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Nurse Lou

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Everything posted by Nurse Lou

  1. what about me fag
  2. One person on olympus has enough oly cash to sell for over a grand. And if anyone is dumb enough to kill themselves over a couple hundred bucks, id love to watch
  3. if you kill yourself over olympus cash your pretty fucking stupid...hopefully not stupid enough to miss your empty head
  4. @Colt @Cats
  5. do them weekly or more often
  6. ill sell you nothing because your worth nothing
  7. Cya anime kid u were always a good laugh
  8. "Twas the nizzle before christmizzle, and all through the hizzle."

  9. @RAYRAY
  10. This was TI and Tree and Ruby and Tree for a good while. Main reason we dont fight is because im not tryna cover my gang on dildo and have some asshole roll up behind me in a hatchback when im tryna rip horseshoe.
  11. i added you sweetheart @Ryan
  12. @kev has retarded prices but might be able to talk him down
  13. @Hylos congrats fat slut

    1. Hylos


      Thanks brother appreciate it

  15. Motherfuckers stay away from my momma
  16. this shit had me crying
  17. you know solomon ever since i met you i thought you were gonna kill yourself...this confirms my suspicions
  18. 3 mil
  19. Nurse Lou


    @Nightingale whys ur dad catfishing ppl
  20. @Kyle.
  21. Creaters btw
  22. 76 cents and my 3 dollar stock in zynga
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