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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Status Replies posted by silton

  1. remove takistan as a map if you cant fix the bulletproof broken trees

  2. okay after todays conq im all for removing smoke because its at the point where im hitting shit i cant even see then getting ripped by kids on buildings lol

  3. I think I might actually have to break rules.. I need like a month ban. Between sewing and baking for the holiday I should have zero time to play... 


    Hmmm.. Taking suggestions on how to break the rules. What's your go to? 


  5. "shut down s2 and force ~150+ people into a 140 slot server that shits its pants when it gets over 120 players < leave both servers open who tf cares if some no life rats play s2 all day"

    I care cunt

  6. Genuine question here, does civ council still exist?

  7. Hey if any people are interested in ArmA SQF Development HMU As I’ve had a few people message me about it. I’ll help you with the basics and try my best to answer any questions that you have. I’ll also provide documents that can help you when scripting.

    Martinezzz#5762 Or Website

    1. silton


      yeah what we need is retards learning off the most useless dev. nice

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  8. cops yoinking y when they lethal you and not dropping it when they die is fucking stupid.

  9. petition to revert air hospital ASAP

  10. day 2 of saying fix lag till its fixed🙄

  11. skip gangwars.. make a league and stream it every friday all gangs play against eachother and its not a elimination type event. And no it's not conquest.

  12. These APD HQ's looking like Muthinator hospitals. 😷

  13. Bring back the apd vermin

  14. Make it so Medics can gamble. If civs can blow their money then medics should be able to as well.


  15. Banned for being better than  Headless I cant man Ill teach you the arma 3 ways and if that doesn't work get good or get game banned like look @ Alistairr

  16. Banned for being better than  Headless I cant man Ill teach you the arma 3 ways and if that doesn't work get good or get game banned like look @ Alistairr

  17. Can we pull the fed stats please

  18. no chance i grinded hours of s2 conquest for this dogshit wetsuit https://imgur.com/a/6eWQ7Vv

  19. Back in business baby!! @grooovythanks for your dedication being our #1 beta tester!! WSS Stays undetected #poggers #swagmoney #letsgoooo #woooo


  20. Due to increased server population, Sunday conquests will be moved to server 3 for the foreseeable future

  21. PSA: SWAT Applicants are now only required to have 7 days time in grade as a Patrol Officer instead of 14. Individuals denied from SWAT now only have to wait 14 days from their denied date instead of the 1 month.

    @APD Member

  22. yall are some big sad hours making ARMA 3 montages in 2021.. idk whats worse grinding hours on cop or taking your time making montages ahahaha 

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