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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. Okay so Ill just put some of my 2 cents in on this shit. I like the Idea of cop warzone war points, Not that I ever go to warzone It just makes logical sense. I like the Idea That cops loose a loadout when they die on warzone. Because Right now Warzone is so dangerous for civs to enter. (Its K O S, They have high risk of loosing shit, They probably will be met with multiple gangs coming to get the cartel....) When cops enter warzone They dont have merely as much to worry about. (Its K O S and they loose 30sec of their time on a re spawn screen) Guess what, After they die they get to keep their shit. Seems fair. But not only that They literally Spawn in to have instance access to a whole new set of gear at a place that is 99.998% safe most of the time. So then you have these Fucking cops that say I dont want to buy a new loadout every time I die on warzone. Listen here you bitch nigga. Its not like you have to travel at least 2.5KM to even have the oppertunity to get a new gear set, Its not like there will be civs camping Neo HQ, (Because when you do warzone shit you use neo) So that Literally eliminates the hassle of getting gear. Last point @ThatNerdyGuy said a loadout cost 300k BFD as I said above you Literally Spawn in to have instance access to a whole new set of gear. I would pay 500k a loadout to not have to travel to a Mother fucking rebel just to buy a new set of gear. There are so many things that can go wrong on a CIvs journey to get a gear set. . And to have instant access to a brand new set of gear and complain about a measly 300k is just mind boggling. Remember I used to be a cop, Back in the old days I was Frank Castle, And I have played as cop recently. So dont say I dont know what its like. That argument is invalid as fuck. Thank you.
  2. Is this not considered camping a Red zone?
  3. Finally watched Infinity war.... Who was the most surprising Hero death for you? For me it was Dr. Strange. 


    Like FR how tf are the gonna kill of a Bad Mofo like him?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SPBojo


      Guess im canceling tonights movie night... you kike.

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      I thought I was late...

    4. Ryan


      My guy wont be dead in Pt. 2, he gonna come back and fuck shit up with Thor, Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch 

  4. How come when ppl keep ants the make a lot of path in and out, But in the wild they only have one? I dont get it at all
  5. Bruh I said Id go to ur moms wedding lmao. But Idk lol. lmao
  6. Im The Great Khan!!
  7. Damn This shit is kinda good, But 18 Is still the best IMO. Shit will get better I havent made one in a long time so Im getting back into the feel of it. But here it is I give to you MemeTage 20!
  8. So Watching Nerdys Shitage 15 has inspired me to finally make Memetage 20, I was going through videos and found this hacker cop!!! I dont actually think hes a hacker this is just to announce Memetage 20 TBH
  9. Wait Where tf is Mongolian Refugees United at? Bruh where is the app even at?

    1. ScreaM


      I watched this awhile back. Pretty interesting lecture

    2. bigSMOKE2
    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Honestly a great Ted Talk

  11. I got a qullin and an AT off road
  12. Genghis Khan


    I have 2 DM me
  13. Oh fk well i met 17 But i do have 1 of those aswell.
  14. shhh this is a good deal. He dosnt know where to get 7.62 guns I suppose.
  15. I have 3 MK18s, 1Mk1, 5 AK12s and 3 spar 16s in my house ill sell them all to you for 4mill.
  16. Any reports on me submitted by [H] are to be immediately closed. They are a bunch of fucks and deserved every thing That was done to them. @Peter Long @draMa @Grandma Gary :shrug:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JAMIE


      nothing will slip past my butt crack

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Drama handle this lightweight. ^

    4. Theory
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Thats theater mode...

    3. Orgondo


      Yeah my youtube is actually like that atm, idk wtf happened and its not Theater mode


    4. Nightingale



      you stupid motherfucker fuck you, genghis just fuckin use a diff browser if that dont work steam msg me

  17. Forgot to put my Civ rep app in. 


  18. How many mags u got?
  19. This girl is a savage 


  20. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UZqLKSnPxgTl_79VQUACVfSq8MqCTAmkhmX7FI-em0c/edit?usp=sharing Just a rough draft tho...
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