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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Cyanide

  1. o7
  2. i don't think i ever had the chance to talk to you but have always heard that you where chill. o7
  3. o7 to a real one.
  4. jesus, what did goat say?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Masonn


      There's a time and place for jokes and banter quite obvious goat is yet to understand this. 


    3. Xlax


      bro that's actually fuckin hilarious why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch about this LMAO @an overweight giant retard

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      I just have like alot of fans man @Xlax

  5. Wasn't he afk for a while before he left.
  6. It's been fun playing and getting to know everyone, but sadly I guess it's finally time for me to go. o7 boys
  7. I'll sell mine for 30
  8. where my @ bb
  9. https://steamcommunity.com/id/jace03/
  10. will sell my hawk for 30mill
  11. Cyanide

    o7 Gamers

    Not sure how I feel about my note that you gave me; however, it's been fun o7.
  12. @Zeuse you got this bb
  13. You realize that it was a group made by @Zeuse and for as long as I've known him he's only used one password for everything. not that hard to figure it out.
  14. yo, @Unjo isn't this the kid that was crying that we were admins abusing our power?
  15. best 7 hours of my life

  16. That moment when you wait 5 hours for Ti to find a roster.

  17. https://gyazo.com/fcedfdc0883f19c25cedceb359b73866
  18. o7. hope it all gets sorted.
  19. You know what, I'm leaving DB and joining Bots. I'm home boys!
  20. The first PO in space


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