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Random Ban - Arigato

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I just tried logging onto ArmA 3 and tried getting onto Olympus, but I have been banned for 4 days for "FailRP"?

Uhh... What? I got banned when I was off of the server. This doesn't make any sense at all lmao, I didn't even do anything to deserve getting banned or "Failed to RolePlay"?????


It's insane to me how people can run around and RDM/continuously tase in Kavala and the admins don't fucking do shit about it, but I get banned... Offline... For something that I never did wrong? I would love to see the report, if there is even one. My suspicion is that the guy that I INITIATED WITH ROLEPLAY, and killed complained to an admin and I got banned. That is the only thing that I can think of. And yet, I followed every single step. I unrestrained him, and then killed him as the rules say (as if these rules aren't broken multiple times by donators or people who paid $6 for 2.5 million in-game currency). But it's typical I guess--the faggots with the most money or time on the server complain about anything and it's an insta-ban towards the accused. Shit, maybe I should invest $100 into this shit community and flip it over on its head or pay the Admins off to do what I tell them to?


I never FailRP'd. This ban was unnecessary and probably the baby of a circlejerking fest in TeamSpeak where anyone can go to complain when they don't get their way or when the admins/people who spent money on this shit.


I initiated on the guy because he was RDMing fresh spawns in Kavala and I was paid to kill him. Don't understand how any of that is FailRP. I clearly initiated and killed him after unrestraining him, following the rules to the T.


This server is shit and completely unfair towards new players or those who don't suck admin dick to get what they want. It was a fun time on this server, but this is it for me lol. Enjoy the dying server, and less and less revenue every year ya cunts.

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4 minutes ago, draMa said:

It’s @Arigato, he probably just flipped a coin to see if he should ban you obviously :4head:



If only this guy wouldve just came to talk to me, he could have avoided getting DICKED down by @Grandma Gary

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Btw typically the people who donate/have alot of money have been playing for more than 2 days like you and are familiar with the rules

2 hours ago, Arigato said:



If only this guy wouldve just came to talk to me, he could have avoided getting DICKED down by @Grandma Gary

Can confirm arigato is best moderator +1million 

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

Where to fucking begin?  I'll just break it all down for you.


Cause only banning people when they are on the server makes sense.  Cause we can see and hear everything ever player is doing at all times cause we are all fucking wizards right? Makes sense right?


You are retarded.



Can confirm you broke a rule and received fair justice.

You are retarded.

See the point I made above.  We have yet to hire fucking Gandalf.

You are retarded

Again see above.

You are retarded.


Here is the video since we have already established that you are retarded and can't figure out how the support system works.

You are retarded.

I find it most curious that you know exactly what it was you got banned for even though you claim to have done everything by the book.

You are retarded.

People who donate and people who buy money have no more chance of dodging a ban than anyone else.

You are retarded.

People who donate and people with a good chunk of play time have no influence over who gets banned, for what or for how long outside of legitimate reports.

You are retarded.

I'm not sure you understand what "flip it over on its head" implies, it sure as hell doesn't make sense in this context.

You are retarded.

OS is not the APD (^_^).  That shit doesn't work here.

You are retarded.

You did.

It was not.

It came from someone who has a normal amount of chromosomes and who followed the procedure to get rule breakers banned.

You are retarded.

Anyone is free to complain about whatever they want but if they don't have valid evidence of shit it ain't gonna amount to anything.

You are retarded.

Google the word "contradiction".

You are retarded.

In my completely unbiased opinion you are wrong.  

You are also retarded.

Your experience here is whatever you make of it.  That said if you are retarded you are gonna have a bad time.

You are retarded.

Being friends with admins won't get you out of bans if someone reports you.

You are retarded.

Right up until the point where you got banned for breaking a rule.  Maybe your extra large forehead can figure out where you went wrong.

Please stay you provided me with several minutes amusement.  I know strictly speaking making fun of special needs is frowned upon in today's society but you are just too damn cute.

You know what they say about all good things?

Actually you probably don't.


In conclusion/TLDR:  RETARD


On 10/5/2018 at 12:45 AM, Illonis said:

I just tried logging onto ArmA 3 and tried getting onto Olympus, but I have been banned for 4 days for "FailRP"?

Uhh... What? I got banned when I was off of the server. This doesn't make any sense at all lmao, I didn't even do anything to deserve getting banned or "Failed to RolePlay"?????


It's insane to me how people can run around and RDM/continuously tase in Kavala and the admins don't fucking do shit about it, but I get banned... Offline... For something that I never did wrong? I would love to see the report, if there is even one. My suspicion is that the guy that I INITIATED WITH ROLEPLAY, and killed complained to an admin and I got banned. That is the only thing that I can think of. And yet, I followed every single step. I unrestrained him, and then killed him as the rules say (as if these rules aren't broken multiple times by donators or people who paid $6 for 2.5 million in-game currency). But it's typical I guess--the faggots with the most money or time on the server complain about anything and it's an insta-ban towards the accused. Shit, maybe I should invest $100 into this shit community and flip it over on its head or pay the Admins off to do what I tell them to?


I never FailRP'd. This ban was unnecessary and probably the baby of a circlejerking fest in TeamSpeak where anyone can go to complain when they don't get their way or when the admins/people who spent money on this shit.


I initiated on the guy because he was RDMing fresh spawns in Kavala and I was paid to kill him. Don't understand how any of that is FailRP. I clearly initiated and killed him after unrestraining him, following the rules to the T.


This server is shit and completely unfair towards new players or those who don't suck admin dick to get what they want. It was a fun time on this server, but this is it for me lol. Enjoy the dying server, and less and less revenue every year ya cunts.


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