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APD Handbook Update 1/16/18

Guest G.O.A.T.

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Guest G.O.A.T.
  • This rule change is effective immediately. 

Post any questions/concerns below.

It is worth noting that internally, sAPD has deemed it necessary for all Deputies to have a minimum of 7 days time in grade (days as deputy) in order to be considered for promotion to Patrol Officer. Time requirements are still the same (20 hours minimum for consideration).

Chapter X - Checkpoints & Patrol Guidelines

  1. Traffic Stops

    1. Officers may conduct a traffic stop on vehicles when the driver or passenger is on the wanted list or is seen breaking traffic laws.

    2. Officers may check players for licenses only if the driver of a vehicle or the passengers are wanted/have committed a crime in front of the officer.

    3. Vehicles which fail to stop within a reasonable time may be cited for evading arrest.

    4. Speed Limits are as follows:

      1. Inside City limits - 75 Km/h

      2. Outside city limits / back roads - 100 Km/h

      3. Outside City limits / Highway - 125 Km/h

  2. APD Checkpoints

    1. A Patrol Officer or higher must be present.

    2. At least 3 APD members must be present to run a checkpoint.

    3. Police vehicles must be parked at each checkpoint entrance with their lights on to notify the public that the checkpoint is active.

    4. No person or vehicle can be searched without authorization from the owner of the vehicle. (Unless the officer has probable cause)

    5. If they decline the search they must go out the way they came in.

    6. If a civilian goes around the checkpoint it is considered checkpoint evasion and they can be pulled over and processed from that point

    7. APD "Mobile" checkpoints may not be setup within 1km of a Red zone. 

  3. DP Missions

    1. POs+ can do DP missions at their own discretion.


Chapter XV - Bait Cars

  1. Bait cars are not to be used at any time for patrol.

  2. At any given time, a maximum of 3 bait cars may be in use by the APD on a single server.

  3. Bait cars may be left in illegal areas. However, this does not warrant “camping” of the illegal area.
    1. Bait car must be accompanied by a marked APD vehicle into the illegal area. This is for engagement purposes.

  4. Activation of the vehicle, or movement of the GPS tracker gives probable cause to raid any red zone the aforementioned vehicle was left in, regardless of time since the last visit.

  5. If the APD come under attack during transportation of the bait car to the desired location, the APD are allowed to retaliate in order to resolve the situation.

  6. APD Bait cars are only to be given to civilians in order to facilitate police operations.


3 hours ago, Pledge said:

No. Changes were made. 

for the deputy thing, does that mean if ive been deputy and PO before but got off for inactivity that ill still have to wait the 7 days?

and will my 300 hours from before carry over?

28 minutes ago, Jaiden said:

for the deputy thing, does that mean if ive been deputy and PO before but got off for inactivity that ill still have to wait the 7 days?

and will my 300 hours from before carry over?

Your hours carry over, but you’ll still have to wait the days.

36 minutes ago, ryan beck said:

Does this mean cops cannot camp our Gang shed which is 800m from a rebel ?? 

yeah it does.


16 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

APD "Mobile" checkpoints may not be setup within 1km of a Red zone. 

isn't allowed but afking at a gang shed 800m from a redzone is allowed surely people will abuse this the same way they did mobile check points 

19 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:

No, it actually does not.

care to enlighten?

Just now, Pledge said:

It's not a checkpoint.

Still considered camping a redzone.

1 minute ago, GhostFace said:

Still considered camping a redzone.

Q) Was it camping a redzone before?

Q) Did we change camping redzone rules?

2 minutes ago, Pledge said:

Q) Was it camping a redzone before?

Q) Did we change camping redzone rules?

A) Sounds like maybe you should change the camping redzone rules if you're camping a gangshed within 1km of a rebel.

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