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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. dip next?
  2. howd you get your shadowplay to record your blinks
  3. i know fuck you zahzi bitch fuck you only reason we aint got dip rn is you fuck you zahzi
  4. cabal leadership: outsmarted
  5. COC noob sit the fuck down bitch outplayed
  6. keeping this thread alive
  7. Pancake


    everyone should get a 1 time bet all option they can use at any time but only once, 50/50 shot at doubled bank account and no bank account. Make it work for war points too if you wanna spice it up
  8. 11/10 do more
  9. @ Ryan @ Fraali @ Zahzi @ Doc @ Grandma Gary @ destruct @ Mako @ codeYeTi @ zoomzooooooom @ Strae :) @ Secret Agent @ jig @ ZeRo @ Maddox @ HeadLESS thoughts?
  10. yesterday marked 1,111 days since the dip post was first made and after over 3 years WE STILL HAVE NO DIP. Over the past 3 years i have had multiple admins and staff tell me it is on its way but it is STIL NOT HERE what gives??

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ Tech is still hard at work on it.  Any day now my guy.

    2. Tech


      just 13 more units of time

  11. this is a roleplay server and anyone who doesn't enjoy roleplaying should quit the server immediately no questions asked
  12. the real staff abuse was not banning him months ago
  13. word has it kidney rework coming with the dip update ... only 3 units of time away!
  14. @ lukie  congrats, never thought it'd happen

  15. player named -s- ivy vdmd my tempest full of diamons
  16. add dip next
  17. pathetic post, imagine flexing arma money go outside
  18. dr doom isnt in silla you dementia riddled old man go breastfeed your 11 kids
  19. Pancake


    hurricane fat
  20. god i hate silla so fucking vdm gang
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