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Everything posted by Google

  1. Can you stop being racist?
  2. Not sure how much to offer
  3. Is Olympus soon to face the death of the server crashes as well?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MAV


      Client crashes or server crashes? Servers very rarely crash unless it's during a restart and it comes right back up

    3. Edweirdo
    4. Google


      @MAV In my situation it was a server crash

  4. Hey I'm interested
  5. Can't seem to PM you, how much are you wanting? Not sure how much to offer
  6. WTB S1/S2/S3 DP 23 or DP 22 Houses Post bellow with your house and requesting price
  7. How much are you wanting?
  8. I was just writing about that surprisingly anyways here. My goal was to inform people about how my CQC never did anything wrong. I don’t care for clout. I don’t care for the hate. It pisses me off though that I get told consistently by people that my CQC sold IPs even when I put hours into making the server and learning wastes just to get hate by people. Other than that I have no purpose with this post.
  9. No. 1) I don’t see how racism is relevant to IPs, but I will cover your points. I doubt anyone on here is genuinely racist most people say “racist” like things to get a reaction and laugh. Should people do it? No, it hurts people’s feelings being called racial slurs, but it also hurts being called other names. This name is no different imo it’s just like cunt, dumbass and etc.. This is at least how I view it in my eyes and as time goes eventually more will view it that way because the more people use a term the more the meaning changes over time. 2) You’re obviously grabbing at straws at this point. I never ever believe it’s ok to post someone’s IP for everyone to see ( unless they give permission ( i.e for a Minecraft server local host ) ) I don’t believe I even said it was okay since someone else did it. That’s my fault though I didn’t make myself clear enough and let me do it here or at least try to: should I have posted IP lists as a way to tell people hey look I sent these to Peter and nothing happened: No not at all. I should’ve at least blurred out the IPs. Should I receive a perm for it? Not in my opinion, why should I get perm’d when it was an honest accident and I never had any negative intentions? Agreed though I should face punishment and in my opinion I served my punishment. But if I did stay perm’d for it I would have understood because I did fuck up, but I learned my lesson from it. Again Ignis. Just as you fucked up with the database and learned from it I did the same with forgetting to blur out IPs.
  10. Do you want to see the tickets or messages I’ve sent you peter attempting to get people banned for sending IP lists in snapchat groups?
  11. Dumps?? You act as if I purposefully sent out tons of IPs I sent out a photo of me trying to get people banned for giving out IP Lists... The same way I sent the photos of me trying to get people banned for that is like it is with you fucking up the servers and causing the site to go offline. I didn’t leak their IPs on purpose I forgot to blur out the IPs. You didn’t purposefully fuck up the servers but people knew you didn’t have negative intentions. My situation of sending the IPs was the same way. I didn’t purposefully do it, I forgot to blur out IPs. And I accept that but that’s definitely not worth a perm imo and apparently in some other people’s opinions as well. To sum it up: i accept that I fucked up by sending photos of people’s IP lists, but it wasn’t in a negative intention. I sent photos as a way to try to defend myself and the context was me saying hey look I sent this to Peter and nothing happened. This post was strictly to my CQC Administration Team being accused of IPs. Nothing else. I don’t care how you feel about me whether I’m a racist or not. But you can never ever say my CQC sold IPs because we didn’t. You can ask iKiled we even “tested” admins by going on alt accounts and seeing if they would sell IPs
  12. If you’re not going to say anything constructive then why speak at all? I’m trying to explain how I never ddos’d and it pissed me off that I could join Teamspeak and people who I have no clue who they are say they heard about me and it’s because people said I sold IPs. I attempted to do something like this previously when I was civ rep but like usual no one said anything constructive. People just love the bandwagon of talking shit about my CQC even when nothing bad happened. I do find this post funny though so +1 lol
  13. This post wasn’t about why people disliked me. I understand that people disliked me more than just about the rumors hence why I never mentioned anything about being disliked in this thread. I am purely talking about the IP rumors in the post. But since you replied with this I’m assuming you want me to respond to my “racism.” So when I first joined Olympus I thought it was professional asf and wanted to join the support team so I did when I got in there I took it so serious. I wasn’t racist. I wasn’t toxic. I basically wasn’t Google. But then when I was in the support team lounge I heard some people say the N word. This surprised me big time and if I recall correctly I even went to a senior support team member about it but he said it was allowed. This led to me begin saying it a lot because people I was around in support team consistently said it and had soundboards of it. I say the N Word to get a reaction out of people. Am I really a racist? No. I’m just a troll. In the same way people joke about 9/11 but they wouldn’t ever do that. It’s fucked up, but they do it to try to be funny.
  14. No unfortunately the Google CQC Administration Team was acquired by the Doctor CQC Administration Team in which we signed a contract agreeing to not reopen the Google CQC Administration Team. Ex - CEO of Google CQC Administration Team
  15. I'm Google, some of you may know me, some may have heard rumors about my cqc administration, some may not have a clue who I am. I'm here today to address the rumors about my CQC and about me as an individual. What were the rumors? People believed that I used my CQC Server as a way to purposefully log IPs and sell them. My CQC did log IPs, but that was purely for banning individuals. Not once did I ever sell an IP or give one away from my CQC. I was paying about $60 Monthly for my CQC Server ($50/month for the server and $10/month for Battlemetrics), so why would I need like $30 for like 10 peoples' IPs? I didn't care for money when I made my CQC, I never thought of it as a IP Logger or a money making server. So why'd you make your CQC? I made my CQC because I wanted to get into scripting and the best way to get yourself into something is often to throw yourself into a project. That project for me was my CQC. I loved the feeling of being able to look at Battlemetrics see the playerbase and know that I made that whole server myself without anyone else doing the work for me. It felt good. So why'd you joke about ddosing so much? A common mechanism to get people to stop calling you names is to call yourself it as well, so I figured that if I joked about ddosing so much then other people would just shut up about me selling IPs. Why were you banned? To my knowledge I was banned for continuously joking about it, which I don't disagree with I understand why I was punished and have moved on from it. What made it worse though was that when I attempted to defend myself by showing logs of me trying to get someone banned for giving out IPs I forgot to blur out many of the IPs which is definitely my fault. I was not banned for selling IPs because I never did that. How did the rumor start then? Most likely someone played on my server then their internet went shit (tbh was probably just their internet provider) and decided to blame Google because hey he made a CQC Server... I don't know 100% on how it started, but I think whoever began spreading these lies about me is a dick. More points to backup that I didn't sell IPs - I continuously addressed my server as the Google CQC Administration Team, just because it felt funny to me to make my tiny cqc server seem like some big administration team so to me it makes no sense that I would go out and sell IPs and ruin my server's name... - I didn't sell IPs, I liked having people play on my server. I enjoyed opening battlemetrics to see around 25 - 30 people on almost 24/7. So let's think this out logically if I sold an IP to let's say John then John will go oh shit I'm not gonna play his server they sell IPs I'm good. This causes me to lose a playerbase, so why would I do it? Along with it's scummy asf. I'm open to discussion if you think I sold IPs please tell me how I would love to hear your points. I did this as a way to show you that I never did this act that everyone is saying I did. I joined support and the first person I spoke to was like oh is this the Google? And I was like yeah, then that's when he followed up with saying he heard I sold IPs. Like wtf? Never any evidence is there about me selling IPs. Let me finish this with one question: If I sold IPs, why isn't there anyone exposing me who I sold IPs to? Surely one of them would get mad at me eventually and use it against me? Only video of such an attempt was by ZoomZoooom in which I declined his offer repeatedly.
  16. What do civs want now?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Google


      @Homicide i think a good way to bring out more fights using that logic would be a Gang Perk System I'll try to think of a really good way to do it better than Asylums and put it in a Google Doc later.

    3. Homicide
    4. Kamikaze


      to not get kill switched after smashing people on cartel

  17. The Google CQC Administration Team is conducting research.

  18. Will there be a separate Teamspeak 3 Server for Malden? @McDili @Jesse

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Pledge


      There will be different names most likely.

    3. ivy


      waste of money. just add to the currently existing one?

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Wait and see ;D

      Clemenza has already decided on names.



      They have nothing to do with Nazi Germany

      I shall consider you #shook.

  19. Technically then it was only a one hour game session.
  20. @Benjamin Remer Congratz on CORPORAL!! It's like you never had it before!! omg, I did not see this coming.

  21. If anyone likes to play Fortnite and lives in NA East coast hmu

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