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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. "clan" also why do yall have worse voices than proud and savage. its like bdj and savage had a love child this is the most cringiest gang i have ever seen
  2. anyone know how to fix surround sound for USB headphones my left speaker is my right one

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pledge


      27 minutes ago, Destruct said:

      Turn your headset around

      He's wearing it backwards but he wont believe us

    3. KrispyK


      i just bought this headset..

      its also only on arma

    4. Savage


      If it's only on arma it's an arma thing, there's a start

  3. was about to say im wearing my damn 15k minutes on cop i earned it
  4. anyone know how to fix game freezing in fortnite? shit keeps getting me killed. i run at 120 fps on ultra

    1. QKSILVR73


      Turn down from ultra and see if it helps.  update drivers.

    2. -dante-


      Yeah just uninstall it. 

    3. Stuuurrt


      Easiest solution, Dont play Fortnite.

  5. if you ever think you royally fucked up just remember i accidentally uploaded my social security number to imgur

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      i have a auto screenshot uploader and i accidently hit my keybind

    3. DeadPool


      proof or it didnt happen 

    4. KrispyK
  6. got an interview to work at my apartment poggers

    working as a marketing associate

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. noah:)


      absolute retard

    3. KrispyK


      well if we didnt have 15 year olds with booters there woudnt be a problem

    4. BananaHammock


      Those 15 year olds are basically everywhere... you need to be vigilant and conservative with the the information you post on the internet.

  7. Shotguns got nerfed on fortnite :Kreygasm:

    1. monster


      i shotgun with mk1's on fortnite

    2. KrispyK


      Ya llama is gay but being one tapped with full shield and health by a pump is hella gay.

      Also don't like that triple pumping is a thing, they should nerf the time to switch 

      One guy I do like Panera in cqc is the smg, they should release an epic or purple version 

    3. KrispyK


      Oh hell yeah mini guns are better.

      1v8d so many times In Dusty solo squads xd

  8. Belive a person who's in fucking IT
  9. Also purge you downloads directory, it adds up. Also try CCLEANER (It was hacked awhile ago look up to see if it's Gucci before you download)
  10. Or just sort by file size
  11. Take a screenshot of your program files directory and the I think (64x) one. Not at my computer
  12. @Sandman will i get in trouble if i make you forgot your vest jokesnow??

    @Deputy Dog :peterscream: CONGRATS BUD

    1. Deputy Dog

      Deputy Dog

      I love that Pic!!!  Krispyk

  13. Heard SAPD have been talking shit about my life... apparently ppl I don’t even know. If you don’t know me keep my name out of ya mouth...

  14. you let yourself get ran over???
  15. @N7Zero im suprised you havnt made a meme of me yet :Kappa:

    1. N7Zero


      wont anytime soon, i've reformed but others say i didnt :( (peter long)

    2. -dante-


      2 minutes ago, N7Zero said:

      wont anytime soon, i've reformed but others say i didnt :( (peter long)

      Look on the bright side... more time to binge Netflix <3

    3. N7Zero


      1 minute ago, Dante said:

      Look on the bright side... more time to binge Netflix <3

      ha..ha.. ha... Image result for laughing to crying gif

  16. 14 yearolds should be banned fromt he server, game is rated M anyways
  17. why are fortnites hitboxs for snipers so big? mans shot 2 foot behind me in the replay

    1. KrispyK


      11 minutes ago, Panera said:

      replays are broken 

      i take it back this games shit i just had a 10 year old tell me to stop swearing in squads






      games still good

    2. Brennan


      ? ? ? replay's don't show exact server side shots (one's that count). It just shows general client collected data so that it can show you who is shooting and where at (not precise)

    3. darn fool

      darn fool

      Gay baby game

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeadPool


      Thats not raptor

    3. KrispyK


      its a meme about him being a pedophile

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      37 minutes ago, KrispyK said:

      its a meme about him being a pedophile

      Memes are supposed to be funny.  Not if he had been some sorta paedo mascot with peanut butter on his face we could talk.

  18. how many pro 0 crats do you own?
  19. hmu for squads in fortn chronowendigo

  20. i change my name once every 6 months tf
  21. what keybinds do yall use to build in fortnite? that q shift is really awkward  

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamikaze


      f for wall

      t for floor 

      v for stairs

      7 minutes ago, Proud said:

      Left ctrl for stairs

      Q for walls

      f1 for floors

      I like em, but others say it's confusing

      that is mad confusing 

    3. TheKingSage


      mouse button 4 for walls, q for stairs, x for pyramid, f for floors

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