Marty 445 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 It's always sad when a member of our community leaves, but when such an outstanding member of Olympus is forced to leave due to the toxic behaviour of others it is especially upsetting. I understand how repeated exposure to toxicity, even online, can have a significant effect on real emotions. I'm lucky in that I can choose with whom I share the fact that I'm gay, which limits the amount of bullshit I get for it, but I can't imagine how different my experiences on Olympus would have been if everyone I talked to knew about it. I'm not surprised that I occasionally get childish insults over it as society is still in the process of getting used us, but it's shocking that you, along with other women who play or used to play on our server had to deal with blatant sexism. To the idiots who treat the few female members of our community with disrespect, I urge you to imagine the outrage you would feel if you found out your sister, daughter, or mother was treated similarly, regardless of if it is in the workplace, school, or online. Dez, I hope that you do not abandon us entirely, despite having left the staff. But whether or not you decide to leave, we wish you the very best. 3 Quote Link to comment
123123123123 0 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 from all the game bans, forum bans, forum restrictions and bans from the teamspeak - I still respect you. Goodbye..⎝ Quote Link to comment
MrRonSwanson 76 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Never really spoke to your or met you, but from what I have heard you were a pretty fly woman. You deserve an award... = Quote Link to comment
Murluv 22 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Quote Link to comment
Lucife^r 33 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Bye Quote Link to comment
Orgondo 2514 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 07 Quote Link to comment
I Am Fuzzy 997 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 I remember recruiting you to my first gang on Olympus, Chair Force One. Teaching you about how to play Arma. It was pretty cool to see how far you progressed in the community. Sorry to see you go. Quote Link to comment
Sociopathic 717 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 3 hours ago, Dezree said: Congratulations You may think me weak for stepping down like this, but my heart can’t take anymore beat downs. I joined the Olympus Community on September 30th, 2015 and made the staff by February of 2016. And every single day I’ve been messaged by different people, harassing me, tearing me apart because I’m a woman in a community of people who can’t stand the fact that I hold power above them. To dispel the rumors, I did NOT send nudes to get Air Responder. I did NOT send nudes to get moderator. I did NOT send nudes to get Admin. You want to know what I did? I worked hard. I showed an interest in helping a community that tore me apart. I followed the established rules and was kind to each person I met in game. I was not toxic and I did not tear people down. I set an example and helped those who needed it even before I reached Sr. R&R and the staff team. I cared. Some of you wonder why you were overlooked for staff or for certain ranks. Have you stopped to consider your behavior and actions towards others? Every single day I put up with people who could hide behind a computer screen and use typed words to make someone feel like absolute shit. After a year and a half of reading the same thing over and over and over again, I began to believe it. It isn’t everyone, but a few can feel like a thousand. When you criticize and make fun of me, can’t you hear the tears in my voice? Can you feel the pain in my words that I have masked for hundreds of days now? Or are you laughing at me while reading this? Or have you stopped reading? Do you not see the tears in my smile? Can you not hear the way my voice breaks or the laugh to cover it up? When you hide behind that computer screen and tear people down, do you feel powerful? Do you feel like you have meaning? Do you feel pride in your actions? Do you smile when you hear the pain in their voice? Do you forget that we are all human, sitting here with actual feelings? Yes, this is a video game. But we are real people who can be hurt by mere words. It’s like the saying “You could be told 99 positives in one day and only remember that 1 negative.” I put my heart on display for all to see and those of you who want to hurt others, who want to cause pain, used the power granted to you by your peers to pulverize my heart. You smashed it to pieces that will require a lot of work and devotion to put back together. When someone puts themselves on display, they submit themselves to the mercy of others. It is your choice to treat them with love, or to do what you did to me and crush them into nothing. Every single day, I fought back the urge to give up, to quit. And every single day, I found a reason to fight back. But for the past few weeks, I haven’t found anything other than more reasons to give up. And yet, I would crawl across cut glass to get this message to you guys. Because maybe, just maybe, I can spare some of you the pain that I haven’t forgotten in the past year and a half in this community. You are worth it. And if no one has told you that you are cared about, you are loved, you are valuable, it makes me angry because you are worth so much more sometimes than what people let you believe. I have fought for you guys up to the point of exhaustion. Even those of you who won’t change, read this and understand. I fought for you because I wish someone would have fought for me. But I’m exhausted and I can’t fight for people who won’t change. I don’t expect people to change tomorrow and I doubt this will have any effect. But I have a spark of hope that I wish those of you who care, will turn into an inferno. All it takes is the action of one to make a difference. Don’t be that person who tears people down because it makes you feel better. Make yourself feel better by being kind, by doing the right thing. For those of you who don’t care, congratulations. You’ve succeeded in destroying yet another person. Feel happy about it? As for everyone else, it has been so much fun playing with you guys. Every day I looked forward to spending time with you guys, creating funny memories. You won’t be forgotten. Don't forget that we are still human. - Dezree Sad to see you go, good luck though! Quote Link to comment
theycallmepaw 172 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 I want to say a big thank you for everything you have done and the mindset it took to acomplish what you have on this server and for the R&R dept. you had my respect the moment i talked with you and if you ever need to chat let me know and i'll chat till the sun comes up or down on any matter i can help you with,,, or just lend you a shoulder or a ear if that's what is needed. please rethink any descion made and make sure it is truly what you want,,,(not the little bad kids),,, and then make the descion with a calm cool mind. If your answer is still you want to step down then i'll say i hate to see you go and i will truly miss you. you was a positive in a hostile gameplay. you have my admiration and respect. thegodfather Quote Link to comment
OG Doc 599 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Going to Miss you Dez, were here if you need us! 2 Quote Link to comment
Peta 494 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Wow, just wow. I never thought that this is still a thing ( harassing someone for being a woman ... ). Since your gender I always felt like you're like some kind of special treasure. I really enjoyed to play with you and all the stuff like these. I hope your goodbye is not forever and we're gonna roll together soon doin anything Take care Dez <3 Quote Link to comment
Tman15tmb 1902 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 I'm truely at a loss for words.. You were one hell of a staff member and I respected the shit out of you. You will be missed here in the staff community and the Olympus community. I'm not a super emotional guy but reading your post brought a tear to my eye because I had no idea you felt this much pain. Sometimes I imagine it would be a nice change of pace taking a break from babysitting these little computer warrior shit dicks, but part of me enjoys throwing their ass in timeout and telling them to grow the fuck up. One day these little prepubescent fuck boys are going to have a rude awakening in life and they may finally grow some peach fuzz on the sack where there balls should be. (Real Talk) I'm finished being a day care teacher. Harassment or any other form of disrespectful shit talk will not be tolerated on these forums. I know when friends are joking around and I know when people think they're tough for starting shit on the internet. Grow the fuck up or leave the community. If I have to hold your hand I'll personally choose option 2 for you and I'll be more than happy to guide your ass to the door. I'm tired of losing good staff members, developers, and designer's because some of you don't know how to act mature or understand how to show any form of respect. From this point on I will not be held responsible for the actions that you guys make. If you say something stupid and choose not to take responsibility in editing your comments then that is on you. Don't come bitching to me after you have a one week restriction ban. I'm going to make it simple, first strike will be a week restriction, 2nd strike a month restriction, 3rd strike a permanent forum restriction (ya done son). Of course if people are new or if its their first offense I'll be more than happy to offer up a stern warning and hope they understand what I'm trying to convey. Of course this only directed to a small majority of the community. Most of you guys understand the definition of respect and don't try to start shit. This is more so directed at the current or future Olympus trouble makers. I try not to be an asshole but if I need to I can turn into one pretty damn quick. Most of you understand that if you show the staff and the rest of the community respect then I'll be more than happy to give back the same respect. Give respect, get respect. 12 Quote Link to comment
QKSILVR73 257 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Wish I knew you @DezreeBut this may or not pertain to you. People love to make others miserable because they themselves are miserable. 1 Quote Link to comment
De Fuk 381 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 O7 dez baned me once kappa xD,will miss them tanoa days when you used to do runs with us Quote Link to comment
[SoA]Steve 44 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 I have always personally believed it was easier just to not care about what other people think about you. I understand that for some it's easier said then done. When I was a young kid I was teased I grew older and realized that all that shit doesn't make a fucking difference. Hell, now when people talk shit to me or whatever I embrace it and that seems to trigger them. The moral of the story is, people are gonna say whatever they wanna say. The more you react to someones hate for you in a negative way, the more they will use that against you. 3 Quote Link to comment
Guest Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 I mean it is the internet, people will shittalk, nothing you can do about it Quote Link to comment
Dominick Ramos 616 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 o7 Sad to see you go for such reasons. 1 Quote Link to comment
SPBojo 6862 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Quote Link to comment
Goodman 1089 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 @Dezree, you showed me how to be the staff member I am today. If I ever was struggling with anything I always felt like I could come to you for help, as your responses were always meaningful. I've never actually been able to truly say thank you for all you have helped me with and helped me become. You've always been there for those around you and nothing less than kind-hearted. It's heartbreaking to see you go. o7. 1 Quote Link to comment
Peter Long 4345 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 You know how i feel about this. o7 Quote Link to comment
Talindor 872 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Never expected you to step down, I respect your decision and you will be missed. 1 Quote Link to comment
CommanderSuki 628 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 I will honestly miss having you on the team dez. Quote Link to comment
Corporal Moob 3316 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 After messaging her personally last night, I feel appropriate to post something here. This is extremely saddening. I did not think it would come to this, and it's unfortunate that you have to go when you did, You had earned the respect of myself, and many others. Not just that, but our friendship. I'll keep it brief here, but this is exactly why people who are purposefully toxic for no reason, should be removed from the community, WITHOUT question. 7 Quote Link to comment
Daevon 106 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 Nice essay A+ Quote Link to comment
FluffyTEDDY 240 Posted May 5, 2017 Report Share Posted May 5, 2017 @Dezree you will be missed, you've made a massive impact on this community in so many ways, and the whole you are leaving will not be easy to fill You've earned my respect and i am thankful for everything you've done for me and the rest of this community.. 1 Quote Link to comment
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