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Everything posted by DABESTeva

  1. yea no one will buy that u retard
  2. i was going to fast and i fucked up @evolved is my family
  3. Im getting tired of this game after me having no life playing all day so im taking a break from this game had fun ill be on time to time Thanks to all my boys that i played with @Parker Radley You my main man i love u. u my dad @Phizx thx for letting me in r had fun in there @Creepy Had fun times in bw no matter how many times i left and joined @Jeff Chaplin u let me first join evolved and i had some fun ass times bud @Garrett @BumbaClat @Trimorphious @ArX love all u rats @Proud @Savage u kids are mongs but i love u @[df]Jaconite ambition was fun miss them times @trident yall know who u are love u boys not @ all people cause im retarded slow and disabled pce boys delete all vigis
  4. Happy birthday @LB33R where you go tho

  5. you geek

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DABESTeva


      i know man all my forum rep its all gone i worked so hard man damn i might cry eggs d

    3. ApacheWarrior


      So why mention something when i do it u downvote everyone of my posts and i dont say anything but i do it to you and you bring something up

    4. DABESTeva


      i was just joking idrc about my forum rep

  6. Happy birthday to the nig himself  @DatBoiMystic

  7. The donation goal makes me cream a little

  8. Merry Christmas nerds :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Temple
    3. idk


      23 minutes ago, DABESTeva said:

      I was an idiot

      lol ur gonna get unbanned in like a week guaranteed 

    4. JebronLames
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