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Panda :)

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. This is an outrage I am a retired Lieutenant of the APD and I cannot have APD tags?

    1. Hurricane


      I'm with my fellow Retired sAPD brother 

  2. Didn’t read very many comments to maybe I am restating what’s already been said but Processing and runs as a whole too fast disrupts the flow and gameplay of the server definitely increase the amount you make.
  3. Welcome to retirement my fellow large brethren.

  4. It works more like this. When they place a ban it automatically bans your battleeye ID steam ID your current IP and any other IP that you they have record of you connecting on and this usually affects other players if they live together or use VPN or have used VPNs and gotten unlucky to share the same IP. Anyway @ AbraKadabra when I was staff this happened often to my bans when you ban someone else it doesn’t tell you that it is banning you as well so I can assure you the. When the staff member does it they don’t know I recommend contacting a senior staff member about it and tell him you share a battle metrics identifier with someone that is always getting banned and it is also banned you and they should be able to remove it.
  5. Happy pride month!

  6. What is this countdown timer someone fill me in.

    1. Rafa


      BI is going to be announcing the “future of ArmA”. 

      Best case, new game. Worst case, more DLC that we can’t even use. Someone also mentioned they might just be announcing their new launcher for all their games. 

    2. Ajax


      I'm hoping they officially announce Arma 4 but its probably just gonna be some new bs DLC 

  7. Panda :)


    Hello all. With me being removed from staff today I thought it would be appropriate for an o7 post. For anyone wondering I didn’t do any stupid I was removed for inactivity which I honestly deserved probably close to a year ago. let’s get started with the o7s I’ll start with the people that made me enjoy the APD the most. @ Egnazio my dawg made me enjoy cop a ton and probably one of the only reasons I ever went as far as I did in apd made me want to play and helped me get corporal @ Mr GOAT The only reason I ever got cop. I lied about my age was blacklisted then lied again to goat in an appeal and he was too blasted to care and let me get a deputy test. Besides that he’s one of the main homies really a cool guy one of the funniest people on Olympus. @ Mako Helped me numerous times throughout my grind as a PO to enjoy the time I put in. Also a big homie although as a community manager do think it has made you a little too serious but do what ever makes you happy. @ChrisGG Big dog really pushed for me to get Sgt probably had a lot to do with Lt. as well would have gotten Dep chief under you too if I didn’t cuck myself . Besides APD really cool guy a lot of people judged before even speaking to him. @ rabid towards the end of my run as active APD you kind of sparked me to want to play more but I was too far gone. Other than APD really cool guy enjoyed playing you with a ton I’m sure we’ll play a lot more in the future. staff people @ destruct hated you at first for no good reason then realized you are cool @ Grandma Gary thanks for not removing me sooner @ ThatNerdyGuy don’t worry big guy Joe Burrow will win the big game next time. All seriousness love hate with you but you pretty cool guy. @ Strae Honorable member of the Guamenese Air Force o7. Other notable people @ Great guy inside and outside of Olympus had many fun times with you some of the best times I played video games was with you. Thanks for everything on Olympus. Again I’m sure I’ll play with you again. @ zoomzooooooom Biggest monkey the server has to offer again one of the funniest people miss the times you would randomly hop on and do random shit was fun. @ Airborne The King that is large and in charge. See you soon Mr. Kolina @ Fayrel Air Bobby’s #1 supporter I’ll be back soon as I can for air support. @ CocoisDead I will be handing off leader ship of Guamenese Air Force to you as soon as the discharge papers are signed @ Siltonious Milton II Favorite AU player will definitely be back so timbo and silly ass can go crazy on conq. @ Kamikaze We we’re the best staff members to ever do it they made a big mistake their loss fr tho big homie hope all is well. I know I definitely missed a lot of people I’m sorry if I missed you I might edit more in I’ve had a great times on Olympus thanks to anyone who made it worthwhile it’s crazy to think I remember playing this server when I was in 5th grade and I just registered for college classes Monday and I’m just now leaving. Also for anyone reading if you have any memorable or funny stories / videos between us please share. Ty.
  8. I need my retired tags Mr staff members

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      is toxic panda making a comeback now that ur not staff?

    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Didn’t retire was removed for inactivity and probably not 😂

    3. Elements


      all i wanna do is play on my favorite staff members server

  9. Need ideas for senior quotes best one I'll give a mil to.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      All joking aside I'm partial to the one I used by John Paul Jones "I've not yet begun to fight", of course I used that because my counselor blocked "I'll remember you all in therapy"

    3. Lucien


      @ Lorax 's senior quotes allowed for people to use emojis, are you allowed to? Could easily get some copypasta emoji spam in there

    4. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      @ Lucien  I have to submit it through a google form so I would assume so any recommendations on copy pastas.

      Also just found out that these have to approved by my principles.

  10. The dispute system is pretty new to me personally I have been gone for the past few weeks and haven’t had to interact with it yet, but I have heard @ Doc talk about the dispute systems if I remember correctly (and I may not) he said that the player list shows all players online and ones that have also recently disconnected and shows them for a while, but I understand that accidents happen and it maybe too late and they will no longer be on the list. Have you tried making a ticket explaining the situation fully because I don’t see a reason why you should be denied at least comp.
  11. I had a much larger post explaining how and why it’s fucked up for you to go out of your way to be rude to people that trying to help you, but I figured it would go in one ear and out the other. Maybe we should go back to elected civilian council members
  12. What a great way to treat applicants and being unbiased.
  13. Good bye gamer
  14. P2P buying rule No. 1 never tell anyone the max amount you will pay for anything because that is the amount they will want.
  15. Panda :)


    Uhh hi man uh long time fan here…. Any way I could get your autograph
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