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Everything posted by fugi

  1. the feeling when ur 3rd monitor is up and running and yes there all 144hz 


    1. JoeL


      That feeling when you only have two 60hz monitors :s even tho that's not really bad. 

    2. DeadPool


      the feeling when you can barely run 1 monitor.... nice OJ

  2. LARRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. i can go one better
  4. right click arma in ur steam go to properties then (bata) tab then use the code Arma3Legacy164 and then drop down click the new one and wala you now are on the old patch and can play again ps thanks to Aladeen for this
  5. well the time has come hospital in 2 hours wish me luck guys 

  6. try watching this might help
  7. well liver scan today wish me luck 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fugi


      omg so i go in and she tells me to lay down on this bed so i do at this point im shitting myself , she asks me to pull my top up and applies petroleum jelly to my chest (i at this point say should we not go on a date first with smile on my face ) so she starts to move it around and comes out with hmm there is a problem . the smile on my face drops and im like o shit wtf is wrong she turns and looks at me and is like are you ok ? im like no you just said something is wrong why would i be ok .. she bursts out laughing and says no there is a problem with the machine.... but at the end of it all all i have is a fat ass liver :D

    3. Talindor


      I'm glad your ok Fugi.

    4. TheSkyStarKnight
  8. non for me but my friend dose this for me and lets me know when my pw has been leaked so i can change it <3 irl m8ts
  9. so blood results came back with some markers so now for further testing so might not be around for a bit :/ 

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      That's cancer.

      Even for Vodafone.

    2. fugi


      but now i can play Kappa in 10-15 mins hahahaha


  10. #moob in the good old days 



    1. JBruesch


      1. I feel like I should go to jail for watching this...

      2. What the fuck did I just watch?

      3. Can I get that 30 seconds of my life back plz

  11. little guide for you all 


    1. Augustus


      Jesus Christ I needed this. Thank you!

  12. what dose he go crazy for i don't get it
  13. everyone is right you will be missed i wish you all the best and gl :D
  14. shame to see you go i know you hates the fuck out of me but hey i had alot of respect for you gl with irl things.. as for this i didnt think i would do this but well said +1 made me chuckle a bit
  15. so i have been trying to type this for 2 hours and im just going to come out and say it ,,,As some know i moved house and it has taken alot of my time up but the main reason for me dropping out is my son,, he is going through alot of testing coming up and right through to next year so im here to say good bye i will try and pop on now and then to say hi and let some know how things are going but i will not be on as much as i used to be ... i would do shout outs but hey this page would be fucking hella long i just want to thank everyone for everything they have done some will be happy to see me go some will be a bit sad but some will not give a shit you all mean something to me <--(no thats just gay !!) and this is me done after soooo long i wish you all the best and make sure to comp or ban i will miss you all
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