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Deep Dark Secrets Of SAPD

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Damn, all these posts about how dogshit Winters is, and nothing has happened? Little to no activity, like what else do you need to get couped?

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34 minutes ago, Iceman said:

I would also like to point out that since becoming a Sr APD member, I have never been in game with my chief

@ Ryan

I hate to see this happen to someone who was so influential to the APD. Truly a character that cannot be replaced

Edited by Yeetus Deletus
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It’s a goddamn embarrassment to not play the game at all as the leader of the faction. Hypocrisy at its finest on display.

Just reposting @ ThatNerdyGuy 's amazing comment.

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Its truly Sad when hypocrisy and delusions get put into a leadership role. One should lead by example not by the fist. @ Iceman was a fantastic Sergeant and more than ever shouldn't have been put through the grinder. Nor should the Chief of police impose any rules in which he cannot uphold himself. @ Winters All im gonna say this was not a good move on your part at all. Nor did it shine anymore light on the type of gentleman you are. Please do better not only for yourself but for this community. Your position plays a crucial role within the server and if this is the criteria that is set for it, It truly is a saddening.


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bro yall need to step in and rectify this situation because this is not acceptable anymore, this is actually getting out of hand that out of all the seargents @ Iceman  was removed????????????

@ destruct  @ David Miller  @ Ryan  @ Grandma Gary

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@ Iceman you were one of best SGT out there, I could always rely on to help me when I needed it the most, anytime I needed something (no matter how dumb) you were always the first Sr to respond to my msg. I think it is BS how this so called "Chief" sets these rules that he cannot follow. I have talked with many Srs including APD and RnR and there is no amount of paper work on this server (not including dev work and all of that just Sr paper work) that could fulfil 10hrs a week @ Winters you've had a... run... but come on man its time to give it up. You let one of the most helpful and favorite Sr's go when you do nothing but sit in TeamSpeak all day muted and count that toward your 10hrs. You haven't done 10hrs worth of work this year alone. Also I love our staff on this server, we have the best staff out of any Arma 3 server out there. But its a shame that @ Ryan and @ Grandma Gary have not forced you out of your position. And @ Iceman I wish you luck with whatever you do with your future, always one of my favorite Sr's to play with (even though you couldn't go undercover to save your life 🤣) but thats besides the point

1 minute ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Hate to be that guy but since I left, Senior APD has been steadily circling the drain. This is because those at the top are so far removed from the Junior APD and even some other Senior APD their perception of the reality of the faction they run is far from the truth. As I said before it’s a shame that @ Winters  doesn’t even make an effort to play. Let alone the fact that some of those at the top of chain don’t want to play with certain Juniors. Your job is to play with Junior APD, when I was a senior the expectations were the same for all of Seniors. Quite frankly this is the type of bullshit I would expect from an incompetent Chief. But I don’t think that @ Winters  is incompetent. I just think it comes down to this, you’re either unwilling or unable. You can fix unable, you can’t fix unwilling. 

Can I get more reactions xD I cant like your message now 😞

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@ Iceman  I'm sorry I didn't get much time to get to play with you, however you will absolutely be missed. 


Best wishes, and best of luck with the future mate. 

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Iceman was maybe the most consistent seargent who played with anyone regardless of what gang they were associated with and the type of person they were.... he always took the time to make sure everybody in his channel was always following the rules and trying to make the cop experience fun for everyone involved including civs, if anyone needed a role model to follow if they wanted to move up in the APD faction @ Iceman  was def top 5. Im sure i speak for the majority of this community when i say that whatever the thought process that occurred to remove iceman was probably the most flawed and braindead decision that has been made in possibly the last 2 years of this server. def in the top 10 worst decisions in the history of this server being up.

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Ive been saying this guy needs to be gone for well over a year, glad people are starting to finally realise how shit of a chief we currently have. Bring us back to when chiefs would rotate every 6 months to a year. Id also like to bring up my point in the other post that next up is mako or caden. Mako is CM so he should automatically be ineligable for chief imo and just look at how cadens handled swat. If a coup was to happen whoevers managing it needs to put a capable and willing chief up instead of just following the busted COC created by this inactive retard.

As for your situation @ Iceman  it is truly a shame to see them boot you off. Ive been blacklisted for a couple years now and still knew you were one of the better Sapd.

1 minute ago, fat female arma 3 player said:

If a coup was to happen whoevers managing it needs to put a capable and willing chief up instead of just following the busted COC created by this inactive retard.

IMO @ Rexo would be one of if not the best Chief the APD has ever seen

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4 minutes ago, GrizzlyMan1252 said:

IMO @ Rexo would be one of if not the best Chief the APD has ever seen


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3 minutes ago, GrizzlyMan1252 said:

IMO @ Rexo would be one of if not the best Chief the APD has ever seen


4 minutes ago, GrizzlyMan1252 said:

IMO @ Rexo would be one of if not the best Chief the APD has ever seen

the dick riding is crazy...

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