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Everything posted by Airman

  1. Jesse always preferred to be on top, especially when Paratus was involved.
  2. Right. Since you said I'm uninformed, it must be true. Kinda like how since you said it wasn't intentional, it must be true.
  3. Actually, you gave your opinion followed by "keep your opinions about whether or not it was intentional to yourself". You can't ask people not to speak their mind after speaking yours. You did a stupid thing on and got caught, and now you're looking for sympathy.
  4. You're right. The rules are more "guidelines" anyway. #unbanthedupers.
  5. Don't you have private servers for testing shit so that exactly this doesn't happen?
  6. Across the street for attention, down the alley for results.
  7. Here's a list of all the weapons on Arma 3, feel free to get specific with non-retarded suggestions: http://armedassault.wikia.com/wiki/ArmA_3_Weapons For example, suggesting the SPMG or NAVID would be retarded. Here's a list of all the vehicles in Arma 3 : http://armedassault.wikia.com/wiki/ArmA_3_Vehicles Aside from whats already in the server, there isn't a whole lot left that isn't armed to the fucking teeth.
  8. This can all go in Rebel. Haven't looked at the available options for clothing stores. Glasses G_Tactical_Black Uniforms U_I_CombatUniform_shortsleeve U_B_CTRG_1 U_B_CTRG_3 U_B_CTRG_2 U_B_FullGhillie_ard U_B_FullGhillie_lsh U_B_FullGhillie_sard U_BG_Guerilla1_1 U_O_T_Officer_F U_O_OfficerUniform_ocamo Backpacks B_FieldPack_ghex_F B_FieldPack_ocamo B_FieldPack_khk B_FieldPack_oli B_FieldPack_oucamo B_Kitbag_rgr B_TacticalPack_blk B_TacticalPack_rgr B_TacticalPack_ocamo B_TacticalPack_mcamo B_TacticalPack_oli
  9. When Jesse leave's Olympus:


  10. Sorry the rest of the world uses real vegetables when they cook.
  11. I need an adult to explain the broccoli/seaweed/christmas tree hybrid you've posted.
  12. So you can't full auto spray n pray ghosthawks down anymore. And you can't full auto deputies without them tazing you now. I'm seeing a pattern here. The effective range on a 7.62 is a lot higher than a vermin. Maybe stop closing the gap so often and you'll get caught less. Deputies also have worse vests than you AND can't lethal you. And as McDilli said, they can't stop orcas. Seriously, if you, a fully geared rebel, are losing to a deputy often enough that you thought it necessary to complain about them on the forums then I'd say there's a pretty good chance you're doing something wrong.
  13. It's too close to literally everything else in the screenshot tbh. Think of the poor sand runners.
  14. You merely adopted the latency. I was born in it, molded by it. For those that can't see my signature:
  15. Can someone confirm, is this 100% a legit shitpost?
  16. You deserve to be laughed at if you think there's something wrong with our requirements based on the fact we dont like cartels. This will be hard for you to hear, but noone on this server does "anything of importance". It doesn't matter whether you fight cartels or sit in Kavalla all day because its a fucking videogame. Do whatever makes you happy, but stop pretending that you're somehow superior because you decided that cartels are the endgame for Olympus. Legolum made a great post on the topic that I'll quote here: "Simply put, not everyone enjoys cartels; I understand WHY people do, but for us life servers are about more then glorified king of the hill; we do cartels when we are bored, but it will never be a priority because it simply doesn't make up the experience for us. And as Ajax pointed out, were not the only ones that feel this way.I have way more fun getting chased by a Ghosthawk trying to sell a load of moonshine, or winning a fight over a Hemmet of diamonds, or bullshitting with cops, then I ever will at cartels. I feel it is short sighted to view cartels as the only way to enjoy the game, as Olympus has ALLOT more to offer." The sooner people grow up and this shit about cartels goes away the better.
  17. Restrictions such as these wouldn't be necessary if dipshits weren't naming themselves " " or "|||||||". Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  18. Just because you dont see it, doesn't mean it isnt happening.
  19. You're both idiots. Tommy's an idiot for making stupid comments and claiming he isnt trying to start shit. Randoms an idiot for swallowing the bait. With regards to the video, we legitimately had no idea anyone was out there. Rumor has it you spotted our run in a plane with the engine cut but who knows. Well played, this certainly reminded us why you dont pack everyone inside like sardines.
  20. The thing about arguing with Phizx is its a lot like trying to play chess with a pigeon. It'll knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut sround like it won. You might as well ignore him, because his posts are literally worth less than the bandwidth he uses to create them.
  21. Obviously you need teaching if you're dying to sdars
  22. I wasn't there but I was told Random got 3 or 4 of you with that sdar. Sounds like the complete opposite of being a pussy. Had he come out of the water and gotten mk'd you'd talk shit about how bad he is for bringing an sdar on land. But your dumb ass jumps in the water with an mk and somehow Randoms the trash player? How about instead of complaining on the forums you go buy an sdar and kill him? I know its a long way from mushroom cartel to the safety of VX occupied Sofia Rebel but im sure he'll still be there when you get back.
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