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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. pls someone give @rabeed corporal this nigga literally doing everything to get this shit this is nuts, he has big tits too so basically an e girl and we know every e girl gets corp

  2. Why is there so many fuckers with Danny phantom pfp 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strae


      He's a Phantom
      Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom

      Young Danny Fenton he was just 14
      When his parents built a very strange machine
      It was designed to view a world unseen

      (He's gonna catch em all cause he's Danny Phantom)
      When it didn't quite work, his folks they just quit
      But then Danny took a look inside of it
      There was a great big flash
      Everything just changed
      His molecules got all rearranged
      (Phantom phantom)
      When he first woke up he realized he had snow white hair
      And glowing' green eyes
      He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly
      He was much more unique than the other guys
      It was then Danny knew what he had to do
      He gotta stop all the ghosts who were coming through
      He's here to fight for me and you

      He's gonna catch em all cause he's Danny Phantom
      Gonna catch em all cause he's Danny Phantom
      Gonna catch em all cause he's Danny Phantom

    3. NokiaStrong


      It’s most of them is sr support team

    4. Jester


      Big fans of me

  3. Ay man I really need to go to college, you got me or? 

  4. come back old friend 

    1. Maddog


      Was just taking a look at the changes since last on. Might pop on for a little bit tomorrow evening :)

  5. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077096695/
  6. Asking for a friend, left or right? @Panera
  7. anyone else remember this guy microwaving bread?

  8. bigSMOKE


    how much u pay

    1. Evann


      rope already

    2. bigSMOKE


      @Evann you motivate me to keep posting them


    1. Evann


      stop it you are making me depressed


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Evann


      @bigSMOKE youve never even talked to me

      go back to being depressed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    3. bigSMOKE


      @Evann funny bc im not depressed, have you heard your voice my guy? maybe you should be depressed lmao. go get a job, get off the forums.

    4. Evann


      2 hours ago, bigSMOKE said:

      @Evann funny bc im not depressed, have you heard your voice my guy? maybe you should be depressed lmao. go get a job, get off the forums.



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bastro


      i seem to have struck a nerve

      @bigSMOKE and ye ik its just all his unreleased stuff 

    3. bigSMOKE


      @bastro didnt strike any nerve, just amazes me people still think the dead jokes are original or funny, im not mad just kinda amazing to me

    4. Evann
  13. incorrect, every person is different.
  14. 9d59f22f8a18a39a0cff3b99fa70675b.png

    yeah TFT is fun :bruh:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      @Jaster update we are at 79 minutes, it is fun we've played nearly all day, but they added a 90 minute que delay to stop the flood a little bit ago

    3. bigSMOKE


      update #3 it took 91 minutes

    4. Strikke


      One of my friends waited for 6h yesterday before the queue said "Matchmaking is taking to long" and then kicking him. xD

  15. you dont qualify to give out this title
  16. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198077096695/#sort=order yo lemme get
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