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APD Handbook Update 10/2/2019

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  • Lead Texture Designer


Changes Appear In Red/Green

Chapter IX - Checkpoints & Patrol Guidelines

  1. Traffic Stops
    1. Traffic stops can be conducted when a vehicle’s driver or a passenger is wanted or is seen breaking traffic laws. Only check the licenses of the driver or passengers are wanted/have committed a crime in front of an officer.
    2. Speed limits
      1. Inside city limits - 75 Km/h
      2. Outside city limits/back roads - 100 Km/h
      3. Outside of city limits/highways - 125 Km/h
  2. APD Checkpoints
    1. Can only happen at stationary checkpoints on the map. Mobile Checkpoints can be done anywhere on the map at any time.
      1. Mobile checkpoints may not be set up within 1 km of any redzone.
    2. PO+ must be present with at least 2 other officers.
    3. APD vehicles must be parked at each checkpoint entrance with lights on.
    4. No person or vehicle should be searched without consent from the owner of the vehicle unless probable cause is there. If they decline the search they must turn around and go back the way they came.
    5. If a civilian goes around the checkpoint they can be pulled over and processed.

Chapter X - Illegal Areas

  1. Any area marked with a red crosshatch is considered an illegal area, including active Jails, Blackwaters, Banks, and Federal Reserves.
  2. Officers must announce themselves when entering an illegal area with code 3.
    1. Code 3 automatically engages all armed civilians in the illegal area.
    2. EXCEPTION: No Code 3 is needed when entering an active bank.
  3. Illegal Area may be patrolled every 15 minutes.
  4. Officers must not remain in, or monitor, an illegal area if there is no activity
  5. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves
    1. A wave is finished when all officers have been killed or neutralized
      1. The last officer of a wave may surrender and become neutralized, and remain until reached by APD forces, then they can return to HQ.
      2. On the first wave to an area, officers may call in first wave backup.
        1. If the backup does not arrive before the original group dies, they must wait in place for the second wave to catch up, or until the civilians reach them
      3. All waves after the second must start with ALL officers at an HQ or waiting to spawn at such HQ
      4. Officers leaving a situation must reach HQ before the next wave can begin if they are to participate in the next wave.
      5. If the civilians leave the illegal area, waves are no longer required
      6. If you are apart of the same wave that entered an illegal area you may re-enter after having left.
    2. EXCEPTION: No wave rule is required when responding to an active bank.
  6. Once an illegal area has been secured, all officers may return and begin cleanup
  7. Rebel Outpost raids:
    1. There is a Sergeant+ with at least 2 other officers
    2. The entire wave must enter code 3, or “Go Dark” and verbally engage.
    3. If the senior officer is captured, raids may continue to recapture them.
  8. Cartel/Warzone raids:
    1. Must follow Rebel raid rules
    2. May be patrolled every 15 minutes unless APD has reasonable suspicion of illegal activity or of a suspect fleeing there.
      1. Five waves maximum to warzone per raid.
    3. If you enter Warzone without a Sergeant+ due to pursuing someone in, you must check the general area of the suspect you chased in. Once the situation is deemed clear, you are to leave. Do not check the rest of the Warzone Island.
    4. Once APD has engaged rebel forces in a Cartel/Warzone, they may continue to raid it following standard rebel raid rules until the situation has been neutralized at that Cartel/Warzone. 
    5. PO+ are authorized lethals during warzone raids.
      1. EXCEPTION: Following someone in first wave.
    6. POs+ may enter for a single wave to negotiate a hostage situation.

Chapter XI - Federal Events

  1. Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater) 
    1. Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Jail
    2. No RP is required to engage players that are participating in a federal event (doors being cut open and/or bomb planted). All APD are free to fire on players in these circumstances. If you see a player (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them.
  2. APD may not enter the domes prior to the event unless someone is trapped inside
  3. APD may not utilize vans at any federal events.
  4. If less than 6 officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required.
  5. Lethal force is only to be authorized after 2 full waves failed attempts of non-lethal force.
    1. If lethals are loaded due to being outnumbered, lethals will not remain loaded the following waves unless or until the 3rd wave
    2. EXCEPTION: Any Means
  6. If an officer leaves an active fed they must return to the HQ before the next wave can begin.
    1. EXCEPTION: If all the cops at the federal event chase the rebels out of the federal event (The outer Anti-Air Circle)  the next wave may begin
      1. You may re-enter the federal event if chasing a suspect in. 
  7. Active Federal Events
    1. If the bomb is planted or doors are being cut open


This does not go into effect until the NEXT server update/hotfix comes out.

  • Like 15
  • Downvote 6

Yay checkpoints in retarded locations.

Good grief no wonder coke pro gets moved away from warzone, get that shit as close as possible lol 

  • Haha 1

When will POs get ghosthawks and titans?


inb4 this post is taken seriously

Edited by Horizon
  • Downvote 1

Do the 2 failed attempts revert to the two individual deaths rule or does every lethal need to die twice irregardless of wave?


12 minutes ago, maxg said:

is none of this in effect until next hotfix?

On 10/2/2019 at 4:31 PM, Sandman said:

This does not go into effect until the NEXT server update/hotfix comes out.


  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Creepy said:



Wanted to make sure xD, Sergeants are apparently telling people other wise 

  • Like 1
On 10/2/2019 at 4:31 PM, Sandman said:

Lethal force is only to be authorized after 2 full waves failed attempts of non-lethal force.

Does this mean failed attempts as in the officer who is lethalling has to be killed twice? I see waves and attempts being really similar, if not the same..  A corp+ gets on mid/early fed, Does that corp+ then need to wait individually for 2 failed attempts that he/she were involved in or is it APD as a whole who would be able to say "We've had more than 2 failed attempts so yes you're lethals".  What's the difference between "Waves" and "Attempts"? Or is this just one of those silly word changes that doesn't really affect current gameplay? I'm over thinking lmao

  • Like 1
40 minutes ago, Cutie (QT) said:

Does this mean failed attempts as in the officer who is lethalling has to be killed twice? I see waves and attempts being really similar, if not the same..  A corp+ gets on mid/early fed, Does that corp+ then need to wait individually for 2 failed attempts that he/she were involved in or is it APD as a whole who would be able to say "We've had more than 2 failed attempts so yes you're lethals".  What's the difference between "Waves" and "Attempts"? Or is this just one of those silly word changes that doesn't really affect current gameplay? I'm over thinking lmao

Nah, as soon as 1 individual cop dies twice all lethal loading able cops can load them.

A wave is the entire cop force responding dying, an attempt is any cop dying whilst responding to a situation.

  • Like 2
On 10/2/2019 at 5:31 PM, Sandman said:

APD may not utilize vans at any federal events.

Next thing you know APD won't be allowed Hunters and Striders until after the bomb blows

4 hours ago, B. Wagner said:

Next thing you know APD won't be allowed Hunters and Striders until after the bomb blows

old jump spots are being added back

I am so very excited for mobile checkpoints to be hosted at Noble's gang shed.

4 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:

I am so very excited for mobile checkpoints to be hosted at Noble's gang shed.

Can't search the shed if it is blown up 🙂

Just now, HUNTERS said:

Can't search the shed if it is blown up 🙂

True. Maybe I'll give you a call next time the APD is camping it. If someone outside the gang blows it up, it's not our fault :kappa:

Just now, Noahhh! said:

True. Maybe I'll give you a call next time the APD is camping it. If someone outside the gang blows it up, it's not our fault :kappa:

My Planes are fueling up to blow it up 🙂

  • TriHard 1
  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/2/2019 at 11:58 PM, Johnny Smith said:

Ive never actually seen a active checkpoint lol. 

You missed the time of cops putting up checkpoints on the way the athria rebel and warzone then, was a cancer that is why it was changed 


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