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'Best Of Players' of 2k16 edition

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Hey guys this is a copy of the original Best of players 2014 by snake

It was very popular and fun to get everyones opinion then and lets see how much it has changed!


Lets all list our "Best Of" players in the respective categories. (Feel free to list up to 3)


Best Shot:

Best Driver:

Best Heli Pilot:

Best Officer:

Best R&R:

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):

Best RP'r: 

Most Tactical:

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:

Most Reliable:

Most Dedicated Player:


And finally...


Most Valuable Player: Reserved for the player you believe to be "The Total Package", or the "best on the server" - Don't vote for yourself!





Honest replies Only!


Happy Voting!


Also: Please don't be offended if your name doesn't come up, or feel favoritism is being played, just trying to get other players to encourage one another with some silly shout outs :)


Best Shot ~ Cheese/fidel Castro

Most reliable Craze he has hella cash 


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6 minutes ago, ToxicTanner said:

Best Shot ~ Cheese/fidel Castro

Most reliable Craze he has hella cash 



Best Shot: Badaim

Best Driver: Inky

Best Heli Pilot: no idea everyone that fucking flys on this server is shit. so half decent pilot G.O.A.T

Best Officer: Bubbaloo

Best R&R: epi pens

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Fedot

Best RP'r: Ham

Most Tactical: BFO (have you seen their handbook?)

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Chaos/ Badaim

Most Reliable: no one they all say i got you then i die

Most Dedicated Player: Old 3 Rip played more then anyone.

  • Like 6

Best Shot: Me

Best Driver: Me

Best Heli Pilot: Me

Best Officer: Me

Best R&R: Could be me

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Could be me

Best RP'r: Swervy

Most Tactical: Me

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Me

Most Reliable: Me

Most Dedicated Player: Me

  • Like 4

Best Shot: Jimbo

Best Driver: Jimbo (Hands down best ifrit driver I've ever seen)

Best Heli Pilot: Jimbo (made some great vids of him hotdropping back in the day)

Best Officer: Chief of Police - Corporal Wheelchair

Best R&R: Any MC medic. Only revive their own gang so +1 to them

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Yung GarethBatty back in the day


Best RP'r:  GarethBatty back in the Good Ol' GTA days


Most Tactical: Alpha Male Jimbo

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Everyone I talk to cuz I don't associate with no gaylords

Most Reliable: Jimbo

Most Dedicated Player: Tiger, plays 20 hours a day everyday. He even takes his pc to school and bezzes out a couple meth runs in class xd

  • Like 6

Best Shot: Not sure

Best Driver: Not sure

Best Heli Pilot: G.O.A.T, Fuzy

Best Officer: Dustin, Maddog, 

Best R&R: DaneG, Dante Fleury

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Bow 

Best RP'r: Not sure

Most Tactical: Corporal_Moob

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: SwiggitySwooty 

Most Reliable: DaneG, Dante Fleury

Most Dedicated Player: DaneG, Dante Fleury, Daskopflos

8 hours ago, ToxicTanner said:

Best Shot ~ Cheese/fidel Castro

Most reliable Craze he has hella cash             

Who are these people?


3 minutes ago, Moose said:

Moob is good but he isn't tactical, he wishes he had operator status

I've heard a rumor that he is trying to marry his way into the U.S. for a more competitive ping.


Basically every one is bad.

6 hours ago, Grenade65 said:

Best Shot: Me

Best Driver: Me

Best Heli Pilot: Me

Best Officer: Me

Best R&R: Could be me

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Could be me

Best RP'r: Swervy

Most Tactical: Me

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Me

Most Reliable: Me

Most Dedicated Player: Me


Best Shot: a lot of good shots

Best Driver: idk

Best Heli Pilot: @AndrewFam

Best Officer: @CverGhost 

Best R&R: Defibs on asylum

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): I don't go to kavala

Best RP'r: @LmFaOExde3 only RPs 

Most Tactical: Weed processor callouts

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: my friends

Most Reliable: not @TheCmdrRex cuz he still hasn't played R6 siege with me

Most Dedicated Player: Anybody that can withstand playing for more than 2 hours at a time

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Best Shot: depends on the day

Best Driver: since I got no ideas maddog

Best Heli Pilot: dangusdean.... (Jk goat)

Best Officer: gibbs

Best R&R: mercury/ dante

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): taxi marty

Best RP'r: ham

Most Tactical: moob

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: grandma gary/ mercury

Most Reliable: lucki

Most Dedicated Player: clemenza


edit best all around player - talindor

Edited by Maddog
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