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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Status Updates posted by silton

  1. Ahahaha deleted my Ron post. dog shit biased staff I will release all staff secrets if Ron doesn't receive perm cpl


    1. Eddy Spagooti
    2. goooooon


      DAMN @Mako just fucking pay attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt


  3. chip 3 tp 0

    1. monster




      88 0 chip 1 tho real talk

    2. silton


      5 minutes ago, monsterr said:

      88 0 chip 1 tho real talk

      many angry men

  4. chip 1 tp 0

    1. Masonn
    2. monster


      smh too busy trying to give you my ifrit, kids who were playing gate 1 area dont have eyes apparently

  5. The Five Stages of Grief - Our Domestic Church - Cincinnati, OH


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. silton


      2 minutes ago, Icy said:

      all you can do is send my KD because you have no other argument. sorry kid.

      more implying that you didnt play for tp but yeah youre also dogshit

    3. Icy


      oh wow being bad at a game i'm not gonna be on for the next four months, not to mention arma is dead. there's a reason i don't have an ego about arma: i don't give a fuck. i do, however, give a fuck when a bunch of spineless pricks give a bunch of kids a round they shouldn't have been given.

    4. Woo


      10 minutes ago, Icy said:

      i do, however, give a fuck when a bunch of spineless pricks give a bunch of kids a round they shouldn't have been given.

      must be your first gw huh


    1. Monks


      this is how it do b

    2. Xirie


      sil p drink the piss.......

  7. Can add new emotes and snowflakes. But can't conquest stats that was a donor goal. Interesting

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tech


      Conquest stats are in the server and have been being recorded for the past 3-4 months. Just hasn't been added to stats v2

    3. Civak
  8. How is this shit still on the server and staff(who dont go to jail) deny the max 30min idea. 



  9. What a man gotta do for that 2016 Athira rebel

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. silton
    3. low


      blocking the two entrances with tempests and playing nazi zombies against the cops. Pretty good times.

    4. silton


      @low and the just the back of buy hut flank

  10. APD escort event is fucking horrible. The only thing worth doing is blowing it up. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tech


      Don't get me wrong we should absolutely remove NLR for civs at the event


      I think it will have very little impact due to the cops moving out of the NLR circle and due to the fact that people break NLR all the time regardless

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      @Tech I think it's a start. There are some decent ideas brewing on the post made by @Monks.

    4. Hunter


      @ThatNerdyGuy @Tech The problem is not civ NLR it's cops coming back constantly even when they death stack the events 

  11. IX win again!

    14 cops vs 11 civs

    No medic. No worries

    Sucks to suck @APD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      Bruh why yall gotta  do it at 1 in the morning I would've wrapped yall up at like 11:30 💪

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Obnoxious ozzies and 2am feds, name a better duo.

  12. Anti Tank vehicles shouldn't be able to be slung, especially when you just put insurance on it. Change my mind

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Millennium


      10 hours ago, Toasty said:

      your problem is mostly with the insurance not slinging them... water logging is combat storing last time i checked. Titaning an orca while its slinging something is about the easiest thing ever. Pretty sure 700k is a little investment in comparison the the expense potentially obtaining an AT.

      I disagree, with insurance it allows vehicles to be safe if they blow up whether its arma or watever, which it is an offroad and arma is a bitch. It wouldn't be considered water logging unless the helicopter actually released it over the water. If they are slinging it over water there is no way in getting it, if you titan that affects the orca and the AT just plumits into the water, you can't titan the AT itself.

    3. Hunter


      @Millennium ? Buy a titan etc etc not hard to kill a slinged AT

    4. Millennium


      Most people if they are slinging it are no where near a rebel it is usually to counter a fed, fighting an HQ, etc. The titan doesn't even guarantee the kill on the AT

  13. #FreeDonPablo

    @Noahhh! @ThatNerdyGuy

    1. Noahhh!


      I'm gonna have to go back and make sure he only gifted you once like you say.


  14. 8cdfe3d214528a82986104af8c0e6d3d-png.jpg

    getting desperate

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. silton


      @Drippp with that much time its just hard to stomach that youre still losing

    3. Elements


      help a dahmer out man send the download link

    4. Zurph


      thats fake af, i dont like any of you kids why would i help truthy?

  15. Selling AT offroad 

    Buying 7.62 Sup


    1. CaloomClark


      Hm u looking for AT?

    2. Noahhh!


      I have a 7.62 supp.

    3. Noble


      Damn that AT comp came in quick :^)

  16. boolinson wins again. just can't be stopped

  17. dr boolinson wins again

    1. Mako
    2. Bloodmoon


      I'd hope you could win a 30 man bw.

  18. Someone's horny @DeadPool


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. N7Zero


      that time when @DeadPool sweet talkin on DB nicole and maj told him nicole was a guy and deadpool went SILENT 


    3. dog:)


      ah, the classic dick in a pumpkin trick @Grandma Gary

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