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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. same guys that complain about bw being too easy cant even get the bomb to blow 🙂🙂

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jig


      d09c22b8379db63d9367bea6005ffeea.pngthey were throwing i had 16 and the second most was 7

    3. silton


      3 hours ago, Jig said:

      d09c22b8379db63d9367bea6005ffeea.pngthey were throwing i had 16 and the second most was 7

      kinda funny how the guys wanting tier 3 got rolled by cpls with tier 2. Also funny I ran in on foot and killed more then most doing the BW. I think most of apd doesn't understand what it takes to do a BW. 

    4. billdroid


      player diff not gear diff

  2. Nah mate the co leader is serving 30 years https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-charges-college-student-sexual-exploitation-minors
  3. Hahaha dune user bra head

    1. maiko


      piss drinker111

  4. Log on to civ. Loadouts bought adds to prize money and cops get free loadouts sooo???? You can restrain people swimming you must have downs Civs on top
  5. Stay mad buddy I'll smoke you
  6. I refuse to take a guy who made a badge for roleplaying as a cop seriously. Enjoy the tier 2 buddy!
  7. Relax buddy just commending the young lad for the work put in. I'm not a faggot like you sAPD blokes
  8. Nice vests retards suck my cock
  9. And you never will Good shit glorious leader @SuWooP
  10. Bloke you spent your whole time on the council needing runs to spite tree I don't want to hear it. That's your job mate maybe bring up more then one thing in the roundtable
  11. Kids on this server are freaks man don't worry about it just keep hustling brother
  12. fuck the waff all my homies hate the waff

  13. Free loadouts vs 180k+ Ratbids unlimited hunters vs 600k frits which get seized Money when getting a kill vs nothing 20 retards vs 5-15 MAX Mar10s Tier 4 Shut the fuck up retard it's generally not worth it for most gangs cause of APD be fat useless retards with all the gear and no idea
  14. Heard alot of negatives last time they better be fixed
  15. ive got 2 for 20m each maybe a bit lower if im feeling good
  16. writing this cause you cant spell it SAD!
  17. @Headless  Delete that dogshit cap NOW and NEVER EVER design anything for wz again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horizon


      i liked it a lot  but it just caused my game to freeze ONLY when im literally about to smack a nibba everytime

    3. Masonn


      The concept was good. But shoving 50 rocks inside each other will never work out well.

  18. do you even know what a metaphor is you slanty eyed freak
  19. your dad is fucking slumped. thank god the worlds needs less people like you and him please follow his footsteps
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