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Mason Harrison

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Status Replies posted by Mason Harrison

  1. hehexd :3 

  2. Rest in Peace @Golf

  3. Who is the weirdo using my name on s2 when im not playing?

  4. what’s better at 3:40 AM, ramen or cereal?

  5. Seriously who is [SP]Major Pain and how does he have 12.5k kills yet I've only seen him once in Kavala for the 14h a day he plays.

  6. Purple or Orange? 

  7. Just a reminder that you can always ask the senior APD for feedback on how to improve.

  8. TLDR: If you want to play a copy of the new map go to Arma 2 Chenarous :(. It's like the same thing

  9. price check on armed hurons?

  10. buying pilot covs. pm me

  11. Since 7 this morning I watched the first season of GOT. Imma watch 1 season a day :)

  12. How tf can old people (I’m talking 60+ here) just drink boiling hot coffee like it’s goddamn water

  13. o7 I am stepping down from medic.

  14. selling 1 armed huron,1 ENVG, 1 dms, rpg and a MXSW taser

  15. selling 1 armed huron,1 ENVG, 1 dms, rpg and a MXSW taser

  16. selling 1 armed huron,1 ENVG, 1 dms, rpg and a MXSW taser

  17. Since no one else has said it. Congrats @Dank MeeMoo

  18. So most (hopefully all) vehicles lost due to restarts should be back now. However, still looking for the root cause of the restarts eating them. 

  19. https://gyazo.com/5e00ac8819631f4a5f1f4b44a30f12e1https://gyazo.com/5e00ac8819631f4a5f1f4b44a30f12e1 Thanks for the easy loot Vital.

  20. Hiring positions for a family, cause sad boy hours:
    1 - Smoking Hot wife (Prefer @Kyle Lake if possible)

    1 - Retarded Son

    1 - Ugly ass Daughter


  21. Happy birthday you absolute shitter @Mason Harrison


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