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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. "hm maybe il play arma today"
    *logs in for first time in two weeks*

    not even off loading screen

    >ALT F4

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      no initiation ;)

      technically not even ingame yet

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Avoiding a situation is still combat logging

    4. KrispyK


      not even off loading menu, you sound like a cucked vigi

  2. anyone have guides for armas language that is still up? want to take a break from the shit my college is making me use

    1. ScreaM


      like the scripting/coding language?

    2. KrispyK


      yeah, im trying to figure out functions and shit but i cant find any resources

      rn im just going through scripts but

    3. ScreaM
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      bitcoin prices have crashed. hard. its most likly from miners

    3. MAV


      thats what we call a no longer in use mining card... (i have 4 of them trucking away at 100% for months now)

    4. Ronin


      mining card, rip

  3. malden having good pop? thinking about going to play over there

    1. Kurt


      Currently it is down while we do some major developmental updates.  Be prepared for a post about it in the next few days!

  4. Redo the event with only lethals, medics immune and no gun store camping

    Cops make money and civs have fun

    Win win 

    1. JAMIE


      we cooked it up real quick we saw a few things we need t do diff next time <3 glad people had fun tho

  5. ways you can improve on this add running create situations in the jail for cop to direct the prisoners to do get rid of vigi outposts entirely, making vigis not want to go after 75k bounties due to the effort needed
  6. cmdr rex is slowing destroying civ life and getting rid of any strats that civs use yall seein this or... like scat life is honestly dead at this point

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Pledge


      1 hour ago, Bahamut said:

      also i made 7 mil in one week on cop. tf u talkin bout

      Have you ever done any runs... Like ever


      7 mil in a week....




    3. MAV


      on civ you can roughly make 1 mil per hour if you know what your doing

    4. KrispyK


      I did plat runs in t. Was about 5.

      You also need a good house for drugs to make good money, but tree owned them all.

  7. this i sactually the worst cop buff in a long while might aswell just change the name to military at this point are yall that bad you need to use lethals at 5 minutes now??? seriously???? how yall going to add charges without knowing someones name, you dont technically know someones name until you get verification through processing or 'license plate'
  8. my college is making a minecraft hunger games esport team/scholarship im about to beck my self but join for the free 3k scholarship

  9. dyi solar gen for those in the hurricane path https://imgur.com/gallery/t0YRU#bDGFGrH

  10. https://www.history.com/topics/21st-century/flight-93
  11. i know there was one but im not sure which
  12. i belive the one that crashed in pa was aimed at my nuclear reactor which was across the lake from me. (erie) im still afraid of that thing which you can see everyday on the drive
  13. first time playin lol in a long while, did i remember the build right? unknown.png

    1. Kamikaze


      cinderhulk, tabis, and titanic then rest is situational

  14. im liking these new deputies.
    they let me go with a 200k bounty after role-playing and let me keep my bounty 10/10 would role-play again. too bad they will loose the role-play gene when they hit PO

    1. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Yea but they'll get back the role play gene when they make SGT

    2. KrispyK
  15. imagine not being able to shoot them before they make it to the door.
  16. Why is ninja on Fucking espn

    1. MAV


      y i k e s, thats 2018 for ya...

    2. Vcx


      cuz gaming is a S P O R T

    3. KrispyK


      fuck esports it took my major away

  17. for the first time I have 60 fps inkavala after 2 years of 20-30 fps. holy bawls

  18. My new laptop runs arma better than my PC time to neck

  19. if someone buys me scum il buy you a wow token

    1. Nurse Lou
    2. KrispyK


      how much is destiny retail now

      i have blizz balance but can't exchange smh

  20. civ rep idea: cartels give a 10% speed boost on the drug pros you captured

  21. cop rewards omegalul

    1. -dante-


      yeah cuz saving loadouts def benefits cops more than civs :hmm:

    2. KrispyK


      drug money

      lets be honest duante....deputies. also sandman use to regularly forget his vest

    3. -dante-


      So one for civs and one for cops o no how terrible

  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6cnryxwH6A atlest you have time to get a job to buy that alexa now
  23. *someone goes down 20 mil* enter monkey brain logic: "OMG HE MUST BE BUYING THE ELECTION!!"

    1. JAMIE


      2 hours ago, Matt The Savage said:

      idk some guy told me yesterday if i pay him 5 mil he can get me 40-50 votes lmao

      thats a deal

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