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APD plays way to reckless

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Just now, MAV said:

I think what @Hyper223 is saying is, your the one making the accusation, so perhaps you can provide a few scenarios, situations, or anything for us to provide our thoughts on.

Precisely my dearest friend.

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19 minutes ago, [AN] King said:

cops dont care about how they play they are strength in numbers and rules going there way and complain when they get outplayed. APD uses no tactics or skill. this can make shit aids since you just get overwhelmed by endless waves of apd. its a joke

That is funny that you say rules go the cops way.. Hell the fact that anyone hearing the siren can start shooting at cops when they know the siren has nothing to do with them disproves that.. 

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2 minutes ago, Lucifer Hate said:

That is funny that you say rules go the cops way.. Hell the fact that anyone hearing the siren can start shooting at cops when they know the siren has nothing to do with them disproves that.. 


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5 minutes ago, [AN] King said:

Civs get new strat, instead of adapting they beg for a rule change. this ha happened many times

Are you saying we are the ones begging for rule changes????


We are the ones fighting against change. Deadpool and Google are the ones posting the polls everyday about changing rules. 

I also want to say, the APD has 275 cops. Try teaching all 275 people multiple strats and have them remember. Gangs get to choose good players and kick those who are bad, but as long as you pass the test you can stay on the APD. Strats are impossible for us.

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6 minutes ago, [AN] King said:

Jesse Allows civs to tase and restrain cops. We do so at bw. Rule Change within a day. GOAT causes jesse to not allow cops to enter illegal vehicles. civs use these at feds. cops cant adapt rule change within a day. Memeshack and DB constantly take cop gear in kav. rules change. it goes on and on you guys cant adapt and have no gamesense so rely on the rules to win. @McDili agrees that cops dont care about there lives and have no strategy while fighting civs. JOKE TING 


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7 minutes ago, [AN] King said:

Jesse Allows civs to tase and restrain cops. We do so at bw. Rule Change within a day. GOAT causes jesse to not allow cops to enter illegal vehicles. civs use these at feds. cops cant adapt rule change within a day. Memeshack and DB constantly take cop gear in kav. rules change. it goes on and on you guys cant adapt and have no gamesense so rely on the rules to win. @McDili agrees that cops dont care about there lives and have no strategy while fighting civs. JOKE TING

~Jesse Allows civs to tase and restrain cops. We do so at bw.

When that was introduced it allowed civilians to only need to defeat a single APD wave. Why the literal fuck should civilians be able to win a FEDERAL EVENT with only defeating a one or two waves of cops?

~GOAT causes jesse to not allow cops to enter illegal vehicles.

Civilians literally put an ifirit on the cop spawn preventing them from pulling cars. How the fuck do you think its fair making the cops RUN to the federal event because a hummingbird is preventing them from seizing it or else they would get removed from cop for combat siezeing.

~Memeshack and DB constantly take cop gear in kav.

When masses of cops quit fucking playing cop because their CONSTANTLY being robbed you need to make a goddamn change.


It should also be noted that none of your examples were a civilian strat change. It was a change made by jesse meaning the apd should also have a change that allows them to handle these new retarded meta's.

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1 minute ago, [AN] King said:

I mean i dont know how hard it is to lead a group of people. for a sgt you seem to lack leadership 

Gotcha fam. I'll remember this when I need to lead my derputy army against 10 rebels in LT gear with the whole goal of ROBBING COPS.

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1 minute ago, [AN] King said:

If cops cared and valued their lives they could have easily taken out @LiL BiLL(The only one with the taser)

I was talking about the dome strat where cops could have easily waited for us to leave or hold angles to get us. nope retards pushed in the open

Get better or leave kav

its really not that hard

~If cops cared and valued their lives they could have easily taken out @LiL BiLL(The only one with the taser)

Cops need to push a fortified position. We cant simply camouflage prone there. Its hard for me to value my life when I need to push a deerstand while being shot from multiple people.

~I was talking about the dome strat where cops could have easily waited for us to leave or hold angles to get us. nope retards pushed in the open

So your saying we should give you the free 20mins of hiding in the dome then hope we can be able to get a lucky tase while u push out?

~Get better or leave kav

How would u suppose to do a mass cqc training for cops?

~its really not that hard

are you on fucking crack? most deputy's don't even know where the vault dome for the fed is. how is anyone suppose to have them defeat a crap ton of rebels with the best gear in the game.

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3 minutes ago, snipeZ said:

are you on fucking crack? most deputy's don't even know where the vault dome for the fed is. how is anyone suppose to have them defeat a crap ton of rebels with the best gear in the game.

These people dont even know the layout of the map and they are in the APD... The APD should be more strict on who the let in...  

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10 minutes ago, [AN] King said:

I mean i dont know how hard it is to lead a group of people. for a sgt you seem to lack leadership 


275 people. I dont get paid and I dont do this full time. I work hard, and as far as I know people follow when I lead, but tell me a recent example of us requesting a rule change from the staff. But I want to understand why we cant make rule changes when deadpool tries to make one every single day? Like, if civs can make changes against our "abuse", can we make changes against civs abuse? Or is that not allowed because we are supposed to be small enough to squash with your foot? Is it inconvenient when you get caught? Do you get upset when the cops arrest you? I guess you got caught today buddy, because coming on here and citing rule changes from over 5 months ago kinda seems like it. Get real kid, we are here because we have a job to do, and if you want us to not make rule changes, I will be first inline as long as civs can't change them either. You wanna play hardball feel free, but just know that I literally have not heard of you leading a major gang, and I lead a squad of 80 every day. If you wanna go head to head for leadership references, send me a PM and we can get started.

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3 minutes ago, Genghis Khan said:

These people dont even know the layout of the map and they are in the APD... The APD should be more strict on who the let in...  

Let me add something. I find amusing, https://gyazo.com/6456653029ad4d53f79742bba66f8b6e 

Nigga says he is capable of training the deputies

10 minutes ago, snipeZ said:

are you on fucking crack? most deputy's don't even know where the vault dome for the fed is. how is anyone suppose to have them defeat a crap ton of rebels with the best gear in the game.

Train the better MR. FTO :Kappa:

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You try leading a squad of 14 people who you have never met and just talk over you during a fed might be lucky if they slam the same side of the fed when you call out slam here, let alone an individual tower.

Edited by Hoonter
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6 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

You try leading a squad of 14 people who you have never met and just talk over you during a fed might be lucky if they slam the same side of the fed when you call out slam here, let alone an individual tower. 

that doesn't sound like leading some one sounds like your just really un structured group of people that are trying to do a simple task,

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9 minutes ago, Dr muffin said:

that doesn't sound like leading some one sounds like your just really un structured group of people that are trying to do a simple task,

APD attracts many different players from throughout the server and while you do have a quite active group of players who know each other and such there is always going to be the dude who's never been out of kavala till he got 28 hours and applied and went out with a PO to weed pro for the first time and I think many people forget that APD is not a gang we can't kick people for simply being aids or bad at the game we recruit people who have 100 hours not 1000.

Edited by Hoonter
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@[AN] King

I see you have chosen to skip quoting and replying to my response. It seems you backed off of your comment about my inability to lead. But hey, you are complaining that we change the rules, you are right, we change them. But Civs change them more, and as I said before (in the passage you were to scared to quote) just because we annoy you doesnt mean we are going to leave. If you don't like us, that's fine. But hey, if you want, neither faction can change any rules and I would be fine with that. Or do I have to start complaining that civs change rules to? We use what we can to fight, and we could use some improvement, but coming on here and calling us all inept is actually as effective as throwing a tennis ball against the side of a brick building. Maybe join the apd and try to be the change you want to see.... oh wait, i forgot, you hate the APD because we actually try to do our jobs and arrest you.



Is this where I link the funny image about facts so it looks like I roasted you even though I actually proved nothing?

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