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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. unbanathon except hackers are excluded?

  2. if i dont get 80 fps atlest with this god tier computer im gonna be pissed

    1. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      with the update right now, you wont get jack shit fps. its fucked.

    2. KrispyK


      i got 90 on ultra

    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      i was getting like 100 on cap, but dropped down to 40 for a while for some fucking reason.

  3. I get 1000 fps on mc with 2 ram with the new i7..what the actual fuck

    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      If you're getting 1000fps how is your shit not ghosting

    2. KrispyK


      idk what that means


  4. Petition to change kavalas name to palestine @Ryan

    1. maxg


      Petition to remove @Ryan cuz he likes boys 

    2. Hunter


      11 minutes ago, maxg said:

      Petition to remove @Ryan cuz he likes boys 


  5. got new whip so i need a new playlist

    an yall got some racing songs boutta be on the highway for a long ass time while i drive back to college

    1. Burrows


      Its British but it slaps your welcome my guy.

    2. Strikke


      Went to Yosemite last week and being stoned AF while listening to "Shahmen" while driving was prob the best experience i have ever had. (not really racing music but its lit)

  6. KrispyK


    was good times playing with you jester, have fun man. play classic wow its alot more fun this this gay game lol.
  7. remember when you retards said tiger was reformed omegaLUL

  8. Ms frizzle is a milf change my mind @Ryan

  9. I am now a yasuo bot main 

    get ready for that 0/8 power spike

  10. #take back the shotgun from the corps

  11. who the fuck is m5 and bralls
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/id/jordanw1337/
  13. bye -b- gang shitter
  14. When your goofing off in kavala with a girl voice changer pretending to be nicolee around apd and someone asks for nudes :yikes:

  15. i think we just need @Jesse to re release olympus under a new name, and make olympus great again. get that old staff back

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Thats an awful narrative 

    3. -dante-


      @KGB JOSHonly if it’s promised it can’t be lifted under any circumstances. And staff are not excluded. 

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Deal but it cant be me :) 

  16. do i need to make another peanut butter video about ares? :thinking-face_1f914: anyone got screens for the thread i wasnt here

  17. cops refusing to roleplay when ur not arrested/a criminal is pretty monkas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK



    3. Danger


      Just the closed beta, but cant wait!!!! 

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Thats why you take them hostage, now they are the detainee

  18. roleplayer stream twitch.tv/sahkikt 

  19. 1v1 in ds3 outside pontiff no dex builds str only

  20. level 500 sperg

  21. Well we know why cartel players wanted it gone @Danger their autolock went on the doors
  22. Imagine cheating on arma. Just get a 144hz monitor 

    1. Ziggyuwu


      1 hour ago, Hadi Mokdad said:

      No point if most of them only get 60 fps

      but sometimes on cap you'll get 90 fps and its pure bliss when that happens

  23. Locking my status update cuz you dont like my opinion when im not breaking any rules makes you a pepega

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Strikke


      @Grandma Gary Yea you good on that one btw. :) 

      @KrispyK "Yall didnt say his discord was the reason"
      Why would this being the reason have anything to do with the situation here? its not allowed regardless. 


      "im talking about future shit"

      So i guess you just want Olympus to break Bohemia's policy and then poof no more Arma servers? like im trying to understand how you are rationalizing that Olympus getting fucked would be a good idea??


  24. OLYMPUS staff are officially retarded shills banning a big community member over a giveaway

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. KrispyK


      Litterally coulda just ignored it

      Bohiema didnt link the giveaway

      When yall partnering with china/tencent

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I can see you are a lost cause so we are not gonna waste anymore effort trying to educate you.

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      25 minutes ago, MAV said:

      Bohimia also told us we needed to coup hawk from staff... so we had to force him in to retirement as well.

      Bohemia is doing gods work

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