. I've made over 80 mil from medic and 20 mil from cop, do I still have that money, no... i spended it all
  13. 2002 Lincoln Continental Collectors Edition
  14. Got my Jeep back after it was in the shop for 18 days...

    1. indian


      what kind of jeep is it? 

    2. BananaHammock


      2019 Cherokee Trailhawk...
      its a lemon :(

    3. indian


      That sucks. My dad used to have some nice BMW and he spent hundreds of dollars every other week on transmission issues. I hope I never have to go through any of that shit.

  15. The amounts for EMS market is inaccurate.
  16. Titles are as follows: Deputy (Title you get when accepted, 1680 Civ Minutes required.) Patrol Officer (1800 Cop Minutes.) Corporal (10000 Cop Minutes.) Sergeant (25000 Cop Minutes, must be corrupt.) Lieutenant (No actual time requirement, only need to be corrupt.) Dep. Chief of Police (must be good at sucking dick, also must be corrupt.) Chief of Police (must be good at sucking dick (prior to getting Chief), must be good at allowing others to suck your dick, must also be corrupt.) You're Welcome!!! ^_^
  17. I'm kinda curious to how much money was cumulatively generated by the Medics during the purge event...

  18. Lets be real here... I have a i7-8700K (Hexacore), GTX 1080, 16GB of DDR4 RAM and Arma is installed on my SSD... I still get about 30ish frames in Kav and 60ish outside, I am running with higher settings than most others do. I'm confident to say, most of our PCs will run Arma just fine, it's when there 110 people on a single server, that is creating the issues, along with custom prop placement. (Anyone remember @Muthinator Hospitals? I would have 120fps(really low settings, prior to my PC upgrade) away from the Hospitals, when I got near them I would drop to 40... Also, AMD is shit, get an Nvidia.
  19. May your frames be high And your pings low Your blood bags abundant And a KD ratio be worthy of show Did I win???
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