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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. prime connor or mcgregor? or both?
  2. GOAT - Camping Gang Sheds Since Jan 2017
  3. Have you tried securing the shed compound and shooting anyone that enters the area? Complex stuff
  4. Yes like every time civs do something cops are too retarded to prevent it gets added to the rule book
  5. Why don't you do that already? I did that as a cop
  6. Ahhh that's your arguement? If civs stopped doing illegal shit cop would be soooooooooo fun wouldn't it
  7. sAPD retards get everything in their favour once again civs get fucked in the ass. It's unfair how this can happen I complained about it like a year and a half ago, GOAT sat on a hill away from the ZF gang shed all I had was a 30k bounty and respawned next to it. Got searched shits fucking cancer and impossible to fight
  8. i believe not but i do not have my pc to test.
  9. cod is also in 1st person. arma crosshair is accurate in 1st not 3rd
  10. Bring back @codeYeTi for dev he was one of the best we had and great guy in general, just slipped up once and deserves another chance.

    1. bummm
    2. silton


      @Retired Developer I said one of. Im sorry i may have offended you sir and I was meaning in terms of skill not contribution to the server. You top that list by a long shot <3

    3. codeYeTi


      +/- differentials in git are a terrible measure or like pretty much anything. Not saying one way or another here, but just saying that that's like measuring number of shoes purchased against running ability.

  11. yes and it decreases the further away you get
  12. Moving cardboard box or 100k ifrits. I quite enjoy the change
  13. Here's mine This should not be allowed Like for yes Hmmm for no
  14. Sooo when am I getting civ rep?

    1. DashTonic


      When you ever you get your pc back from the internet police


    2. silton


      1 hour ago, DashToxic said:

      When you ever you get your pc back from the internet police


      Ok I'll keep you updated I got my phone back today 

    3. Strikke


      5 hours ago, DashToxic said:

      When you ever you get your pc back from the internet police


      this sentence gave me a aneurysm

  15. Negative. It's not about Arma
  16. I did. I dindu nothing i got a caution and that is all
  17. also its not for dosing any players relating to arma. + I was not charged for any crime
  18. seniors get better gear and they are the ones that come to warzone. Also people know when you are coming on WZ code 3 or not
  19. ahhh when did I say that cops are OP? Never in this post. I feel that they should lose money as civs do on warzone as it would make it more fair. Please read instead of talking dumb shit cause you're a new player that think you know what you are talking about but all you are is a retard who plays cop and does salvage runs.
  20. ahhh you are way more braindead than I thought. 90% of the time not going to happen. Also 3 hours no money on cop. You're a shit cop its easy money
  21. See I know you have never fought a cartel and have no clue what you are talking about but its not as simple as it seems. Runs take time and you can also get fucked by cops and civs. Cops just run around shooting people and getting easy money
  22. No its not unfair. It would be beyond stupid if all cops had god gear. Cops know the risk and what goes down at warzone they should lose their gear like everyone else that dies there. Also civs pay a premium price for the gear, cops pay a 1 time fee, unless stolen which has been made considerably harder and limited to every 30mins. Civs also have to do runs which are a whole other story.
  23. I can afford it. its unfair how civs have to pay every time for their loadouts and cops don't on warzone
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