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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. :FeelsBad: >tfw u gotta log on to save ur houses

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Just hitting T will suffice, @Augustus

    3. Augustus


      Thanks Clamenza

    4. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      tfw you lose every house you own except rebel garage

  2. 636703591043adf83b56399b475a09ca.png

    When did you start playing league professionally @ToeKnee

  3. 8ce34906da470806ca04bb58dbb4552b.png

    Anyone wanna buy this house? (pic embbeded) On server 1

    1. Linka


      thats too great of a house 

  4. TFW you win free tickets to a sold out G-Eazy show and bouta make $$$$$ :bender-dance:

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      You'll just spend it on cheetos and Gatorade you fat fuck.

    2. Moose


      Or just go see G-Eazy you jew

  5. PB: 987 Gang: Slash Slash
  6. HMU if your not a retard and wanna fight for Slash Slash in Gangwars. Need 3 people.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ventar


      If you are desperate enough...

    3. Dustin87
    4. -dante-


      Im basically OK. Def not a retard though XD

  7. What belongs to you, but others use it more then you do?
  8. im flaccid for a chili dog @EatMeth

  9. Slash Slash are the real kings of Kavala! :deIlluminati:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Fuzy


      Martial Law was pretty lit tbh. Even tho you guys pussied out after 5 minutes.

    3. Dejay


      fuzy, we had been scatting for an hour before and you guys were getting picks so we just decided to leave before someone got taken down.

    4. TheSkyStarKnight


      This is an Interesting conversation

  10. Taught @G.O.A.T. how to land a plane in Georgetown, Take notes.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRealKyle


      7 minutes ago, Isaac Newton said:

      Yet another amazing landing for his portfolio

      this was me not that low tier pilot goat

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      I stand corrected!  

      Do it again :Kappa:

  11. "It'll be 5 seconds by the time the bullets get to them" @Willski

    nice roleplay dude

  12. Something is wrong with this....




  13. Next donation goal = National armory/Bank? something else for civs to fight cops at? Just a suggestion.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Fedot


      @Fat Clemenza  from WHO? I remember mentioning this idea and Poseidon said "yeah and we'll add Black foots too Kappa"

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      @Fedot I think it was Gary's idea? I dunno. Could've been a troll. 

    4. Fedot


      @Fat Clemenza Anything gary says is a troll NOOT NOOT

  14. Selling a DP25 3 crater on server 2. Message me with offers gonna make a thread later.

  15. I will gladly take your place as the longest standing corporal. Congrats @EatMeth  :wub:

  16. We pay 160/mo
  17. Shoutout to Anchorage. You would all be disgusted to know how much my family pays for this.
  18. 8a69ad1eb5cd91b760173e3dced8508b.png

    mfw coming home from baseball camp i was helping at and get to read my gang getting slated

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