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Everything posted by LongInactiveAccount

  1. Saying fights is dead is a self fulfilling prophecy
  2. Say hi to 6ix9ine for me
  3. Aye but I’m still on the forums, just don’t play
  4. o7, honestly sad seeing some of the people I’ve played with from the start leaving
  5. I hAtE dUpErS, o7
  6. if N7’s gonna stay banned I think we should follow the same protocol for cops. If one cop online breaks a rule, every cop online is punished regardless of their involvement.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Man, this might be one of the most retarded ideas I’ve read in awhile

    3. Ashur


      37 minutes ago, a overweight giant retard said:

      Man, this might be one of the most retarded ideas I’ve read in awhile

      being in your 20's and looking like a retarded 13yr old is worse i think.

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @Ashur bro no one in this community has a CLUE who you are

      hop off my nuts

  7. The recent Homicide roast thread has really highlighted how low this community can go. Honestly, I believe we should be slightly more considerate to other people in this community. This is due to none of us knowing about another persons mental health state and or personal situation. I'm aware it's slightly ironic coming from me, due to me being rather toxic at times in the past but I'm well past that now. I hope that just maybe this post might make one or two others think before they post in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Homicide


      @Dante Yea i can attest to that he has always taken action quikly and so has the rest of the staff Peter noticed how heated it got and he tok care of but what Dante has taught me man to man its a 2 way street as well you know. ANd @McDili He aint in this shit for money if that was the case trust me we wouldnt have all these cool things 

    3. J O E

      J O E

      If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen 

  8. I would like to vouch @Borax is not 16

    1. Borax


      Yeahh okkk your home schooled 


  9. I +1 this movement
  10. I think if I tried hitting someone off my own router would fry tbh
  11. If you don't vote Strikke, your going offline
  12. Haven't played in a couple months but gonna start playing again. If anyone has any gangs I can tag along with HMU.

    1. Google


      Civ Meeting saturday (5-12-2018 | today) @ 5 PM Eastern Time

    2. Rappy


      Yes yes you can join rappy's pickle factory cartel if you wish we are opening in a month

  13. When you are on your way to do a Blackwater and your gang sees a group of cops patrolling


  14. Real boys were taught BODMAS
  15. Hi I’m also new. I’ll be your friend.
  16. You have to remember him and Savage are on the same IP
  17. I am proud to notify Olympus the 

    D a n i e l civ rep campaign will launch tommorow

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