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buckie last won the day on June 26 2023

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About buckie

  • Birthday 05/21/2001

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  • Olympus Gang
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  1. when personal grudges prevent you from gaining rank in any faction. The leader of that faction is failing at their job and needs to be removed. You are no longer running the faction correctly @Ryan @destruct @Zahzi @Sandman

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. GregoV1


      I mean... lets be real with this, please. Everyone is bias against someone. I can understand that, but to hold that biasness and grudges that happened ages ago is really pathetic. I got fucking beaned on from people who disliked me cause of shit I did to them when they weren't staff... @Ryan @rapidaax just to name a few lads. Kinda sucks that I spent a lot of time on this server and Arma in general, just to only get to supervisor cause of @Childish bringing me up. I believe this server can become great again if Ryan starts making some major plays: removing negative people in high positions, and the get the server pop up again. I only want the best for this server, but some people are dragging it down...

      The best way to run this server is to have positive, and caring people around you. Respect and a positive attitudes will get this server though very many years to come.

      Just my OPINION on this...

    3. Phizx


      @Grego  Agreed

      Honestly I think the biggest issue is SOME (not all, or even the majority) people in high positions just don't care enough about the game nor the servers wellbeing anymore. They might've at one point but it really does show periodically that people are slowly giving out. I understand that it's a game and people have real lives but it's quite easy to show that you're atleast making the effort, and if you truly can't then I'm sure there are plenty others that will give their 100%.

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