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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Anyone else that doesn’t play arma 3 anymore just come on the forums to check on the old homies

  2. rip i miss the good 2018 olympus days:(


  3. ETA on the next gang wars so I can get smacked again :wub:

    1. buckie


      hows the first round for yea


    2. Jerry


      @buckie it was good til we had to redo it becuase our boy the savage @Viper used a ASP in a bush and killed like 3 of them xddd

    3. NokiaStrong


      They never said we couldn’t use warpoints weapons

  4. Just sayin. Move warzone rebel back. Thanks

    1. monster


      No thanks, when i go to warzone i don't want to be reported for combat store cause some rat shot at me from og.

  5. bro wtf please get off
  6. @kaleq ill eat your nipples

    1. kaleq


      ill eat yours first

  7. 40th like that bitch better buy a headset
  8. Do you even eft?
  9. Ur ganny tranny 936
  10. 99
  11. Jerry

    WTB any meth house

  12. Jerry

    WTB any meth house

    https://gyazo.com/8ee63b1ec8521794f3a6e5c67cd650b1 Selling the one to the left for 1 mil and the one to the right for 2 mil
  13. Jerry

    neck yourself happy bday

    1. hawk


      maybe i will. Thanks tho :)

  14. “I sTePpEd DoWn WiLl Be To InAcTiVe”
  15. Why am i saying o7?

  16. @Tiger to soon
  17. Why so early some people like sleep
  18. 83
  19. eta on fixing server 3 xd


  20. Exposed pls quit
  21. @Ignis thanks for the new profile picture xd

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