Pledge 2294 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 Chapter I - Professional Standards Conduct 1.Officers are allowed to conduct themselves casually with civilians, so long as they do not go out of their way to excessively insult a civilian or go outside the boundaries set forth by the server rules. 2.Officers are expected to obey ALL directions of higher ranking officers. 3.Officers that do not intervene when other officers are breaking rules may be subject to discipline. Role Playing 1. Officers are expected to role play in every scenario they encounter. 2. Officers are expected to maintain their character in every scenario they encounter. 3.Rule quoting while on duty as a cop or off duty may be met with disciplinary actions. If a situation arises where you feel that you were wronged, you may try informing the person in a constructive manner. If a report is submitted, it will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Metagaming - See Server Rules 1. Officers are not to use information gathered while playing as a civilian to carry out their duties as an officer or vice versa. 2. Officers are to wait at least 15 minutes in between switching factions to prevent metagaming if you are on the same server. Individual Officer Redeployment 1. APD members may respawn to any HQ if there are (5) five or less officers on the server 1. EXCEPTION: If you die at or around an active Federal Event and you accidentally re-spawn at the wrong HQ, you may re-spawn back to the HQ nearest the active Federal Event. 1. EXCEPTION: Deputies that are unaccompanied by a PO or higher may respawn to join a higher up if they are not leaving or joining an active situation. Server Redeployment 1. Server redeployments should be conducted by Corporals and higher when it appears that officer placement is unbalanced. 1. Corporals must be on the server at the time of the redeploy 2. Full APD redeployments are conducted by Sergeants and higher to redistribute an unbalanced APD force between all of the servers. Chapter III - Use of Force Your First Weapon 1. Your first weapon is always your voice. Always attempt to defuse a situation without firing a shot. 2. If the situation calls for it, you may restrain a suspect or civilian if your verbal attempts to resolve the situation have failed. Non-Lethal Force 1. The use of taser rounds are permitted when a suspect attempts to flee on foot or in a vehicle, or presents any weapon. Lethal Force 1. Lethal force is authorized only when non-lethal force has failed or is inadequate to resolve the situation. 1. Exception - Lethal force is always authorized in Warzone, Cartels and any Rebel Outpost. 2. If you have loaded lethals during a situation against a single group and another group joins that situation, lethals are still authorized against all opposing forces. 2. Failure of a non-lethal solution is defined by 2 failed waves with a non-lethal option by an individual officer. 1. Lethal force may not be used until an individual officer has died twice. 3. Lethal force may also be authorized when the officers are outnumbered by a ratio of 3:1. 4. If an officer is taken hostage or tased during an active engagement lethal force is authorized against the group that tased or kidnapped the officer regardless of wave. 5. If a server reset occurs during an active situation and lethal force was authorized prior to restart, officers may return to the situation with lethals loaded on rebels still at and/or fleeing the situation. 1. If lethals were loaded solely due to server restart happening in 5 minutes then lethals must be unloaded after the restart 6. Lethal force is authorized if it is 5 minutes or less until server restart and the highest rank feels that there is not sufficient time to resolve a situation.7. Lethal force is authorized against any party the ghosthawk is guns-hot against.8. Patrol Officers may be authorized to use lethal force by a senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary." Vehicle Shooting 1. The officers may only fire back when they have a positive location of the unit(s) that have fired 2. If the officers are starting the engagement APD must send a text to a member of the criminal unit from an officer before firing letting them know they will be fired upon by the APD if they do not surrender. 1. Exception - All APD ground vehicles in active pursuit. 2. Once it has been determined that the suspect is clearly evading, they are cleared to open fire upon the fleeing assailant. Chapter IV - Civilian Interaction Dealing with the Public 1. Respond to 911 Texts if possible. 2. Officers are encouraged to find out more information from a 911 dispatch by texting the original caller. 3. If flagged down, try to take note of the citizen’s requests for service or questions. 4. Civilian on civilian accusations are not to be considered actionable evidence. 5. Civilians may be detained if they are interfering with an ongoing investigation for no more than 15 minutes. 6. If detained, the civilian must be notified as to why they are being detained. 7. If detained, civilians are not to be left in an area that is likely to cause harm or death. (e.g. a roadway or balcony where they may fall off.) Making Contact 1. Always announce yourself as an APD Officer or “APD”. 1. When returning to an active situation, officers are to enter the area code 3 or verbally identify themselves as APD. 2. Exception: Scout Aircraft can still enter dark. 2. Always attempt to follow the Use of Force guidelines when dealing with any suspect. 3. Suspects are not to be restrained while in combat. They must either be downed, have their hands up or notified why they are being restrained. 4. If a civilian gives an officer consent to do something (searching, ticketing, lethaling, etc.) the officer is allowed to do so. 1. This can only affect the civilian who grants consent. 2. The request should originate from the civilian, not the officer. Do not harass/bug civilians to let you lethal them. 3. Wanted suspects in APD Custody are NOT to be lethaled. Dealing with Vigilantes 1. Vigilantes are subject to all civilian laws. 2. Officers may not take a suspect from a vigilante unless the suspect is wanted for under $75k. 3. Vigilantes may not take a suspect that the APD are already engaged with and have detained. 4. Vigilantes are to have their weapons holstered unless acting in defense or in fulfillment of their lawful duties. 5. Vigilantes found abusing their license (see Vigilante Rules) are to be sent to jail immediately. 6. Civilians in possession of a Vigilante License or related gear are required to provide identification upon request. 1. Civilians in possession of a Vigilante License are able to legally carry a P07 9mm, Sting 9mm, or Spar-16 (Sand). Dealing with Worker's Protection License (WPL) Holders (see Server Rules for more information regarding WPL) 1. Civilians in possession of a WPL or related gear are required to provide identification upon request. 2. Civilians in possession of a Worker's Protection License are able to legally carry a TRG-20, ACP-C2, SPAR-16 (Khaki) or Katiba Carbine. Dealing with Medics 1. Medics are subject to all civilian laws. 2. Officers should not stop R&R personnel from performing their medical duties without reason, and must be able to enforce their demand. Chapter VII - Dealing with Vehicles Vehicle Interaction 1. Officers are never to enter/unlock a civilian vehicle, unless: 1. Turning off the engine for ease of discussion. 2. Entering a vehicle to extricate a deceased individual. 3. Moving a vehicle that is blocking an area/pathway 4. The owner of the vehicle gives permission for the vehicle to be used as transport and the vehicle is non illegal 2. Officers may impound vehicles: 1. Obstructing public roadways or spaces. 2. If the owner is in APD custody 3. If the owner is not in sight. Pulling Players out of Vehicles 1. Players may only be pulled out if the vehicle is not moving, at least half of its tires have been disabled, or the player has been downed while inside the vehicle. Stopping a Fleeing Vehicle 1. Unrealistic tactics such as head-on collisions with illegal vehicles in an attempt to stop vehicles is prohibited (also covered under Server VDM rules). Illegal Vehicles 1. Illegal vehicles are defined as any armed vehicles, Ifrits, Striders, Hunters, Pharmaceutical vehicles, the Taru Bench, and any variant of the Blackfish. 2. Illegal vehicles are subject to search and seizure after the situation has been neutralized. Aircraft 1. If an aircraft is found in violation of aviation laws, or in an APD occupied area officers may: 1. Text the pilot once to leave or be fired upon OR fire 3 warning shots to the pilot ensuring the rounds miss the helicopter. 1. After the warning shots, officers may direct fire at the helicopter in an effort to force a landing or get the aircraft to leave. 2. If an aircraft inserts itself directly into an active situation you are engaged with, you may open fire at the helicopter. (No text needed) Chapter XIII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles APD Tools 1. Weapons are to be carried in low-ready position when not engaged in a situation that warrants the use of the weapons. 2. Tear gas, smoke grenades and flashbangs are to be used in tactical situations only 3. Spike strips may be deployed on suspects utilizing ground vehicles who are attempting to evade the APD. Spike strips may be used in any situation provided they disable only suspects that the APD is actively engaged with. 4. GPS Trackers may be used anytime, anywhere, for anything. 5. Bolt Cutters are ONLY to be used by Patrol Officers or higher when the owner of a house is NOT online. 6. The SDAR can be used by POs+ without approval of a Sergeant as long as the suspect is in the water or there is no other way of dealing with him (I.E. Suspect is on an unreachable roof). In other words, use it as a last resort. 1. In all other cases, a Sergeant or higher will need to approve the use of an SDAR. 1. SDARs may only be authorized at the Federal Reserve and Blackwater with less than 5 minutes left on the bomb timer and a text must be sent to the gang/group participating in the event that SDARs are being authorized. 2. This does not mean you will be able to store an SDAR in your backpack. After you have used the SDAR, seize it. 1. Exception: Exception: You may have an SDAR in your backpack during Boat Patrols and must be seized after the patrol is over. 7. APD Officers are only authorized to use equipment available to them at their rank in the APD Shop. 8. Bait Appliances may only be used on bait cars not intended for unmarked patrol. (No civilian or standard police vehicles) 9. Civilians will only be pardoned for being blindfolded during processing if they inform the officer they are blindfolded and the officer chooses to ignore them Vehicles 1. Police vehicles must be secured at all times. If an officer is expected to be away from their vehicle for a prolonged period of time, the vehicle should be impounded to prevent theft. 1. This does not apply to active engagements or situations. 2. Impounding any vehicle before a situation is clear is prohibited. 3. Lights and sirens are to be used only in fulfillment of one’s duties as an officer. The Armed Jeep 1. Armed Jeep Patrol - Armed Jeep patrols are conducted by Corporals and higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity. (Generally don't use for patrol against low risk interaction) 1. Armed Jeeps will follow armed plane engagement rules. Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft Aircraft Patrols 1. Recon Patrol - Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member with any helicopter in the APD arsenal, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols provide information to ground units from reconnaissance above. 1. These patrols are not required to follow wave rule. 2. These patrols can not directly engage with criminals on the ground. 3. Must leave with the wave (assuming the situation is in a redzone). 4. Helicopter recon patrols will have 1 occupant maximum. 5. These patrols cannot use lights or sirens (this includes checking redzones). (Does not apply to Cartels/Rebels) 6. Officers may switch from recon to rapid response, but not the other way around. 2. Rapid Response Patrol - These patrols can be performed by any APD member with any helicopter in the APD arsenal, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols are tasked with rapidly responding to major calls and patrolling high crime areas. 1. Minimum Crew: Pilot. 2. These patrols may engage with criminals on the ground. 3. Must use lights/sirens when engaging a suspect or entering a redzone. 4. These patrols cannot switch to a recon patrol and must return to the HQ where waves are originating from to become a recon patrol Airplane Patrols 1. Armed Fixed Wing Patrol - The Armed Plane patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols can be used for both recon and rapid response. 1. Armed Planes will follow Ghosthawk engagement rules. 1.Exception - Armed Planes can also engage high value ground vehicles 2. Armed planes may mirror the guns hot status of any active Ghosthawks. However, this does not apply vice-versa The Ghosthawk 1. Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity 2. The Ghosthawk’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt, or in an exception listed below. 3. If giving chase to an aircraft piloted by, or containing, a suspect of a crime, the pilot is to be notified by text message 1 time to land the vehicle or be shot, and given 10 seconds to comply. 1. Exception: You can fire upon an illegal ground vehicles (including stolen APD Hunters and Striders), if given 1 text message and 10 seconds to comply. 2. If an aircraft is over water and receives a text from a Ghosthawk it must attempt to land at the nearest body of land. If an aircraft continues to fly out to sea it can be shot down over the water. 4. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon by a titan, the Ghosthawk remains guns hot regardless of wave rule until the engagement has been broken for more than 5 minutes. 5. If a Ghosthawk is stolen, and its operators utilize the guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy the stolen Ghosthawk (excluding breaking Server Rules). 1. This clause also applies to any armed aerial vehicle. 6. If hostile action is taken against the Ghosthawk, the APD may return fire with lethal force without sending a warning text first. 1. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with a titan that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text or a titan clearly pointing at the Ghosthawk in a redzone). 7. The directive to go guns hot must be given by a senior APD member inside the first ghosthawk to go guns hot. 1. Exception: If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation any Sergeant and above may decide to use the Ghosthawk(s) guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force to surrender prior. 8. Once a single Ghosthawk meets guns hot requirements, all Ghosthawks in the area of engagement may go guns hot without prior warning. 9. For federal events only, once the prerequisite is met, the ghosthawk may respond to the federal event with GUNS HOT against all hostile robbery/jailbreak participants. 1. The prerequisite is defined as: 1. The bomb blowing at a federal event. (Example: If the bomb blows on wave 5, wave 5 MUST FINISH before the Ghosthawk can come out on Wave 6) 2. Multiple Ghosthawks lost, with approval of Sergeant or higher. 2. Once rebels leave the federal event (Inner Anti-Air circle), the Ghosthawk ceases fire and resets to normal Ghosthawk rules. 10. If a server reset occurs during an active situation and the Ghosthawk was guns hot prior to restart, the Ghosthawk may return to the situation (after restart) GUNS HOT at the rebels still at and/or fleeing the active situation. 11. Armed Huron is treated as a Ghosthawk Hummingbird 1. If giving chase to a vehicle piloted/driven by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot/driver is to be notified by text message up to 1 times to land/park the vehicle, or be shot. 1. The Corporal or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns. 2. The Hummingbird may go guns hot against any civilians fighting the APD upon the direction of a corporal or higher. (Unarmed) Huron is treated as a hummingbird PSA: Trial by combat remains a privilege that is reserved for senior APD, and shall stay that way. I do apologize for the wall of text 8 1 4 1 14 Quote Link to comment
zoomzooooooom 2383 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 n word 1 1 Quote Link to comment
iPopsicle 2203 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 Just now, zoomzooooooom said: n word edgy. 1 Quote Link to comment
Tetley 27 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 (edited) 7 minutes ago, Pledge said: 1. When returning to an active situation, officers are to enter the area code 3 or verbally identify themselves as APD. if that's what I think that means then yikes. Edited February 25, 2019 by Tetley Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 9 minutes ago, Tetley said: if that's what I think that means then yikes. elaborate Quote Link to comment
NokiaStrong 1200 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 im big dumb red is removed Quote Link to comment
Tetley 27 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 Just now, Pledge said: elaborate Alright so let's say I'm doing an illegal run and the cops show up, I kill the first wave, can they come back without code 3 and like sneak up on me? 1 Quote Link to comment
RubberDuck 244 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 Just now, Tetley said: Alright so let's say I'm doing an illegal run and the cops show up, I kill the first wave, can they come back without code 3 and like sneak up on me? They still have to come code 3 in illegal zones, Im pretty sure he means like in non-redzones. Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 1 minute ago, Tetley said: Alright so let's say I'm doing an illegal run and the cops show up, I kill the first wave, can they come back without code 3 and like sneak up on me? Nope. This only applies out side of redzones (i.e. kavala) Quote Link to comment
Hoonter 232 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 Epic Quote Link to comment
CocoisDead 679 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 SAPD Should put examples of the rule changes so people can understand shit better...change my mind... 5 Quote Link to comment
Tetley 27 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 Just now, Pledge said: Nope. This only applies out side of redzones (i.e. kavala) Oh okay, makes more sense. Quote Link to comment
Kanye West 38 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 1 minute ago, CocoisDead said: SAPD Should put examples of the rule changes so people can understand shit better...change my mind... careful your opinion might get you blacklisted 1 1 Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 3 minutes ago, CocoisDead said: SAPD Should put examples of the rule changes so people can understand shit better...change my mind... Sure dude. Gimme 5 minutes 1 Quote Link to comment
MAV 1854 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 Questions: 1. Recon Patrol - Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member with any helicopter in the APD arsenal, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols provide information to ground units from reconnaissance above. no more scout planes? (may have been removed in a previous re-working that i missed) 4. The owner of the vehicle gives permission for the vehicle to be used as transport and the vehicle is non illegal So does that mean you can arrest someone and use their tempest to transport them back to HQ so long as they give you permission? 1. When returning to an active situation, officers are to enter the area code 3 or verbally identify themselves as APD. Can you choose either or, or is this meant for those returning on foot? 8. Patrol Officers may be authorized to use lethal force by a senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary."Does this mean lethal force for PO / Deputies cannot be authorized during feds or other active situation by sAPD if any means necessary is not enacted? Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 4 minutes ago, MAV said: Questions: 1. Recon Patrol - Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member with any helicopter in the APD arsenal, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols provide information to ground units from reconnaissance above. no more scout planes? (may have been removed in a previous re-working that i missed) 4. The owner of the vehicle gives permission for the vehicle to be used as transport and the vehicle is non illegal So does that mean you can arrest someone and use their tempest to transport them back to HQ so long as they give you permission? 1. When returning to an active situation, officers are to enter the area code 3 or verbally identify themselves as APD. Can you choose either or, or is this meant for those returning on foot? 8. Patrol Officers may be authorized to use lethal force by a senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary."Does this mean lethal force for PO / Deputies cannot be authorized during feds or other active situation by sAPD if any means necessary is not enacted? 1) previous update combined chapters, must have missed that, will correct it. Nice catch! 2) Yes 3) Either or, help out or boys in Kavala(as long as you aren't going to a redzone) 4) Yes, seniors may not authorize lethals for federal events. Quote Link to comment
MAV 1854 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 8 minutes ago, Pledge said: 1) previous update combined chapters, must have missed that, will correct it. Nice catch! 2) Yes 3) Either or, help out or boys in Kavala(as long as you aren't going to a redzone) 4) Yes, seniors may not authorize lethals for federal events. nice thanks for the clarification! solid update... keep up the good work! Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 27 minutes ago, CocoisDead said: SAPD Should put examples of the rule changes so people can understand shit better...change my mind... Upon popular demand: Changes appear in sequential order 1) Deputies may now respawn to get with a PO as long as neither the PO or Deputy is in a fight or heading to one (this means no fed reserve respawning) 2) If you can be shot with an explosive round 6.5 minigun why not with lethal MXM? Well now you can 3) Basically formal way to replace old SDARs, the system is being released next update but will not be used too often 4) Officers are no longer required to return code 3 to active situations outside of red-zones, meaning you don't have to drive to Kavala code 3, and instead can drive up, and then engage with the criminal verbally if you choose 5) If a civ says you can drive his car to go back to HQ you are welcome to do so 6) Same old blindfold rule, if they wait till the end and say they want a pardon but they didn't tell you they were blindfolded you don't have to pardon them, but if they say it and you ignore them then you have to pardon them 7) Recon changes -- Planes can be recon with more than 1 person if they so choose 8) Recon can enter rebel and warzone without lights and sirens I think that's it 2 Quote Link to comment
destruct 1382 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 2 minutes ago, Pledge said: 8) Recon can enter rebel and warzone without lights and sirens So you change the mix-and-match rule or does this rule override that? Quote Link to comment
CocoisDead 679 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 3 minutes ago, Pledge said: Upon popular demand: Changes appear in sequential order 1) Deputies may now respawn to get with a PO as long as neither the PO or Deputy is in a fight or heading to one (this means no fed reserve respawning) 2) If you can be shot with an explosive round 6.5 minigun why not with lethal MXM? Well now you can 3) Basically formal way to replace old SDARs which you will see more of next update 4) Officers are no longer required to return code 3 to active situations outside of red-zones, meaning you don't have to drive to Kavala code 3, and instead can drive up, and then engage with the criminal verbally if you choose 5) If a civ says you can drive his car to go back to HQ you are welcome to do so 6) Same old blindfold rule, if they wait till the end and say they want a pardon but they didn't tell you they were blindfolded you don't have to pardon them, but if they say it and you ignore them then you have to pardon them 7) Recon changes -- Planes can be recon with more than 1 person if they so choose 8) Recon can enter rebel and warzone without lights and sirens I think that's it Can SAPD do this with every handbook update coming foward. Actually will help people understand. 3 Quote Link to comment
Bloodmoon 2222 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 4 minutes ago, Pledge said: 3) Basically formal way to replace old SDARs which you will see more of next update 1 2 Quote Link to comment
ThatNerdyGuy 5921 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 1 minute ago, destruct said: So you change the mix-and-match rule or does this rule override that? Not @Pledge but overrides. Quote Link to comment
Pledge 2294 Posted February 25, 2019 Author Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 4 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said: I can see how that could be read this way. I meant the system of authorizing lethals, not that we would do it more often lol 5 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said: Not @Pledge but overrides. Correct Quote Link to comment
Vis 155 Posted February 25, 2019 Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 All of these are great, except if the PO lethals include anything but the SDAR. Quote Link to comment
Admin Mighty 1465 Posted February 25, 2019 Admin Report Share Posted February 25, 2019 1 hour ago, Pledge said: popular Wow now, let's not let @CocoisDead get his ego up. 1 1 Quote Link to comment
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