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Everything posted by hawk

  1. Move them to a different island
  2. Let's all take a moment of silence in Kavala for Stan Lee, the legend will be missed :(

    1. Hats


      yes set that shit up 8 pm ct 

    2. hawk


      16 minutes ago, Hats said:

      yes set that shit up 8 pm ct 

      Make it happen and I'll give you corporal :Kappa:

    3. Hats


      get your whole cop force to do it 

  3. @Jamie Congrats now you'll be able to Kavala scat all day 

    @Kyle Lake congrats 

  4. How much for an MK1 and a NATO beret?
  5. The one thing I was proud of, and you fucked up my whole combo
  6. edb88eb2f9aadc95225d306cb5d2faa9.png Who did dis

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peter Long
    3. ikiled


      new titles for each rank

    4. hawk


      Just now, ikiled said:

      new titles for each rank

      O okay, makes sense robloxian ikiled

  7. hawk

    The End

    o7 dude, had fun chillin with ya
  8. hawk

    A New APD

    It's fine, was just making sure you weren't misinterpreting the post
  9. hawk

    A New APD

    This mans gets it, before, it was relatively easy to get an exception if you followed a certain amount of steps, now you need to actually stand out and be known within the community instead of simply following a list of things you need to do to obtain an age exception.
  10. hawk

    A New APD

    "You can feel completely open to apply as an under-ager, but do know that the standard is going to be high and you need to be an outstanding member without a toxic reputation if you want even a chance." Trust me, it will be much harder to obtain an age exception, it obviously won't be impossible but it will require more work than before.
  11. hawk

    A New APD

    The post explains how it will be harder to obtain an age exception and how the standard will be raised as you must prove that you are mature and worthy of being an APD member if you are underage.
  12. hawk

    A New APD

    Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not
  13. hawk

    A New APD

    11/3/2018. Fixed the date format for you
  14. o7 - I remember the time I exploited as a PO and you didn't demote me as I took the 3 day ban instead of the 1 day ban. Good luck in college and in your future, and don't get too drunk on the rona's.
  15. The Outsiders was actually a good book
  16. hawk


    I know my fellow frenchie would never leave me, this is a troll post..... hopefully
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