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Everything posted by Randyy

  1. Trump has been and is being very good to the military lol. What do you mean by fucking over exactly?

  2. Our American Savior is in danger 
    @Parker R

  3. How do people get caught ban evading how stupid can you be
  4. can someone make a minecraft server me and @Parker R can play

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Randyy


      @Scribble sir can u toss it my way so I can craft and create

    3. Scribble



      youll have to get your own fabric installer it doesn't work on drop but it has the build on it

    4. Scribble


      i changed it back to default 16.3

  5. If anyone has https://ourworldofpixels.com/ coordinates for olympus folks so we can make a million swastikas and all sorts of shit let me know

    1. Haze


      Fuck u Randal

  6. 76561198053304686 @Panda :)
  7. anyone have a minecraft server that me and @Linka can play on 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Linka


      if u can find us a server ill play

    3. Monks


      both linka and randy are already whitelisted on my server so get on it if you wanttt

    4. Linka



  8. who plays sea of thieves msg me im a god

    1. Jaster
    2. Randyy


      @rapidaax idk I got it for a dollar and Im just wiping kids theres I always find people to pvp

  9. frickin sick cant wait to dominate the lands!1!
  10. eta on the minecraft server lets go im on rn lets go im on rn lets go im on rn

  11. @Ryan let me play @Ryan @Ryan @Ryan
  12. someone invite me to their realm 

    1. silton


      We went over this in class Randall it's their not there

    2. DashTonic


      Whitemane is where it is at

    3. Elements


      shut the hell up. oh my god stop talking. SHUT THE FUCK UP. SHUT UP HOLY HECK ZIP IT!

  13. my mom double clicked cheat engine when i was showering pelase unban

  14. accidentally opened cheat engine frick

  15. Everytime I click Browse Local Files on steam it doesnt open anything or work, it does this for every program. Origin Doesnt do it either anyone know anything?

  16. the bottom paragraph was extremely difficult to read holy shit
  17. this shit has me dead hahahahaa

  18. are you guys talking about the worlds most developed altis life server?
  19. i dont get it
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