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Status Replies posted by Hurricane

  1. @Hurricane We reward you this medal of honor for your services to the APD. 644af24746f2c23fbf26d655db1b81d0.png

  2. @Hurricane We reward you this medal of honor for your services to the APD. 644af24746f2c23fbf26d655db1b81d0.png

  3. SInce ery1 keeps asking where my Corp is, rats exist but dwbi

  4. How can you use 4000 rounds from a ghosthawk and not kill a single person

  5. For everyone who's messaging me, Yes, @Prime stole $235 mil from our gang funds.  One of the few people who fought with me when sAPD was giving me issues.  The biggest supporter I had for wanting to become a member of Sr. RnR.  Someone who I thought was an actual friend outside of just Olympus.

    Let it be known that he will in the end screw you.  @Claysive and I worked for every cent he snaked from us because we trusted him.  Trusted a fellow Sr. RnR member.  Trusted a former staff member.  Trusted someone who we logged hundreds of hours with.

    Anyone who's interacting with Prime going forward, Here's your *BUYER Beware*.

    Imagine ruining friendships over game funds and then quitting.  Class act.

  6. Any OGs still play?

  7. What is Community Outreach 

  8. Ready the guns boys, there’s a war coming 

  9. Time to move on with life. Bye Loved and enjoyed my time i had here.  

  10. When literally one person spams Sr admins/owner complaining about epoints to the point they'd rather remove down voting then to listen to the crying...

    Perhaps that "person" should evaluate why so many people dislike you promping a mass downvote vs crying to a sr admin/owner when someone 1/2 your age is mean to you...

    (For the record I'm against mass down voting, but this isn't something new and has happened for years)

  11. Rest in Peace downvoting...

  12. @gaz time to pull out the Hurricane folder

  13. Congrats @Hurricane finally my guy 

    congrats @Panda :)

  14. Congratz @Hurricane 

    Congratz Elegance | @Panda :) 

  15. Congrats @Panda :) and @Hurricane on Sgt I knew yall would get it eventually

  16. Fuck it, why not

    Congrats @Hurricane and @Panda :)

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