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Everything posted by Slumberjack

    1. silver


      begone roleplaying scum

    2. 1-800TryHards


      Yeah I wanted to check out that sever you play on it ? They banned me because I didn’t have a roleplay name and I didn’t know what that meant so I joined TS and I was like I come from Olympus and he’s like well that explains your name..


    3. Slumberjack


      That’s hilarious lmao I was just scrolling through twitch arma channels and was watching this due for a few mins when I saw a familiar name haha 

  1. Had a snowstorm yesterday and lost my wifi :( wont get it back until some time tomorrow but until then I have decided to spend time in the mythical land of libraries.

    I don't like em.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      So the storm caused ya to read books eh? @Silton stepped up to a whole new level

    3. silton


      18 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      So the storm caused ya to read books eh? @Silton stepped up to a whole new level

      Untraceable by feds ez

    4. Slumberjack



      Never @Ryan just leaching some wifi

  2. If you need further clarification feel free to join the teamspeak: ts.olympus-entertainment.com and join the support channel.
  3. Chapter 18 - Server Rule Handbook 9. Killing someone in restraints is considered Fail RP. You cannot restrain someone outside of a redzone and then bring them into a redzone just to kill them. This is also FailRP. If you need to submit an appeal: click here
  4. Unpopular opinion:

    T-series is pumping out hits that are low-key hype as fuck... 


    Is that treacherous to say?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SPBojo


      1 minute ago, Slumberjack said:

      Yeah that's how I heard of them too-- I actually checked them out hahah

      Dafuq is that curry looking shit

    3. Slumberjack


      Just now, SPBojo said:

      Dafuq is that curry looking shit


      12 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

      b o t s

      I actually am not sure they do use bots. Some of their videos are hugely popular in the East-- but I guess the markets are very different due to the region...

    4. KrispyK


      its a youtube channel made for india views. of course you wouldnt hear about it. pewdiepie is just triggered he losing his spot. man has shitty content

      my roommate is indian, i see him watching it alot

  5. Put on your nice headphones
  6. Straight up one of the funniest mofos I've ever seen...
  7. please take this man's work
  8. I feel like this change was made due to the schemers who would exploit feds with their friend on medic... Just another example of how a sneaky minority can ruin a great thing. However; if any medics CL on a hostage situation, they deserve serious consequences -- that's not cool to do ... In all honesty, we make enough money as is. I, for one, enjoy seeing feds unfold and seeing the fight from the ground! It can be a fun refresher, even without money.
  9. I would like a car but I think I will get socks because I'm broke.
  10. Gotta day not too too bothered about the fed money thing, although I hope you still get a +1 revive stat for reviving people if nothing else lol — feelsbadtho
  11. Congrats @ikiled & @Fusah! Well deserved!

  12. I'd pay a lot of Altis $ to roll with that kind of style
  13. Welcome to Altis homie! I'll be there when you need it most
  14. hahahaha nice one
  15. If anyone is ordering Papa John's use promo code PAPATRACK for 25% off your next regular menu price order.

    1. Temple


      or i could just use the 50% discount i get for working there

    2. RubberDuck


      Love me some papas, thanks m8

    3. Kamikaze
  16. Is the new grinch movie any good?

    1. Arigato


      The Jim Carey one was better but it’s still pretty good

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