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Everything posted by Tacosmell

  1. Tacosmell


    Shows how big of a hacker man I am lmaooo
  2. Tacosmell


    Sounds like you know a lot ab this lmao I'd say the pbo hider is the most malicious yeah?
  3. Tacosmell


    I mean a rat is a rat. If it is even on your computer it is automatically malicious dog lmaooo
  4. Happy birthday homie @Mutiny

  5. You mean the longsleeve?
  6. DayZ SA modded is nuts

    1. Evann


      dogshit cs player

    2. NokiaStrong


      ETA on running a ca league like it should be

    3. Tacosmell


      Kinda scuffed to run a league with half the league doing finals. Gotta wait

  7. Alright. Soooooo, I have to reconstruct how this league is going to work since most people don't want to do it how I had it set. I'll be making a post in a bit. 

  8. Yo so if i can get everyone in ts at some point today. We can possibly knock some of the first few matches of the CSGO tournament. 

    If you are able to play today, send me a message in ts or DM me so we can get this going. I was going to start it monday but if everyone is available we can start today 

    1. Evann


      how about you put an official date? not a status update. im not coming for a status update lmao

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      32 minutes ago, Evann said:

      how about you put an official date? not a status update. im not coming for a status update lmao


  9. @Ryan @TheCmdrRex Happy Bday boys! Hope it's a good one :100:

  10. I want to attend this
  11. I know this is a long shot but if anyone still plays fortnite hmu. Trying to play a bit today haven't touched the game in like 3 months

    1. Zakaloko
    2. NexIV


      Fortnite died after season 3

  12. bRo CoUlD YoU ImAgInE @Strae

  13. @Strae Tbh like. DPI glitch should be allowed

    1. GregoV1


      I'll just start throwing my mouse across my desk on you.

    2. Tacosmell


      And hiding behind restrained individuals 

    3. Skys


      shit if it was legal catching flying across red zones when cops show up

  14. Elevate Playbook is in progress boys

  15. Congratz @TheCmdrRex Deserve that title more than anyone as of recently. :100:

  16. After the 15th when rosters are finalized Currently sitting at 9 teams
  17. All active duty maps with the addition of cache
  18. Daily reminder that if you have a roster for the CSGO league it can be submitted here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKI7egnRdHpEv3NOWFDxmNRd-w3bo52uJU9MVCZmMTbtUMMA/viewform

    We currently have 8 teams as of the time I am posting this 

  19. Daily reminder. CSGO Rosters can be submitted via the link in my post in general chit chat

  20. Are we allowed to say ez win?

    1. Tacosmell


      Got 2 lethals idk what you're talking about 

    2. Tacosmell
    3. sped


      5 hours ago, rabeed said:

      you guys were just better than us and beat us badly

      taco ur a good player

      humble in defeat, good for you

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