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fucking medics.

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next update i vote we remove the option to ask for denial when you die, fucking medics, you can press the thing fucking twice and the C suckers will fucking make you sit there. its like once you press it every department in there head says whoah whoah don't  denny them. they can chill for 15min. anyone else have this issue?

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If ur gonna request denial and get denied, respawn, don't request revive every time you get denied on YOUR request to be denied, you will become a low priority. 

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  • Carrot Kid
10 minutes ago, BIG Nem said:

next update i vote we remove the option to ask for denial when you die, fucking medics

FTFY, fuck medics


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1 minute ago, Cro said:

Most or all medics actually deny when people request. Maybe you shouldn't re request to be picked up.

I have to disagree with you on this one. Some do but definitely not most

Does anyone disagree with the suggestion that if medic doesnt deny within 1 minute then you should be able to respawn. I cant see a negative to it

Tbh I'd be for a system that if a medic is more than X km away then requesting for denial just instantly denies you, but you can't request medic again.

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5 minutes ago, Dicky said:

Does anyone disagree with the suggestion that if medic doesnt deny within 1 minute then you should be able to respawn. I cant see a negative to it

Or just remove the whole medic middleman of denying. If you click the button you got to wait 30 seconds then able to respawn

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Ah, the ol 'die and blame the medics' routine. Works nicely doesn't it?  :kappa:

If you die, and its even slightly questionable whether or not you want to respawn, don't request medic. Hitting request medic is on you. It's a risk you take. Seven mins after you request, you are able to respawn.  Here's a tip for you, if you reach that seven min point and still haven't been picked up, you don't have to hit request medic again, in fact, maybe that option should be removed.

Anyways, whether or not you hit request medic again, the medic can still see that you need picked up, and you have the option to respawn readily available to you, should you so chose, as long as you don't hit request medic again. Now, you are claiming you sat there for 15 mins after hitting request denial.. Due to the above mentioned mechanics, I find this hard to believe, or hard to blame the medics rather.

Let me just rant about medics real quick. I don't agree on removing the denying thing because it gives medics a chance to get you and I can see people abusing it, anyways..

Its so frustarting when you request to be denied and they don't do it. It pops up on their screen and its orange on the map... its there yet mutiple times I request to be denied and a medic ignores it. 

Another thing that is so fucking annoying is when you die > medic comes > medic starts to revive > stops for no reason (litereally) > stands there for three mintues > then decides he wants to revive.... He had no gun to his head or anything. If I was denied then he should have denied me but no, that wasn't the case. 

I confront these types of medics that do this and ask them why, they have no answer... its always the basic paramedics too lol. Thats it. ~

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47 minutes ago, Claysive said:

Ah, the ol 'die and blame the medics' routine. Works nicely doesn't it?  :kappa:

If you die, and its even slightly questionable whether or not you want to respawn, don't request medic. Hitting request medic is on you. It's a risk you take. Seven mins after you request, you are able to respawn.  Here's a tip for you, if you reach that seven min point and still haven't been picked up, you don't have to hit request medic again, in fact, maybe that option should be removed.

Anyways, whether or not you hit request medic again, the medic can still see that you need picked up, and you have the option to respawn readily available to you, should you so chose, as long as you don't hit request medic again. Now, you are claiming you sat there for 15 mins after hitting request denial.. Due to the above mentioned mechanics, I find this hard to believe, or hard to blame the medics rather.

Change your signature, quitter.

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  • Senior Admin

So in the past you couldn't request denial. If you hit request medic you had to wait for a medic to come by or have a gang mate text in. now there is a wonderful way to request denial, and we are upset because it doesn't happen 100% of the time, and the suggestion is go back to the old system where there is not a way to request a denial? not fully following the logic.

2 hours ago, Cro said:

Or just remove the whole medic middleman of denying. If you click the button you got to wait 30 seconds then able to respawn

At that point why have the denial system at all? just allow people to respawn whenever they want. not a big fan of that idea. Should we instead have a box pop up that asks you to confirm your revive request so it is never an accident?

2 hours ago, destruct said:

Tbh I'd be for a system that if a medic is more than X km away then requesting for denial just instantly denies you, but you can't request medic again.

Not a bad idea, I would wonder how this is going to affect medic redeploy. I would hate for someone to respawn when we are just a scroll wheel away.  Could the system reduce your respawn timer by like half or something instead of just allowing you to straight respawn?

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Personally, I try to deny people ASAP when requested. But I do miss it sometimes when there’s massive firefights going on and three or more requests in a minute. I assure you very few medics have ill-intent unless someone’s just being downright rude. We’re humans, we miss things and I’m sorry you had this experience 

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I don't understand why the medic's here are so opposed to people being able to deny themselves? People hit the button accidentally all the time and if the function was removed it would be a good thing.

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  • Senior Admin
5 minutes ago, BrokeTime said:

I don't understand why the medic's here are so opposed to people being able to deny themselves? People hit the button accidentally all the time and if the function was removed it would be a good thing.

I am opposed to it because people hitting Request medic then respawning constantly, or flying to a revive only for that person to nope out at the last second would be annoying. If the issue is people accidentally hitting the request medic button why not add a confirmation to the request medic button?

Also I don't understand what you mean by if the function was removed, again not following why the current denial system is at fault for people accidentally hitting the button. If we go back to the old way and you accidentally hit the button your SOL, there is no way to ask for a denial.

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I do a 3 strike thing, I can understand accidentally requesting a denial, but when someones butt hurt and salty that they died, or cant accept being denied by a 3rd party and theyre just spamming the request button, then they can wait

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Here's my 2 cents on the subject. If you request denial I will 99% of the time deny you immediately. The exception is if another medic other than myself has already hit on route or is right next to that person, then I let them handle it. Other than that if I see it I'll deny, but if you request medic again right after I deny you and I have other revives you become the bottom of my priority list. If I am feeling generous and I deny you again so you can respawn and you request medic again you're sitting there until your 8 minute timer is up or I get to you when other revives are taken care of. Now I wouldn't be opposed to a rulebook change where we HAVE to honor that first denial request. If you request denial we should deny you. Unless you request again after that. Then it should become up to the responding medics discretion. 

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2.6. Medics are not required but should always try to deny players requesting to be denied thru their death menu.




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When i'm on as medic, if i don't deny it's because i'm otw to get you/waiting for threats to leave area, or didn't notice the request due to high amount of requests. however if its none of those i deny you right after you request for it, I've noticed lots of new medics neglecting to deny even if there no where near me when i request for denial or even heading towards my direction.

On 5/12/2020 at 12:45 PM, UnAlpha said:

no fuck u

no fuck u

On 5/11/2020 at 9:58 PM, Dicky said:

I have to disagree with you on this one. Some do but definitely not most

Does anyone disagree with the suggestion that if medic doesnt deny within 1 minute then you should be able to respawn. I cant see a negative to it

completely agree

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