For starters, you're autistic.
To my actual talking points. I played cop for nearly two years, and was corporal for almost an entire year. So don’t act like, "oh I’ve played for 2 months, I know everything". Ground vehicles have to be upgraded or you won’t catch suspects, simple as that. And for corporals and up, helis can cost a lot for a couple reasons. 1. We can’t just be careful with our heli and if we’re about to get shot, just fly away. Our job is to stop the people who shoot at us and do illegal things, which means we can’t fuckin auto hover land just to be safe. This means we put our helicopters right in the line of fire each time we chase someone. When you only play cop as a corporal, which I have done, you fly a lot of helis and in turn, lose a lot of helis. So, don’t tell me it doesn’t cost that much for vehicles. I played for 3-4 months straight only as cop while I was a corporal, and I had several stretches where all I did was lose money. In that stretch of time, I had a net profit of 1-2 million. If I spent that much time making money on civ, I could’ve made more than 50 mil. Even after the increase to 600k, I still struggled to make a profit while on cop. Also, most corporals have enough brain cells to lethal when it may even be slightly necessary. I rarely lethaled fresh spawns with pdubs even if I could. Also, part of the reason we would decide to lethal is because of how autistic and annoying the kids we were fighting were. Don’t tell me "it’s what you signed up for", cause it isn’t. I signed up to roleplay with people when I arrest them, not scream their head off. This is a roleplay server, not a bitchfest server, although that’s what it feels like when I see people like you are on the server.
Come in here again thinking you’re the shit and you know everything, and I’ll fuck your shit up.