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Everything posted by Xeltini

  1. Oh no hopefully you don't get ddosed for being a nutty faction player
  2. You can't tell me this chick doesn't look like riley reid


    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Guess we aint watchin the same riley reid

    2. Guest


      too much porn

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      You weren’t lying about the redgull notification always being on your screen

  3. The i5 is better. https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-7700K-vs-Intel-Core-i5-9600K/3647vs4031
  4. Happy birthday @Zero. dont get too fucked up

  5. Fun times fighting you guys just me and last. o7
  6. add me on steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/xeltini/
  7. Are you in Canada for shipping?
  8. I recently upgraded so I am no longer in need of these parts and a few people from Olympus have shown interest so I would rather sell them to some of you guys then some randoms. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/fktB9J Everything on that pc part picker list I am willing to sell. Shoot me offers below or in pm. If you are wondering about performance, all of my montages that are posted at this time have been played and recorded on the hardware being sold. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvll1Kjk4EisUzIa3l8wFQ?
  9. o7 I will never forget the first time I met you. Ghengis home invasion defense system
  10. @Sam1 I guess this is quicker than me putting a bullet in your head. 


  11. o7 @codeYeTi from the few times I played with you on cop and the few messages we sent each other you seemed like a good guy. Sorry I stole your weed truck

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Ima need my Ifrit back, oh wait it got seized by the APD

    2. Xeltini


      9 minutes ago, communistjosh said:

      Ima need my Ifrit back, oh wait it got seized by the APD

      Its not my fault you guys ditched off warzone.

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
  12. Happy Birthday @Peter Long if we play ROE today i'll use the skiing pack just for today. 

  13. Congrats @Ryan finally getting it ay baby lets go. 

  14. ^^^^^ In my opinion 18 months for a blacklist is ridiculous. 90% of people don't play Arma for that long. I just wanna play with some of my buds but lying about their age 6 days before their 16th birthday has held them back for 18 months. From the encounters I have personally had with Suki he denied me for providing a wrong player id. Understandable. Then, I immediately submitted another application and said in my description "I'm pretty sure this is the correct steam id. I have used this one for everything." Denied again for providing no narrative and I have to wait 2 weeks to reapply. I message him on the forums very respectfully inquire if there could be some exception around this since I already provided a narrative in the last application that l turned in 30 minutes ago. He instantly gets an attitude with me and messages me like i'm some privileged 13 year old. In my opinion some of the Senior R&R need to pull the giant flaming metal rods out of their assholes and understand its a video game on a light rp server.
  15. Congrats Sr. Medic Cartel GOD @Destruct

  16. I think the image speaks for itself.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      At least no seniors lol 

    3. Toasty


      honestly, just remove the apd.

    4. Ryan


      15 hours ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      At least no seniors lol 

      No seniors but 2 different gangs decided to join the cops side so yikes lmao

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