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Everything posted by Plumber

  1. Let it be known that prior to the 2nd match our Drunk Team and Prime Rib came to an agreement to send all forces into Kavala Square for a straight push firefight. Then as you could see even after reaching the agreement they sent their forces all over the place.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Outplayed to the max. ^_^

    3. Lucki


      GG @Grandma Gary Your gang outplayed a bunch of wasted players.

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Our win wasn't worth it.  It resulted in 2 inches of a certain 2 people penises being sent to everyone in snapchat.  Had I know I would have wiped out prime Rib.

  2. Hey Hey you know better than to drag Mario in this. Fuck off
  3. Took me 7000 minutes and a month and a half to get PO when I was told I was doing well. took me 27000 minutes to get corporal even after I dedicated nothing short of 100% to be the best officer I could. took me around 50000 to get into the senior APD and now a LT. Even if I didnt express it I somewhat thought as you even though you're blowing this out of proportion. Took me to getting senior APD to realize just how much thought is put into the APD and APD players to make it as enjoyable as they can. I never expressed my disagreements in this kind of manner before I was senior for a reason. It shows just how unready you are to be in a leading position. Things don't go your way possibly because of something you've done or something you've not shown but instead of attempting to seek out what your lacking you decide to point fingers instead. Expressing disagreement in a civilized manner is fine and we respect and listen. What your doing is pitiful and again shows just why your not in those positions.
  4. Yeah what he said. Fuck the admins and all the staff that run this server....oh wait.
  5. Only reason you like burritos is because it's yet another thing you can practice deep throating on you Peter puffer. haha thanks my dude!
  6. Wouldn't affect the staff in any way. I don't do anything anyways
  7. Tonight I'm playing my Arma drinking game I made up. It involves robbing players all over and certain rules when you have to drink. Anybody will be invited
  8. Hopefully haha. Thanks brotha I really appreciate it
  9. A post especially for me?? Your too good to me. Haha thanks buddy I appreciate it brotha! The drinking will start soon right after work
  10. Whenever you question if Battlegrounds logic is as bad as Arma


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. big niko

      big niko

      One reason why I stopped playing.

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Unfortunately by comparison ARMA does not have shotguns. 


    4. Plumber


      Yes but I feel like if they did have shotguns it would go down a lot like this.

  11. Never heard of a random ban. But I have heard of Bans when you break server rules. Instructions are above
  12. That hilarious moment when someone who has been on the server for 30 seconds thinks he knows the rules and regulations better than people who have been on just a little bit longer than him....or a lot longer. My advice to you is instead of coming here to make a fool out of yourself why don't you go to the support room or go to somebody that knows what they're talking about and ask questions and clarifications or some things. Or just read the server rules and APD handbook.
  13. Oops looked like I accidentally locked this. Hmm how do I unlock it??? Oh well. In the end you broke a rule. And a pretty simple rule to break. You combat stored. One of the easier rules to follow. The fact that you want to complain because you still got banned is nobody BUT your fault. Not the staff or any other players. Take this time to learn from your mistake and don't do it again. Continue to be toxic about this and you might see yourself getting an even longer sentence. They're some rules that we take into account and can tell if it's an accident or not. Some we can't. Combat storing though is one that you can't really accidentally do unless you do it right when you get engaged.
  14. In case anybody didn't know @Dezree loves getting spammed messages of cat videos on TS. First person to get perm banned on TS from her gets 2 mil. Happy birthday Dezree. Let the games begin. 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Hydra


      1 minute ago, Plumber said:

      You'll get it. Jesus did you just YouTube multiple cat videos over and over?

      yepp then doc got tilted :^)


      funny cats

      cats jumping

      cat falls off building

      cat try not to laugh

      holy fucking cats

      cats are so lit

      cat people

    3. Randyy


      is there a way I can turn off notifications for this fucking status update

    4. Hydra


      2 hours ago, Randyy said:

      is there a way I can turn off notifications for this fucking status update


  15. So is Battlegrounds worth getting? Read the reviews and seems to have multiple comments about fps problems.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      I will let you know now if you play on the settings that don't look potato you will get no more than 50 fps and thats in the middle of an empty field with no one around, i have the same exact specs, i would recommend buying it and if you dont enjoy it do to the frame issues then wait a few months until they make it better optimization wise.

    3. Albert Savage

      Albert Savage

      16 minutes ago, bigSMOKE said:

      I will let you know now if you play on the settings that don't look potato you will get no more than 50 fps and thats in the middle of an empty field with no one around, i have the same exact specs, i would recommend buying it and if you dont enjoy it do to the frame issues then wait a few months until they make it better optimization wise.

      god.... I have I5- 4590K ( stock) and gtx 760, I might as well refund while its downloading :S 

    4. bigSMOKE


      @Albert Savagenot exactly, might as well try it and wait for it to be better optimized later on in the future months

  16. Come on people. Think. What update has Bohemia ever came out with where they haven't fucked something up? Give it time. Strangle infants or something to pass time.

    1. bigPat


      ill stomp your dick in the dirt before I hit an infant ya fook

    2. Plumber


      Possibility I like it rough so bring it on!!!

  17. Chapter XI - Illegal Areas
      • 4
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  18. Well I could give you 12 mill for the times I roasted you. Or instead of 12 mill i could give you a straw instead. So you can suck it the fuck up you prom night dumpster baby. HAHAHA
  19. HAHAHA. That's what I'm here for. Motivating people to play longer and be more active. Yeah I'll give you your payment. Activity gets you to far places. 4 mil minus the bitch part so 3 mil. Minus calling me a pussy today so 2 mil. You being a poopy face so 1 mil. And last but not least. You being a big old virgin so after that it comes out to you paying me 2 mil. I would like to receive my payment as soon as possible. Just kiddin. That is hilarious though.
  20. @LuckiCongratz my man!!!!!! Nobody deserves it more!!!! One more spot to go.

    @Dangerwho the hell cares. Just kidding congratz to you as well. Now go out and do great things even though your still a waste of air haha

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bow


      You mean two spots

    3. Danger


      Everyone has to be good at something...

  21. This is not a place to be putting something like this. If you want to submit a ban appeal please do it in the support section.
  22. I'm sorry but this is insufficient evidence. The video isn't 5 minutes long. I'm submitting a ban appeal right now and demand trial by combat!
  23. The forums is not a place so be pointing fingers and addressing your personal feelings towards an individual for all to see. If it upsets you that much you can talk to him in person on a man to man level or I can see if we can get some kind of counseling bots in the servers that way you can settle it that way.
  24. Thanks to everyone that participated in the events tonight. No matter what happens there's gonna be a few rocky moments in getting in started but just try and be patient because there's a lot of preparation that goes in making them. We hope so do more events in the future. We will mix it up like we did tonight so everyone doesn't get the same outcomes in events. Thanks everyone. 

    1. skavenpete


      What were the events? Would have loved to take part 

    2. Goodman


      1 wave tazer defuse... GG

    3. Plumber


      That was on server 2. Me and Talindor had a criminal escort where the cops had to deliver him to the jail. The cops won so we then made another where the civs had to escort the criminal to Athira rebel. Both sides got 2 striders and there was a lot of civs so it was lit.

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