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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. The wheels on the bus

  2. Other stuff came up... Other things happened. No legal action
  3. So to give everyone an update on contact DLC... We had everything ready for its release but then we found some bugs on it that we needed to fix. Then after we fixed that we found out they changed some class names for what we had ready, then we had some shit get fucked up with loadout saving. Tldr we are working on getting an update out tonight, hopefully within the next few hours.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Billeh


      Shit this still would of happened if mcdili owner

  4. Winners have been announced on the thread. Grats boys :P 

  5. Congrats @Caleb Snackbar and @Vac. on winning the DLC giveaway! Congrats to @HuntK_, @1thedoc, @jeron_52, @GoofyThief, and @BossLnD on winning the $25 donor rank giveaway! DLC winners accept the steam friend request. Donor rank winners PM me.
  6. Winners will be announced when it home... so about an hour ish. 

  7. Y’all ready for shotguns and tractors?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Strae


      I've used many shotguns in my time

    3. SPBojo


      Buy me the dlc and I'l tell you if I'm ready or not tbh 

    4. GregoV1


      @Decimus will come out of retirement to drive around in a tractor

  8. False. Never have given up my items once.
  9. @Dominick Ramos Don’t make me regret it :P 

  10. o7 @Pledge Thank you for your service, cant wait to see what your next step is with Olympus

    Congrats to the boys @ChrisGG and @Mako

    1. iPopsicle
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza


      Just now, iPopsicle said:

      o7 @Pledge

      Congrats @Pledge


  11. This man followed the instructions, obviously the winner
  12. So in light of the new dlc coming out, we will be giving away 2 contact DLC’s upon its release, as well as giving out $25 donor to 5 different people. Giveaway ends when the DLC comes out, just comment your steam link below Also shoutout @Mako for the idea
  13. o7 my guy, went from a corporal support team shitter to a dep chief moderator. Good luck in your future endeavors and ill do my best to keep this shit running <3 Dont be a stranger and hmu whenever. Dont need a rank to message me
  14. I realize when there is something someone doesnt like they have the right to address their concerns, and no lie by the time I took ownership most of the changes were implemented for next hotfix so there was no going back on it but when the sAPD approve what was coming in for their faction and then try to @ me for a "paywall" that I didnt create then thats when it gets fucked.

    sAPD were well aware of what was coming and what everything looks like, and who gets it. Dont know why they are surprised by what they received:



    Next time speak to me instead of saying:



    A PM or message on snap via one of your seniors will be better in the future :thumbup:

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Ryan


      @Hoonter I get the frustration, and have spoken to the design team to prevent something like this again. 

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      I also apparently can't type because my last response made no sense lol

  15. The right way to play cop :Kappa:


    1. obeymatt


      Admin Esp is the only way to play cop:4head:

  16. ^^ it was an honor to receive the wave of downvotes in light of its comeback, it only meant good things were coming!!
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