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Locked RP more for cops

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29 minutes ago, DANGUSDEAN said:


Your story sounds very exaggerated. I have a hard time believing that a corporal told you that after you tried to let him know about the cadet.


I would seize your gun too if you admitted to 2 murders. I might reduce your charge slightly for the one manslaughter in self defense IF I witnessed it go down.


For the others I'd ask you why you didn't report to the police about them, especially considering you were just there with us at the hospital. In many cases people might be able to RP an excuse as to why they haven't contacted police yet but in this case you were just at the hospital with the cops minding your own business and have no excuse. 


Usually when people surrender to me the benefit that I personally give them is that I won't throw any additional charges onto them that they don't already have (In your case, pos. of illegal weapon for instance).


The RP you gave in that situation is not even close to good enough to get the APD to let you keep your weapon. Your biggest mistake would have been killing 3 people prior to that situation and not reporting it to the police and seeking them out to talk about it.



The conduct that you're referring too from the corporal and other cops is unacceptable standards for the APD but then again, that requires a record and report on your end to solve. If you didn't do that, then it's your fault they are still cops.

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Part of the issue with the lower ranks is that they have no wiggle room for issuing tickets. For instance, let's says you have multiple different charges on you, as a constable, if you have some good RP I'd like to give you a discount but I can't. If there's no corporal available then I can either give you a full ticket or a $500 pardon ticket.

I know a lot of cops won't let you wiggle out of high bounties, but if we both have fun RPing then I don't really care how big it is, I'd give you the pardon ticket if I can. We're just unfortunately limited in what we can do.


On the flip side to that, if you call me a "toe tapping faggot" and yell at me for using cover, then 30 seconds later you try and explain your charges to me, you're getting everything from discharge within a city to verbal insults and anything else you might have done.

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5 hours ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

I like it. Cadets a lot of times are newer to the server and don't know much rp or even how to. I think a once a week on the weekend rp training should be a must. They need to learn the basics of rp, and some small tips to handle people who give the shitty rp or who just scream they're gonna report you.

actually im not new to the server and im going on day 63 of cadet

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I dont think training would accomplish anything whatsoever. Like most have said, you get better with experience. Maybe seeing the expectations raised would be something, but in the end reporting is the only way to know cops are neglecting part of the job. 

The "I don't believe you" excuse just seems like they want to finish processing quicker, but some stories simply deserve it. Although I usually explain why it's not believable. For instance, I'm processing Bob and Bob says "I had a protector while I was picking mushrooms for my house and 9 MC tried to rob me so I had to kill them all". Riggghhhhtttttttt. So I'll explain how I don't see how any person is going to 1v9 likely fully equipped gang members in an open field like mushroom etc etc. 

Also try to remember a long story isn't always a good story. Especially if you have shot at the cops in any way shape or form. Any one who has been processed by me knows I always listen and try to work with you if you turned yourself in. Unless you're in my custody and start threatening to break rules then I have to get you in jail in record time ;)


All in all, if you're a cop yourself, do your part and help the other officers who lack in the RP department. Tell them what they need to work on and how to work on it. Badgering them as a civ will just come across as you seeming salty. If you're on duty with them and notice this same lack of rp, don't ignore it because you're not being affected by it. Eventually you will be, so help out. If you don't try to help the cadets get better, you're part of the blame. 

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To add to what @DanteFleury said, RP goes both ways and if you are a cop yourself, then help other cadets and constables learn better RP. Also accept RP yourself. If someone is giving you tips on how to better yourself as a cop, don't be a narcissistic fuck and ignore it - use that info to make yourself the best cop possible. Also know that it is not about the money. Especially now with the bounty splits (which I had some doubt about them at first, but know I think they are just about the greatest thing to happen in a while), leave the money making to when you do runs on civ or if you play medic. The reason I had signed up for cop originally was to roleplay. I had R&R for money, APD for RP, and Civilian for fighting. 

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14 minutes ago, McDili said:

Your story sounds very exaggerated. I have a hard time believing that a corporal told you that after you tried to let him know about the cadet.


I would seize your gun too if you admitted to 2 murders. I might reduce your charge slightly for the one manslaughter in self defense IF I witnessed it go down.


For the others I'd ask you why you didn't report to the police about them, especially considering you were just there with us at the hospital. In many cases people might be able to RP an excuse as to why they haven't contacted police yet but in this case you were just at the hospital with the cops minding your own business and have no excuse. 


Usually when people surrender to me the benefit that I personally give them is that I won't throw any additional charges onto them that they don't already have (In your case, pos. of illegal weapon for instance).


The RP you gave in that situation is not even close to good enough to get the APD to let you keep your weapon. Your biggest mistake would have been killing 3 people prior to that situation and not reporting it to the police and seeking them out to talk about it.



The conduct that you're referring too from the corporal and other cops is unacceptable standards for the APD but then again, that requires a record and report on your end to solve. If you didn't do that, then it's your fault they are still cops.

1. Sounds exaggerated cause I suck at storytelling. But that is about 100% accurate as to what happened.

2. Ididnt report the other manslaughter cause technically it wasn't self defense, it was crossfire and didn't mean to kill him, he just ran in front of me.

3. They heard someone shout hands up or die, then I killed the person. They witnessed me shooting, but they said that they couldn't prove that who I killed initiated on me. Like, who else was around, no one.

4. Not saying I want them removed, besides, give people the benefit of the doubt. They may not have been having a good day. I also haven't had many repeat 'offenders'. But multiple cops have had this attitude of "I don't give a shit what you say" and it's partly their personality, and maybe that they simply don't know how to rp, or do it well.


I think a rp training for newer players, or anyone that wants to do it, should be held every weekend for an hour or half an hour. You could even put incentive to go. You go twice and you get a good note saying you're trying to improve. I don't really know, but I do think there should be some guidance. Most cops are thrown right in the middle of the jungle with no past experience, and I think they should get a small amount of help.

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1 minute ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

1. Sounds exaggerated cause I suck at storytelling. But that is about 100% accurate as to what happened.

2. Ididnt report the other manslaughter cause technically it wasn't self defense, it was crossfire and didn't mean to kill him, he just ran in front of me.

3. They heard someone shout hands up or die, then I killed the person. They witnessed me shooting, but they said that they couldn't prove that who I killed initiated on me. Like, who else was around, no one.

4. Not saying I want them removed, besides, give people the benefit of the doubt. They may not have been having a good day. I also haven't had many repeat 'offenders'. But multiple cops have had this attitude of "I don't give a shit what you say" and it's partly their personality, and maybe that they simply don't know how to rp, or do it well.


I think a rp training for newer players, or anyone that wants to do it, should be held every weekend for an hour or half an hour. You could even put incentive to go. You go twice and you get a good note saying you're trying to improve. I don't really know, but I do think there should be some guidance. Most cops are thrown right in the middle of the jungle with no past experience, and I think they should get a small amount of help.

The problem with that is that it doesn't solve anything.


People who have the attitude you are referring to aren't going to show up to training. And if all you have to do is show up twice to get a "Good note" towards the next promotion or whatever, then they will show up and give the least amount of effort possible.


We've done RP training in the past, it really wasn't that productive. People showed up for the marks and it went in one ear and out the other.


But don't let me piss in your cheerios. If you think RP training will help, then by all means host them yourself if it's that important to you.

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whenever I'm on cop, I like to sit in and listen throughout the processing. Then cadets force themselves to do and practice processing and rping, knowing that if I think they are about to fuck up, I can intervene. I see a lot of corps+ sit outside and listen, but then if something goes wrong, the cadet or whoever gets punished. Obviously if they're being looked at for promo then you should be sneaky. But new cadets need a lot of guidance. Ex. Early early Sunday morning, a new cadet, or so he claims, completely forgot to seize the guts weapon, and forgot to read charges, i wasn't with him cause I was processing another person, and there was one more after that, but I get called in by the cadet, was told that he didn't do a lot of stuff. I could clearly see that he still had his gun but had received a ticket. I asked the cadet before I did anything. He said he messed up, and he knew it, which is good I guess, so I asked the guy if he wanted comp and a pardon, he was only wanted for 50 something thousand, and he said he just wants to see that the cadet knew what he did. Luckily, it was resolved well and the guy was a good sport about it. Just shows you how cadets need guiding and to be taught the basics of rping while processing and not processing.


I've had and seen a couple experiences like this, and it happens far too often when there isn't a corporal+ on. Nearly all the corps and up handle the situations well and resolve them... but just cause it's resolved doesn't mean someone didn't fuck up. I just want to see some sort of better guidance. 



I also will not name names, cause that's how rumors start, and fuck rumors. I hear em' far too often on cop.

15 minutes ago, McDili said:

The problem with that is that it doesn't solve anything.


People who have the attitude you are referring to aren't going to show up to training. And if all you have to do is show up twice to get a "Good note" towards the next promotion or whatever, then they will show up and give the least amount of effort possible.


We've done RP training in the past, it really wasn't that productive. People showed up for the marks and it went in one ear and out the other.


But don't let me piss in your cheerios. If you think RP training will help, then by all means host them yourself if it's that important to you.

Yeah, I can try to. Kind of hard to, condideering I'm a constable, and I don't have nearly as much experience as corps and seniors. Now, I'd love to help guide them if their was a training. A senior or two, myself, maybe a corp or two, that would be a good training, assuming people attended. I can try, might message you mcdili just to get info on what you guys like to see, what you don't like, etc. if any senior wants to do a training, I'd love to help out.

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@Sociopathic I totally agree, I remember the good old days when most cops had some RP in them, for example when cops would let you keep your weapon if you had a nice long RP session and then payed the ticket, then they would say:" Im taking your firing pin" and you would be on your way. Also kind of find it annoying these days how when you have a decent bounty, maybe 1 or 2 mil, every cop comes to the room just to stare at you and get some money in ther pocket. At least try to RP if your going to sit ther and get a portion of my bounty. Some people are pretty decent about RPing in the APD, but most aren't and its sad how times have changed it. Cops used to hear you out and try to communicate and RP a lot in the good old days but now I see most cops trying to get money in ther pocket as fast and as easily as they can.

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1 hour ago, Lucas K said:

Also kind of find it annoying these days how when you have a decent bounty, maybe 1 or 2 mil, every cop comes to the room just to stare at you and get some money in ther pocket. At least try to RP if your going to sit ther and get a portion of my bounty.

Lol. Im done

Kills ~50 people, lucky i dont hanibal lecter tie your ass up and drag you to jail immediately. get what you give, simple as that. 

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In the past RP sessions would result in literally every PO/Constable and Deputy/Cadet using the exact same phrases. When Tilde Guideline was in effect, someone came up with using rangefinders as facial recognition, and then everyone did it. That ended up being banned. Then the idea of  "Just DNA test them", came up, which all the senior APD initially loved. Until It literally happened everytime. Then we banned it. All RP trainings do is create a bunch of fucking APD clones. If we had them on a weekly basis, every week you'd hear the "RP of the week", until the next training. 

Fact of the matter is, you can't "Teach" someone to RP. Its something you pick up over time, literally months. I absolutely SUCKED at RP my first 4-5 months, until I realized I can think outside the box. Once I played with higher ups and people like McDili, I started understanding what actual RP meant. All trainings will do is create "within the box" thinking. We wouldn't be teaching you how to RP, we'd be teaching you a script. 

The problem is people are afraid of taking risks. If you don't take risks, you don't find what works and what doesn't work. Yeah, you'll fail hard sometimes. Yeah, you might have to let someone go because you fucked up. But we will not demote you if you tried something that didn't work out as planned. We might ask you about it, and see why you did something, but just use common sense. 


You won't learn to fly a helicopter well without crashing, and you won't learn to RP without sounding like an idiot.

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7 minutes ago, Lucki said:

In the past RP sessions would result in literally every PO/Constable and Deputy/Cadet using the exact same phrases. When Tilde Guideline was in effect, someone came up with using rangefinders as facial recognition, and then everyone did it. That ended up being banned. Then the idea of  "Just DNA test them", came up, which all the senior APD initially loved. Until It literally happened everytime. Then we banned it. All RP trainings do is create a bunch of fucking APD clones. If we had them on a weekly basis, every week you'd hear the "RP of the week", until the next training. 

Fact of the matter is, you can't "Teach" someone to RP. Its something you pick up over time, literally months. I absolutely SUCKED at RP my first 4-5 months, until I realized I can think outside the box. Once I played with higher ups and people like McDili, I started understanding what actual RP meant. All trainings will do is create "within the box" thinking. We wouldn't be teaching you how to RP, we'd be teaching you a script. 

The problem is people are afraid of taking risks. If you don't take risks, you don't find what works and what doesn't work. Yeah, you'll fail hard sometimes. Yeah, you might have to let someone go because you fucked up. But we will not demote you if you tried something that didn't work out as planned. We might ask you about it, and see why you did something, but just use common sense. 


You won't learn to fly a helicopter well without crashing, and you won't learn to RP without sounding like an idiot.

See, I don't want to teach RP 'excuses'. That's why those training's didn't work. I want to teach how to RP. I want to teach people how to come up with new ideas from things they see around the map. And things That might happen IRL. If someone says they have a hostage, for example, I'm going to attempt to negotiate with them, wait till they're ready and comfortable. If they're in a situation they're not going to be comfortable in, they're going to be antsy and more likely to want to kill the hostage.. If the hostage taker feels in control, he's gonna be more relaxed. 


I see cadets who just run up, engage, start shooting, and get the hostage killed. When i ask why they did that, he said he didn't send an apd message. Like, that's dumb. don't be a walking handbook, who only does things if it's in the handbook. I forget where I heard it, but this is a great quote "Good RP can bend all rules in handbook". 

Basically, dont give excuses for people to use, come up with your own. create something unique. that no one else does.

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10 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

The reason I had signed up for cop originally was to roleplay. I had R&R for money, APD for RP, and Civilian for fighting. 

The reason I chose to sign up for the APD is because I like tossing cry babies in jail that can't afford to pay their bail (Ha, that kinda rimes). If you can't do the time, don't do the crime (Ha, I did it again ^___^). That said, if someone chooses to cooperate with me then I'll be more likely to cut some slack. If you try fleeing or shooting at me and I catch your ass then I'll throw the book at you.

It's the little things that amuse me easily. :D


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4 hours ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

I see cadets who just run up, engage, start shooting, and get the hostage killed. When i ask why they did that, he said he didn't send an apd message. Like, that's dumb. don't be a walking handbook, who only does things if it's in the handbook. I forget where I heard it, but this is a great quote "Good RP can bend all rules in handbook".

Look, I love RP as much as you can. I even wrote a whole thing on negotiating, but if I see an oppertunity to get a suspect in custody and save lives im going to take it. I try to talk people down normally, but when hostages get involved they usually get hurt, so I move fast and use what advantage I do have. Cops are around to "Protect and Serve" and if your complaining that we should be nicer to the bad guys while protecting then I don't see what your complaining about. If you have broken a law, you have made a decission that puts you in my sights, and if you have a story to back it up after I catch you, I would love to hear it. But I will never give anyone who shot at me, or ran, a discount or pardon. We exist to save civilian lives, not to go easy on the bad guys.

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1 hour ago, Pledge said:

Look, I love RP as much as you can. I even wrote a whole thing on negotiating, but if I see an oppertunity to get a suspect in custody and save lives im going to take it. I try to talk people down normally, but when hostages get involved they usually get hurt, so I move fast and use what advantage I do have. Cops are around to "Protect and Serve" and if your complaining that we should be nicer to the bad guys while protecting then I don't see what your complaining about. If you have broken a law, you have made a decission that puts you in my sights, and if you have a story to back it up after I catch you, I would love to hear it. But I will never give anyone who shot at me, or ran, a discount or pardon. We exist to save civilian lives, not to go easy on the bad guys.

I'm saying, if I see a guy retrained, and someone's next to him saying he's got a hostage and he'll kill him if I try to shoot him. Then I ain't shoot. If I know a cop is in a position to shoot the hostage taker, I'll engage snd have him take the shot. Most of the time this has happened, I don't have anyone immediately available to take down the suspect. Irl, would a cop gun into a hostage situation and tell the guy too get on the ground? God fucking no. If someone says they have a hostage, then I treat it as though I'm now a negotiator. It may not be a rule, but if you were to tell a cop to value civilian lives, I think many would be more careful with what they do. 

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20 hours ago, Sociopathic said:

I think cops should have to RP more, or atleast go through RP training to become a "Cadet", there's nothing more annoying than trying to RP with a cop and putting a lot of effort into it, just to hear "I dont beleive you" and that be the end of it, its gotten to the point to where I dont request higher ups because I need to complain about an officer, I request higher ups so I get some half decent RP, im not looking to argue my way out of my charges every time, but atleast put it some effort instead of just brushing what I say off. I have over 17k minutes on cop and I never understood why people who hate RP or who dont bother to RP actually become cops, there are people who I've seen who just treat it as a money source and nothing else, I'm not gonna call anyone out on it, I'm just simply stating it'd be nice to have RP training be a standard.


TL;DR Cops need to RP more.

Robocop is the new meta

3 hours ago, Tman15tmb said:

The reason I chose to sign up for the APD is because I like tossing cry babies in jail that can't afford to pay their bail (Ha, that kinda rimes). If you can't do the time, don't do the crime (Ha, I did it again ^___^). That said, if someone chooses to cooperate with me then I'll be more likely to cut some slack. If you try fleeing or shooting at me and I catch your ass then I'll throw the book at you.

It's the little things that amuse me easily. :D


Same +1 tman remember a few months ago u were on cop and I accidently rdmd u and u went on civ and I triggerfingered you because of my dumb ass friends?

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2 hours ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

I'm saying, if I see a guy retrained, and someone's next to him saying he's got a hostage and he'll kill him if I try to shoot him. Then I ain't shoot. If I know a cop is in a position to shoot the hostage taker, I'll engage snd have him take the shot. Most of the time this has happened, I don't have anyone immediately available to take down the suspect. Irl, would a cop gun into a hostage situation and tell the guy too get on the ground? God fucking no. If someone says they have a hostage, then I treat it as though I'm now a negotiator. It may not be a rule, but if you were to tell a cop to value civilian lives, I think many would be more careful with what they do. 

irl they just shoot them with a marksman. The negotiation process is literally one big lie fest to get the guy to become vulnerable so he can be captured, and in some cases killed if necessary.

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Eh. The ball is more in the civ's court in this case. Civs need to RP more in general on Olympus. I've noticed it is ALL gang shit with "hands up or die by [TAG]" and nothing more.


Cops have to deal with shitty tweeners pretending they're RP-ing which makes it hard for not-dickheads to RP properly with them. I managed it a few weeks back. Got a friend off a ticket he had already paid because...well, I RP'd.


Shout-out to Pretty Boy Jello and Dustin.

Edited by The Gent
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