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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. If they see that their constituents have overwhelming support for net neutrality, they will vote in that way. If it's about even in terms of constituents for and against, they'll vote towards their opinion. Contacting your congressman is the best thing you can do at this point.
  2. Isn't that also accounting for more than 15 cops online too? If not, that's a hella fucking high number. If so, that's still hella high.
  3. I have read it, and hated it.
  4. How much does that setup cost then?
  5. Fuck off, you have money.
  6. Oh and the part where he was looking through the wall, don't forget that. You're dumb. Pyrgos is the capital. Know your facts.
  7. Actually that's quite a false statement. We continued fighting but since all of you got lethsled before restart, we had no one to fight. Couldn't give less of a shit. It's a gun, not that fuckin special.
  8. Don't forget the part where we raided a house and killed 3-4 DB and restrained multiple more. I made more money than I lost overall.
  9. Lol
  10. You even know what fireball is?
  11. @Bow Any chance you can add some sort of thing to the stats page/ website as a whole where we can click on someone's forum profile and on their profile there's a way to see their stats. Like a button that links you to their stats page. Would be a cool feature.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sin


      Couldn’t they do that by simply linking forum accounts with steam accounts and just adding a button to make it simple?

    3. Bow


      Kinda not kinda, I'll look into it. 12 units.

    4. Dangus


      Make it 10 units and I'd be happier.

  12. @Bow any chance you can update the stats page so we can see the total time we have on civ/cop/medic? That was always a really nice feature that would be nice if it could get carried over.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savage


      No bow is to lazy to do anything cause he's an admin :Kappa:

    3. kev


      and most wanted pls @Bow

    4. JAMIE
  13. Started with quad bike runs of heroin. FYI, even in a quad bike with no gun, people still rob you.
  14. @Last I remember when I told you that you'd probably have to wait 2-3 weeks playing the same number of hours as you've put in the past few weeks. That was 4 days ago. Way to grind the shit out of cop. You definitely deserved corporal.

  15. Congratz @Fushigi! Well deserved as you were a good and very active Sgt. Congratz to @HyperGoat, well deserved as you were va good corporal. 

  16. Gibbs you definitely a person I looked up to in the APD and I don't think I'd be here if it weren't for you. o7 and have fun kickin it with the other retired seniors.
  17. Not fair...
  18. Now I'm confused. Why is grandma able to post in here?
  19. 59
  20. Lol I can relate to all of these things except I'm not in my 20's. Roblox is and has always been the shit. I joined an "RP" server there. And like Olympus, it really just revolved around the gang an de cops repeatedly killing each other over and over and camping the other sides spawn points.
  21. @eggmasta congratz on corp! You deserved it and definitely earned it. Don't worry though, only took me 80 more hours on cop :P. Have fun losing money from helis.

    1. eggmasta


      Thanks, already down 2 mil from gear and helis

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