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snipeZ last won the day on October 10 2019

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About snipeZ

  • Birthday 05/10/2000

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    Some random bush away from the fight.

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  1. Well BMT sucked. Anyways whats happening over here?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buckie


      That’s pretty dope honestly snipez cutting edge field of science you enjoy it?

    3. snipeZ


      I literally just started tech school. So i still dont rlly know anything about my job because it requires a top secret clearance.

    4. buckie


      @ snipeZ  your prob gonna learn some alien shit

  2. So i got challenged to a 1v1 in titanfall2 and decided to make an edit lul


    1. Masonn


      why do you blur out his name for it to only show for the next minute

    2. Millennium


      BO3 looking kinda wack

  3.  Valorant is a fun game that i enjoy playing. 🙃

  4. Being able to drink my tears away is amazing. =D

  5. Shot 7.62x54r for the 1st time. Got scope bit on the 1st shot. I hit my target doe lul. I got 4 stitches cause of it. Remember folk, the 1st rule of handling a gun is to have fun. 😃

    1. Rafa


      I remember my first time shooting a mosin nagant shit is way cooler than in any of the WW2 games 

    2. MAV


      gotta brace for that recoil


    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      o7 lil snipeZ

  6. Decided to try out Apex Legends for the 1st time ever. Currently I'm Not having fun.

    He proceeded to kill my 2 rando teammates ;-;

    1. Rafa


      That’s the fun of battle royale! It’s like CBT the game 😅

    2. Cooper:P
  7. The Valorant Immortal rank is where only the best of the best play: https://imgur.com/gallery/Gy56OqR

  8. And with turning 21, i can finally start my slow suicide via legal alcohol. Anybody got any drink recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. snipeZ


      Well first time being fucked up drunk RN. Feel like I'm good mentally but severed from being physically good. Right now i just want to die but that's normal.

    3. Rafa


      Hang in there man, alcohol is a depressant so just pace yourself. Find some greasy food and drink some water and you’ll be fine

    4. Outcast


      I had a girl talk me into taking a ton of Jell-O shots at the club once. I don't remember shit after that. 😁

  9. Somebody just emailed me by mistake.

    Maybe THIS is why i have horrible karma. 100% worth doe.

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I enjoy the way you crossed off your email on one part but not another. Time to sign up for free steam card giveaways and porn sites under that email

    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      If that's not a scam/phishing email, I feel bad for James.

      That email was full of syntax and grammar issues. If a teacher can't be assed to use a decent spell checker and read over an email before they send it to a parent, their classroom communication must be dreadful.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      It’s a fake email I’m pretty sure. Based on the fact it says he/she at some points I’m assuming it’s a copy and paste. Some of the words are misspelled which is weird if it won’t even say their gender. 

  10. I like to think im good at Warzone.

  11. Made a small edit to a high kill game i got.


  12. Kappa Secured. Getting it caused me way too many fucking headaches.


    1. Civak


      You've played 1000 hours of Tarkov in 54 days. Why?

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