You deserve to be laughed at if you think there's something wrong with our requirements based on the fact we dont like cartels.
This will be hard for you to hear, but noone on this server does "anything of importance". It doesn't matter whether you fight cartels or sit in Kavalla all day because its a fucking videogame. Do whatever makes you happy, but stop pretending that you're somehow superior because you decided that cartels are the endgame for Olympus.
Legolum made a great post on the topic that I'll quote here:
"Simply put, not everyone enjoys cartels; I understand WHY people do, but for us life servers are about more then glorified king of the hill; we do cartels when we are bored, but it will never be a priority because it simply doesn't make up the experience for us. And as Ajax pointed out, were not the only ones that feel this way.I have way more fun getting chased by a Ghosthawk trying to sell a load of moonshine, or winning a fight over a Hemmet of diamonds, or bullshitting with cops, then I ever will at cartels. I feel it is short sighted to view cartels as the only way to enjoy the game, as Olympus has ALLOT more to offer."
The sooner people grow up and this shit about cartels goes away the better.