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Everything posted by Tb:)

  1. @DeadPool write it up lets do this
  2. shit i'd go lmfao see @Genghis Khan irl would be lit
  3. Wtf? Can i put insurance on it?
  4. Rest In Piece My friend. My god man I use to play with this man all the time. FUCK. My deep condolences to the family and anyone who was friends with him. To everyone reading this. Please be safe. Suicide isn't a joke.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ryan


      @Apathy Message me what your ign was. Honestly dont remember lol

    3. Apathy


      it was some Islamic shit 

    4. Ryan


      Dont remember removing anyone with a name like that, might of been another higher up. Hop on ts :P 

  5. @Shepard always thought you'd get corp before me! Grats man you deserved it. Enjoy.:DansGame:

  6. The good ol' days 




  7. @ScreaM @Snare Have a good one guys! :) 

  8. b3d696afbb3c34c605bf5444e4bdc5e5.png fun day

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Someone with a small penis is trying to prove they have a big penis by Ddosing you. 

    3. Ang3l
  9. The song of the Week :( o7

  10. o7 man good feds and shiz in trident hope you get unbanned soon
  11. @Hot Pocket 07 my buddy, thanks for giving me my po test, you are the man! 

  12. what the fuck is wrong with these kids now adays man! https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/20/us/great-mills-high-school-shooting/index.html

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. KrispyK


      @Panda :) i dont think you know what a law is

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      A law is first a bill in congress which is sent to its corresponding comittee and the bill is debated there and if it makes it out of the comittee to goes to the senate and congress to be debated on and after that they vote on it and if the vote is to pass it it will then go to the president  and he either signs it or vetos it and if he vetos it its another process that I cannot remeber. The point that it is a very lengthy and hard process for a bill to become a law and the bill being something like gun control or taking guns it will probably never make it out of the comittee and if it does it will not make it out of the house.  


    4. KrispyK


      i dont know about that boo. people are getting really tired of their kids being shot up

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