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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by Prime

  1. @drama for the next owner?
  2. You're god damn right
  3. Prime

    WTB Armed Qilin

    Im in BPM
  4. Prime

    WTB Armed Qilin

    When I left staff I was in debt because someone dun fucked up
  5. Prime

    WTB Armed Qilin

    Maybe, I am looking for more than one so if no one else gives me a better price then I guess I'll hit you up
  6. Throw down a price down below and I'll hit you up
  7. Prime

    Best Admin?

  8. Prime

    Best Admin?

    Who's Pinkstreak?
  9. These stats are out dated go here https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us for updated stats
  10. Who's gonna play some custom games with @Childish @Coffee and myself when this bitch comes out?c642bb94214503bb8f90b70acd9c3f3f.png


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Bro, gimme that M6 

    3. Mighty


      yes, please! This shit gonna be lit!

    4. Dargen


      Halo duck hunt best game in 2010 change my mind.

  11. + fuckin 1
  12. Fixed it for you
  13. Congrats retards prepare to be ear raped by soundboards@Slumberjack@Secret Agent

    1. Slumberjack


      I already jumped from you profile song :FeelsBad:

      ty bro <3

  14. Congrats @Childish & @Coffee dont be bots now

  15. Don't worry I think @Corps and I won most of the games that night.
  16. @Kyle Lake
  17. To blue ball or not to blue ball that is the question
  18. Prime

    WTS Armed Quilin

    you can check his stats page
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