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Everything posted by BananaHammock

  1. Sorry for your loss Gidgi-poo, hope you get well soon and God Bless you and your partner! I think I speak for everyone here... we all love you!
  2. Yes and no, depending on which server you're on and what gangs are currently on.
  3. If you don't know what a BananaHammock is click the spoiler...
  4. I'm happy for this change because I always felt silly asking "May I administer first-aid?" to a player limping towards me screaming "MEDIC!!"
  5. Don't forget the Steam Summer Sale and the occasional "Arma 3 Free Weekend"
  6. I just finished my last day of high school and I'm sitting here like, now what...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Augustus


      you have any idea what you're going to college for yet?

    3. BananaHammock


      2 hours ago, Augustus said:

      you have any idea what you're going to college for yet?

      Yea, I'm going for Computer Information Technology.

    4. iPopsicle


      Nice! I am doing computer science

  7. Whoever re-did the medic TS icons, they bee lookin' lit af!

  8. Was just looking at some old threads...0882008ec3cded4d9a180fcd0594e390.png


    1. Fuzy


      Pitty promo. :Kappa:

    2. DeadPool


      was told the same thing about corporal 10 months ago by the same person :bigcheefface:

  9. Thank you for your amazing service and dedication to the APD. o7
  10. Thanks @TheCmdrRex and Happy Birthday to @Stelar and @StrikkeMor

    1. Stelar
    2. Strikke


      omg... why does it have to be on the same day as yours :(


    3. BananaHammock
  11. Anyone else just go to @Poseidon profile just to listen to Ocean Man?

  12. If you are in the Reserves are you still able to rank up normally?
  13. I really like this idea, and maybe even where you can select to re spawn is random every time(so you can't spawn in the same spot more than once)
  14. This is adding something! This is adding FREEDOM from the god awful Vigis! FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST!
  15. Usually when someone says something like this, I would say: "A single tear rolls down my cheek." However, this time I will say: "150,000 U.S. Gallons of tears per second (same as Niagara Falls) will be violently crushing my facial structure, same as my hopes & dreams when @Bubbaloo Burrito said vigi will not be removed."
  16. I was just thinking (not something I do a lot) and what if the next Donation Goal is to remove Vigi all together? I wanna hear what everyone else thinks of this!
  17. What does this mean??? @Poseidon


    1. TheSkyStarKnight


      Secrets awaiting their grand uncovering.

    2. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Why are you flying out there on medic?

    3. BananaHammock


      No calls, much bored, very curious.

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