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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. Why was this brought up by the civ rep lol
  2. Just spawn in the gear
  3. So basically we can only have them for transportation? Maybe it wouldn’t be bad if it was something like, first wave has to be on ground, then following waves can come in on air units. Or maybe limit that rule only to orca cause frankly, the hummingbird is paper and easy to shoot down. I don’t think it’s a big problem, but if it truly is, then do not completely take away corpabilities to use a helicopter.
  4. Like you have room to speak. -637 rep, tag named shitter, and oh look, even your description sums it up "toxic squeaker"
  5. And trying to see the most hated staff member is the way to laugh. God you two are cancer
  6. Can they be permed from the forums again?
  7. The problem is for newer players, it could be very misleading if Deadpool posts something as they could easily take it as fact of the server. Like if for some odd reason Deadpool is memeing around and says RDM is okay to do, and then some of the group members might think it’s true and might rdm then. Not saying it’s likely, but it’s possible and that poses a risk for the community as a whole. And gtfo with your legal bullshit.
  8. Deadpool didn’t. Literally googles first post I’m this thread says that he told Mcdili.
  9. It’s because he should not be in charge of a large group of Olympus players with the ability to do what he wants with it. I don’t think he would, but he has a lot more potential to if he owns the steam group. It should be a senior Admin or Admin at least. Also, stop suckin his dick please.
  10. You again? Here we go again. You have what, 260 hours on the server? Impressive really, that you think you know how this server is supposed to work, and also that you think you’re relevant. If you can’t complete a Fed without a blackfish then that shows you aren’t that good. All you do is have numbers. The gang I did the majority of feds and BW's with was Tree. I can’t tell you one time where we used a blackfish to win and get away from one of the events. Also, when nearly every cop has worse gear than you, it’s kind of expected that you kill them and win the fight. I also don’t understand how we can “clutch when were transporting in a blackfish” when most cops have at best a 6.5. In case you were wondering, 6.5 is basically a pea shooter against the blackfish. So don’t tell me that we need to be better when the only reason you win is because you have a flying fortress of a vehicle. Also don’t complain about, “well use a ghosthawk then” because Sr's aren’t gonna pull a g-hawk when you have 2-3 titans and there is pretty much 0% chance the ghosthawk survives. You are special aren’t you
  11. Frankly, I don’t think this is the greatest solution to the problem. In my opinion it seems like a slight knee jerk reaction. I think increasing the price would fix the problem. I know that that isn’t something sAPD can control, but I think it should be considered over this. Like I did sometimes legit see people using them for legal runs and whatnot. Now, I do know that something needs to be done because it is super fucking dumb that civs can finish a Fed and get away scott free in their blackfish. Like, yeah it can’t actually transport that much gold, but it also can’t be shot down by any cop other than sAPD members if they want to pull a hawk. Even then, unless they’re landed, there isn’t even enough time to do enough damage in the hawk, cause they’ll just fly away.
  12. Anyone play heroes and generals?

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  13. Happy fucking birthday @TheCmdrRex!! Didn’t realize your birthday was the day after mine.

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  14. I don't play anymore, but when I see kids as retarded as you, it hurts me not to say something. I also don't need money whatsoever, as I still have nearly 12 mil. And if you think I suck dick, you're dead wrong, cause if I sucked Olympus dick, I would have gotten a lot farther in this community than I did, but I have more integrity than to do that. You seriously are autistic though, and my brain cells are literally dying with every word you say.
  15. For starters, you're autistic. To my actual talking points. I played cop for nearly two years, and was corporal for almost an entire year. So don’t act like, "oh I’ve played for 2 months, I know everything". Ground vehicles have to be upgraded or you won’t catch suspects, simple as that. And for corporals and up, helis can cost a lot for a couple reasons. 1. We can’t just be careful with our heli and if we’re about to get shot, just fly away. Our job is to stop the people who shoot at us and do illegal things, which means we can’t fuckin auto hover land just to be safe. This means we put our helicopters right in the line of fire each time we chase someone. When you only play cop as a corporal, which I have done, you fly a lot of helis and in turn, lose a lot of helis. So, don’t tell me it doesn’t cost that much for vehicles. I played for 3-4 months straight only as cop while I was a corporal, and I had several stretches where all I did was lose money. In that stretch of time, I had a net profit of 1-2 million. If I spent that much time making money on civ, I could’ve made more than 50 mil. Even after the increase to 600k, I still struggled to make a profit while on cop. Also, most corporals have enough brain cells to lethal when it may even be slightly necessary. I rarely lethaled fresh spawns with pdubs even if I could. Also, part of the reason we would decide to lethal is because of how autistic and annoying the kids we were fighting were. Don’t tell me "it’s what you signed up for", cause it isn’t. I signed up to roleplay with people when I arrest them, not scream their head off. This is a roleplay server, not a bitchfest server, although that’s what it feels like when I see people like you are on the server. Come in here again thinking you’re the shit and you know everything, and I’ll fuck your shit up.
  16. As a former corporal and FTO, I can state that FTO had no game benefits to them. We didn’t have any different gear then any other corporal, and so what you’re asking for is another rank between PO and corporal, and that’s really isn’t needed. Like Rex said, he's using the corporals to test the waters and make sure it works as intended. From what it sounds like, it will probably be given to PO's in the near future. Just be patient, and if you really want it, well, that’s just more incentive to grind for corporal. No need to add some sort of rank in my opinion. Also, @Pledge I'm happy that we got that medic to place down the cones for that checkpoint.
  17. Dangus

    My time

    Regal we had a hell of a good time as cops and in Tree. I will miss playing with you a lot.
  18. Dangus

    My time

    Thank you Pledge, it means a lot and I appreciate all you did for me.
  19. Dangus

    My time

    Like I said, too many people who I’ve befriended over the past couple years. But I am glad you brought me into Tree because I made some good ass memories in that gang.
  20. So for a long time now I’ve been deciding what I was going to do with my life and where I wanted it to go. I realized where I wanted to be in life didn’t have room for Arma 3. With all the school I’ve got going on lack of a big social life was hard to put behind Arma 3. I love this community and have been here for over two years now and I’ve enjoyed every minute. One big part of Olympus has been my involvement in the APD. Been an officer for over a year and nine months, which is kind of insane. I realized I stopped playing for the fun of playing this game and started playing solely to get promoted, and I never got it. It’s hard to quit when I’ve been getting so close to it. Needless to say, but I love the entirety of the APD and am proud to have served under several Lt's, Deputy Chiefs, and four great Chiefs. Now as cheesy as it is, I have to shout out a few people @Pledge you’ve been so helpful and motivating in trying to get me to go farther and you are always fun to play with. @CverGhost You were one of my first friends on Olympus and we joined the APD together and we had the best time ever playing together and I’m gonna miss the good old days. @TheCmdrRex you have done an amazing job as chief of police and I want to thank you for all the times we played together and all of the advice you’ve given to me. Yet you are a rat. Go back to Sofia. I’ve played with so many of you over the years so it is kind of hard to try and remember who I’ve played with and I’m sorry. I wish I could list off more but these are the people I remember the most. I would like to shout out the development team for making this server the best server out there, you guys have done an amazing job. Thanks to the staff for all they did for the community as none of us would be here South our you guys either. Again, I’m sorry if I missed you, just know that I love all of you and love this community. You might see me back in the summer but you might not as well. I don’t want to say it, but goodbye Olympus, it’s been a pleasure playing here.
  21. It sounds the same as the letter to me. Also, you should just delete proud forum account or some shit. Then you’ll never worry about him again.
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