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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Pinkstreak

  1. While I see a few benefits of this, we also have to look at this as the video game that it is. It wouldn't be fair if all servers were at "cop cap" and then other career cops simply couldn't play the game at that point. At the end of the day we are all here to play a game and have fun. Some love civ, some love medic, some love cop. Restricting the number of people that can enjoy a faction just doesn't seem fair to me (aside from server cap of course). Just my little opinion!
  2. Can confirm that Sir @Peter Longdoes not even have Arma installed...#bestowner

    1. DeadPool


      Next thing ya know hes downloading BDO @McDili

    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I just reformatted. I don't have anything installed YOU APE

    3. Pinkstreak


      Lies! Sounds like a BDO coverup to me!

  3. Woohoo @Claysive Welcome to the cool kids club!! <3

    1. Claysive


      Thank you! Good to on board!

  4. Merry Christmas Lovelies!! <3 I hope you all had a great year and I cant wait to see what 2019 brings for Olympus and this wonderful community! Love you all!

    1. 1-800TryHards


      You gonna give me my medic test :) for EMT 

  5. I would like to see it
  6. What rapidaax said
  7. Its hard to tell if votes make you loved by the community or hated....
  8. Oof Thats not true. I was on this week and he was MIA soo... Just dont let him hide behind medic this time
  9. Innocent until proven guilty by association? Please...
  10. Don't bundle me with him...I don't like dying all the time!!
  11. ...wow... For those of you that vote for me please remember....staff members can see who voted for who.. payback is coming
  12. Sad to see you go!! <3 hopefully we see you around!
  13. Thank you for the help!!
  14. Also deleting your cache data, I believe it is, in the user/appdata folder will force you to redownload the mission file which fixed my issues. I'll check when I get home and verify the path I took.
  15. Tonight was a ton of fun! Thanks to all involved!! @the - gang, you guys are the true MVPs :P

    1. bdj


      npnp was fun

    2. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      I got abused <_<

    3. DeadPool


      @Kyle Lake Do you need a band aid?

  16. I think Pinkstreak is a pretty cool medic
  17. You will be on my mind for the next few days! Everything is going to be great and amazing and perfect! We will try to get a kill for you in the gang wars <3 Keep me posted please!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. iPopsicle



    3. Ebzekro
    4. iPopsicle


      I know I am an animal.

  18. And the tears are back.....while I'm super sad and salty to see you go, I understand. Love you Acey. Please don't pull a hades and say "I'll still be around" and not mean it. Seriously though, you will be deeply missed. :'(
  19. My silly sleepy quote so far today is "Its like seeing a comet crush a baby elephant, it doesnt happen"....I need sleep in my, like yesterday :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thomas


      silly billy

    3. Pinkstreak


      See... Weird stuff comes out of this mouth... Or doesn't us know since the word life outta this post... I'm sad now :(

      Woah.. Engrish please pink. "Ya know since I left the word life out of this post"..nailed it.

    4. Pinkstreak


      Ebby, I did say that you are correct but ya know, you gotta be you :P

  20. So Gary's POV just proved that he didnt blow it... GG Gary. That was still super funny!!
  21. There is no need to call names or be upset about this at all....It was all in fun and was obviously hilarious! Great video!!
  22. Friendly reminder for Charlie squad. We have a meeting tonight at 6pm est. Be there or else! MUAHAHAHAHA

    1. Fastik


      Omg threats!!!!!

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Coming from Pink? She is as sweet a button! The world is coming to an end as we know it.... :( 

    3. Fastik


      Confirmed evil pink

  23. It has brought to the staffs attention that people are being sacrificed after complying/being robbed. This is not ok and is against the rules. Killing a player for any reason after they have complied to your demands and/or after you have robbed them is ban able and quite frankly a jerk move. If you text someone and say "Hands up or die by [Insert tag here]", they put their hands up and you end up killing them anyway is not fair at all. That is pretty much texting "I dont care if you surrender or not, you are going to be killed by [insert tag here]. Please stop this. Its unfair and no fun at all. Be nice please.
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